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Everything posted by neenaw

  1. Neenaw, neenaw, she's the chick; she's lots of fun when she's not sick

  2. neenaw


    Thank you oh mucky one You must explain [very slowly] how I put pics on cos I have some more
  3. Hello! Apparently I am rubbish at understanding how this forum works and introduced myself in the wrong place............I do have problems with navigating my way in this world generally! Any road up..................we are Ricky's new family................I can't believe it is only three and a half weeks since we adopted him from Lizzie's barn....feels like he's always been here I will try and post some pics shortly.....don't hold your breath! b back later neenaw
  4. I'll leave it to Nina to do a "proper" introductory thread and tell you Ricky's story....... You want me to do a proper introduction do you?.................well let me set the was a cold dark November night, many years ago, when my mother brought me into this world..............hmmmmmm maybe not ......will this do? We live in Sandbach, Cheshire, Stew my DH, me and our son Tom [in the pic with Ricky]. We're all very interested in animals generally and watch lots of wildlife stuff on TV but as we have found it difficult in the past to live without pets [which we had had to do due to circumstances] we have found that our three furry family members have given more meaning to our lives. Only having had Ricky for a short time, we feel he is meant to be with us and he has made all our lives happier [well maybe not the cats....they are slowly getting used to the idea though] BTW Yes my real name is Nina but I am so used to certain people calling me Neenaw that this is how I expect to be addressed these days Sorry, another senior moment there.......................I have forgotten to tell you Ricky's story but that will have to wait till next time.........stay tuned for the next exciting episode!!!
  5. Hello As I'm new here, please be gentle with me I'm Neenaw and we have just adopted Ricky, a CKCS, who, like his name, has only one eye....bless We also have two cats called Shadow and Spike I will now try to upload some pics hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm perhaps I will do it later b back soon
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