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Everything posted by BOB

  1. It doesn't sound good. Try spraying some air spray into the fan it could be clogged up with dust. Failing that some fans can be replaced in laptops ask your local computer shop. A new fan is a lot less expensive than a new laptop.
  2. What about these events The one near us usually has a family dog show. We could help out if it's any good - work and children permitting.
  3. They're all gorgeous, they look like they are having a wonderful time. I can't wait for my first oldie
  4. I have been recommended it by several people but never tried it. You can get the rescue remedy in pastiles now which should be much easier for dogs to take than the drops that have to be added to water.
  5. Thanks Tilly - already sent and waiting for a reply, I'm so excited, I just hope we are suitable. By the way my name's not Bob, it's Tracey - my son suggested Bob, the names I choose were apparently un-dudey
  6. Hello all I'm another newbie offering my services as a fosterer in Lincolnshire. My brood consists of 1 very fat lazy house cat, 4 free range ex-batt chickens, 1 12 year old son and 1 long suffering but wonderful hubby. We've both previously had dogs and recently short term fostered a young dog and now i've got the bug and would love to give a temporary home to an oldie or two. I've loved reading all your posts even the ones that made me and will hopefully be able to add some tails (sorry) of my own soon.
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