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Everything posted by merledogs

  1. Poor Dex - I hope he's on the up soon Timmy has to have a bone marrow biopsy because his white cell count is still low, even after the antibiotics. If it's his bone marrow he'll probably be steroids but if it's not, well I don't even want to think about what the alternative is. He's absolutely fine in himself and not showing any signs of illness. Took the dogs out for a nice long walk, then did some gardening when I got back, including digging up loads of plants to take down to church. I'm surprised I wasn't struck down with lightning when I went cos I'm really not religious. My friend Rita goes there and mentioned that she's helping spruce up the cemetery and making it into a proper garden so there's loads of space to fill and I have lots of plants which need to go to make space for other plants. Even though I'm not religious I do like the idea that those visiting their loved ones will find some solace and enjoyment out of the shrubs I've donated. I am now going to have some brunch.
  2. Afternoon. Snow I'm glad sid has gone. I hope poorly peeps are feeling better. Hugs for Kota Timmy's blood results are back (only took them a week and two feckin days to get back to me despite several phone calls ). His white cell count is still low so he has to have a bone marrow biopsy. Could be that, but if they rule it out, could be a tumour
  3. Moaning Good luck today snow Owl I hope the police can do something.
  4. I do that when I order a curry, I order two lots and lots of naan breads and freeze them.
  5. Thanks griff - I made a caesar salad which I'll have tomorrow on account of the fact I went to Maccys on the way back from Costco/B&Q. I've had four hours' sleep, so I am going to have a nap shortly.
  6. Moaning. Guess who forgot it was bank holiday I got up early after only 4 hours sleep, ironed my clothes, made my lunch and it was only when I was in the shower that I realised it was a bank holiday. Nice surprise though.
  7. 'Ello Welcome to one of my favourite months of the year
  8. Moaning I agree griff, always make sure someone knows when someone has done a good job. Weather looks a bit better here today.
  9. Moaning There are some nasty people in the world Had a lovely fresh walk with the dogs (after waiting for the hailstones to stop ). Bumped into someone who I worked with up until recently when he left the company. I must have looked a right state - hair needed washing so was hidden under a baseball cap, no makeup, scruffy old tracksuit bottoms and wellies. Very different from my usual work attire.
  10. Moaning Been mad busy at work this week but at least I'm WFHing today, even though I'll be mad busy. We've had snow here the past three days. I want spring!
  11. Moaning Not much Marion - just the usual dog walking and pottering and watching football. Timmy's fine. He's on high strength antibiotics for a week to see if the cause of his low white cell count is an infection. If that fails he has to have a bone marrow biopsy. He seems absolutely find in himself though, a bit whiny sometimes but still as cheeky as ever
  12. Moaning. Lovely sunny day here today
  13. Make sure they don't rub the cement either, it could scratch the paint.
  14. Moaning Lovely day here today again. Hope it lasts over the weekend. Loobie - there are times when I've felt like posting stuff on here but have held back because I know we have lurkers and I don't feel comfortable with putting too much on here. Sorry if that's not much help.
  15. Moaning WFHing today but got to get a contract done so busy busy busy.
  16. 'Ello Had two days away Thurs/Fri. Team awayday on Thursday in the back of beyond somewhere in Staffordshire, then yesterday we went to Rudyard Lake (also in Staffs) to do some volunteering. Some of us were laying a path and some of us (me included) painted some fences. I ended up with more green fence paint on me than on the fence lol. I do like getting my hands dirty. It's beautiful in rural Staffs, but it ain't half a pain to get around those country lanes. First day driving down I ended up going over the tops of hills which were covered in fog and there was literally nobody about. Made me panic a bit because I'm scared of heights and if I'd gone off the road I'd have been in deep doodoo. We didn't even have any phone signal on the first day, that's how rural it was and the wifi at the cottage was really slow. Funny how you miss technology. Our chief exec joined us on both days. We were halfway through preparing a presentation as part of a breakout session. The topic was "Why women should leave the toilet seat up for men". The final slide was this (don't look if you don't like swearwords). Good job he's got a sense of humour! The day was quite good fun although I didn't stop over like most. Timmy's bloods have shown that his white cells are still low, so he's going on antibiotics for a week, then back to have yet another ruddy blood test
  17. Evening. Timmy seems fine, thanks for asking. He's going back for more bloods tomorrow morning. Bless him
  18. I hope operations and stuff get done really soon Vet just rang with Timmy's blood results. His white cell count has dropped again. It was really low when he had the infection, but went up. It was still low last time the tests were done, but it's gone down slightly again Back to the vet next week for more blood tests.
  19. Good luck snow Timmy's scan was fine She took bloods as well, so should have results tomorrow. Asda rang to say their van had broken down so they had to cancel my delivery. How very inconsiderate of the van.
  20. Moaning Timmy is going back to have his scan re-done today with our vet Anna. She's going off on leave for 9 months so we'll miss her and if he does need any treatment or anything we'll have to see a different vet. I don't particularly like the other vets.
  21. Evening. Glad Bruce managed to find his owners Marion - what a ruddy cheek!
  22. Well England were on course for a win with one over left, bowler lost his nerve and one of the West Indies players scored three sixes off the next three balls and won it for them
  23. I'm watching the cricket Twenty20 world final. It's very odd to be watching cricket under floodlights. Can't get my head round it at all. England have lost two players already and it only started 10 minutes ago
  24. Sorry to worry you all Timmy was absolutely fine so my worrying was for nothing. Am going to take him back to the vet next week to have his scan repeated so will speak to our vet then. Kinky is okay - back to being her cheeky self so am making the most of having her here.
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