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Everything posted by merledogs

  1. I am wibbling for several reasons today One of which being that I have received confirmation from my solicitor this morning that divorce proceedings were issued by the Court on Friday, so Les should hopefully have received the papers by now. Just need to wait 14 days for him to respond now (as if it’s gonna be that easy) Not sure if he’s still at the same address but hoping he is and that he’s not going to be too difficult about it. The other being that I am a stroppy moo
  2. We are bathed Milly is NOT happy The evil look the pathetic look
  3. Milly and I are going for a bath (me first obviously, though I may have to hold her in the bath coz she hates it so will end up having two baths anyway)
  4. My front garden appears to have its own little microclimate - my daffs are in full bloom and have been for about a month Actually I think they are just special early bloomers
  5. Good luck Anne - I need to bathe Milly soon coz she stinks, keep putting it off but might do it tonight. I have finally finished wallpapering my living room I feel like I have finally achieved something. Now all I need to do is paint it, rip the carpet up, do the skirting boards and ceiling, have my lights fitted, new flooring, put shelves up, etc etc... Then start again with the stripping, only another 7 rooms plus the hall stairs and landing to go. On the plus side, this was the biggest room in the house so the biggest job.
  6. Run free sweetie. My Aunty had to have her 13 year old JRT who she'd had from a pup PTS this week too, she was devastated.
  7. God I'm fick, I was annoyed that I couldn't get any details on my house then realised my house wasn't built until the 1950s!
  8. I'm with you Vashti, it's not a "them or us" situation. I am a member on both sites, enjoy visiting both and will continue to do so. Rick is not a dictator and won't ban mention of DP on here. Despite what you think of DP it has helped rehome a lot of dogs and will continue to do so, as will this site. I do think DP has, to a certain extent, been a victim of its own success and am hoping that the Refuge doesn't get as big or as popular so that the same doesn't happen here. I am also in favour of the Sponsors Lounge, some people (myself included) have posted a lot of stuff in there for which they have received help, support and advice which they would never have posted in the more public forum, so as far as I am concerned that's a good thing. There were also certain hysterical threads which we would never have been able to do in the public forum, which were absolutely priceless (think nekkid calendars)
  9. Think I must have had something dodgy in my takeaway last night, spent the night on the loo with a bucket in front of me, not nice. Woke up this morning to find runny cat poo on my hall carpet and cat puke on the rug in the kitchen, just what I wanted
  10. Congratulations nantywindymoonboobs My cousin Babs who is more like a sister than a cousin is due on 1st May, so am really looking forward to being a nantymadmerle
  11. Thank you oh Mr Sane-ness I have spoken to eSure and I am covered anyway, they are going to collect the car on Monday morning and arrange a courtesy car while they fix it. PHEW!!!
  12. Err I did actually start it, just to move it to a parking space away from the pump.
  13. And then I walk in to this : Don't know whether to or
  14. I am officially stupid I went to fill my car up and put diesel in (should be unleaded) I have had to leave the car there, get a taxi home and get my garage to collect the car in the morning to sort it out. They said there was no drain on the Laguna so the engine will have to come out. Does that make me officially the most stupid person on the planet?
  15. Put that tongue away! (that was to sanrossscot on the last page)
  16. The people in the house behind me have put a hoooog marquee type thing up in their garden and the dogs don't like it one bit, especially as they have leaned their hoooog trampoline up against the fence in order to fit said marquee in and Taffy thinks it's a monster so goes running up to it barking every time I open the patio doors
  17. Melps you are soooo not "the ugly mate"
  18. Sorry, just needed to get that off my chest.
  19. You're a strong woman, you will get through it. I know it appears at the moment that there's no light at the end of the tunnel, but there is Feel free to ring any time.
  20. What a t@sser! I would be fuming, just a way of trying to control you Jules. At least you'll know next time, glad he's ok but like you, I'd be ready to murder him
  21. Oh Jules I am so sorry. Let's hope they find him alive and well so you can cut his balls off for doing this to you. Will PM you my number in case you want to chat. And remember whatever happens, IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT.
  22. Morning everybody. I feel grumpy because I had a bad dream and now I'm grumpy even though I know it was only a dream
  23. Sending big Went through the same thing with my sister, but I was in Florida and they turned the life support off before I got back. Edit : Just read he's come out of it, great news, sending more
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