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Everything posted by Gemstone

  1. I heard her on the radio in the summer. She didn't sound like a cat in a box though . My friend has just given me my first Christmas card which is an advent one . I can count down the days to finishing work now .
  2. So sorry Maria, thinking of you Run free Smudge
  3. I was sure that I posted an RMF yesterday but it has disapeared Never mind, it was only some rubbish about making my friend's ipad sing "Dancing Queen" . I am drinking hot chocolate .
  4. Same here Favourites are a Winnie the Pooh one from Florida and a double thickness pink one with a cat on it from Homebase Well done Alex Primark sell good thermals Was very busy there today Four more weeks to go .
  5. Jules Griff I suprised myself with how organised I was this morning UPS were delivering a parcel and I left a note asking them to leave it in the conservatory if I was out AND I left a sticker with my signature on it for them . It worked too and they left the parcel which is a pressie for Darren's birthday in two weeks .
  6. Alex. I am due on too and am fixing all my problems by eating chocolate I had bought it to make brownies for the boys so I am being a very bad mummy
  7. It is freezing out there! Brrrr! Had a nice day today , church, pub lunch, quick visit to Liverpool to visit the Coca Cola (holidays are coming) truck, dog walk, hot chocolate, Special church service receiving shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child and then Xfactor . Boring bit now , sorting out the uniforms for tomorrow....
  8. I loved Zumba when I went to my first class last week I wasn't very good at it but I just kept moving . I can't go this week though cos I am going to see Blood Brothers with Adam . I think you are fab Alex , a real superwoman, always getting stuff done and studying, I don't know how you do it. I have bought a Christmas tree necklace from Pastimes
  9. I emailed John lewis but I did feel a bit of a hypocrite about it afterwards My Hollie used to spend twelve hours a day in my garden !! She had a kennel and it was her favorite place in the whole world. It was her choice to be out there even when I was at home. She was a farm bred collie and I put it down to that . She used to come in after tea and sleep in at night but couldn't wait to go out in the mornings .
  10. Awww at least the cat is out now and hopefully safely home
  11. Actually my hair is straight this weekend Yay Como! Hi Di Did you get my PM about coming a little later for grooming? (Not me personally , the tatty terriers!)
  12. I have had a busy day today, ickle foster is here for the weekend and my parents came for lunch. Just walked the dogs and am now preparing tea surrounded by a plastic tea set I still go to the same forums as always and facebook, I don't know why it is so quiet here these days .
  13. Hope all went well I went to work, dog walked, did the school run and have just had hot chocolate and put jacket potatoes in the oven cos I am going back out for a haircut now, I hate going to the hairdresser And I have promised my friend I will go to a Zumba class with her tonight
  14. How exciting Mog Good luck Billy Owl Jazz Poor lost dogs I worry so much about mine when there are fireworks going off .
  15. Lovely news Congratulations to you and Kev :pinkie:
  16. Thanks Sam Can anyone recommend any lights for the dogs please? Well done Alex My eating habbits have reached an all time low I have a bar of chocolate at 9.30am to keep me going until I finish work at two cos I don't get a break and then I buy crisps or a sandwich on my way home and ignore the fruit in my handbag . Note to self, start Christmas shopping
  17. I have no heating or hot water. I am stressed out about having to walk the dogs in the dark every day I know lots of people have to do it but it is so long since I last had to and I miss gazing out to sea every day
  18. Scaredy Merles. My lot hate fireworks too but not had any round here yet apart from when I walked the dogs today, I got to the car park where Darren was coming to pick us up and there was a bunch of teenagers there setting up fireworks on the rocks to set off in broad daylight (5pm anyway). So I put the dogs on their leads and legged it up the road with them and then jumped into the car as it arrived like a mad woman (OK so maybe I am a mad woman ). I just had to get the dogs away from there as quickly as I could. I haven't bought anything at Primark yet because staff have to pay at the Customer Services desk and I can't be bothered queueing . I will set aside a time to shop there soon though as I have seen some fab stuff to put in my shoe boxes next month . Griff Did you see the bumpy sheepdog on the news?
  19. Jazz Work is mad busy this week with it being half term but it is lovely to sign off my till at 2pm and walk out The vet is pleased with Jacko's paw now and he is allowed off lead again (finally) but is still not allowed to chase balls .
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