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Everything posted by JACKYSIAN

  1. Does anyone know what 'enhanced disclosure' means? Got to do this for a job application??? woooooooohoooooo 1st page virgin here!!!!
  2. You ramble away chuck. I know exactly what you're going through!! So far this week I've moved from Anglesey to Cheshire/Chester/Brighton/London/Scotland and today it's going to be Spain!!!!! So while you langish in your sisters basement, think of me luxurating in my mum's barn!!!
  3. Pardon??? Must of missed that bit!!!! Is that usual for round your way?
  4. that's why you get yourself a big fat hairy horse that lives outside all the time!! 20 minutes pooh picking a day and that's it!!! Mind you 1 hour grooming when he's decided to take a roll just as you go and get him in for a ride!!! And I've still got a 6 migraleve too many????????
  5. My contact lens keeps moving!!! It's getting on my nerves! Oh well off to look at Job center site!
  6. Morning!!! Fighting off a head ache..can't be arsed at work today (hey what's new!!). Want to go and spend money..but haven't got any!! Oh well!!
  7. ohhhhhh good plan!! Do know a man with a digger so sounds like a good idea!!! Will make appointment this pm!!! Also just booked a one to one fly ball training session for me and Sidney on Wednesday!!

    I Did It!

    Sooooooooo excited just spoken to Peter (your're right Jayne he's lovely!!)and me and the Furry Freak (sidney) are going on Wednesday for a trail session!!! Really looking forward to it, sounds like it's something Sid will really enjoy!!! I'll let you know what happens!!!!
  9. Poor little staffie x, what I could do to those people! Typical now all happy and decided on going to mum and dads.....and house comes up for sale in the villiage I wanted!!And under my price limit too!! Definately going to see it....BUT only has a tarmaced (sp) garden so not sure if dogs will like that!! Good side is it's only 2 minutes to some brilliant beaches!!!
  10. Hello! Feeling chirpy today for some reason! Sure it won't last!! Funny how the stress of moving has now left me and I don't really care that I have to live in my parents barn for a while!! The thought of alot of money in the bank is already burning a whole in my pocket!! Went to look at a horse box!!!!!!! Must not do anything stupid with the money...I HAVE to buy a home for me and the dogs!!! 's to anyone that's needing one. Jacky
  11. MelP I think's you is pretty! I was the 'ugly mate' with my 4 school friends (2 models, 1 ballet dancer and a girl with Persian heritage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) didn't care cos I pulled more than them cos they were 'too pretty' and the boys were scared!!!! RMF : Going home in 1 hour 33 minutes to ride the lunatic horse!!!!
  12. Morning! my mum says 'who remembers the normal?' Everyone who needs one . RMF : got no work this weekend cos boat is broke AGAIN!!! Happy cos days off Yeah!!! Sad cos NO MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good job I'm moving into parents little cottage...can't afford anything else with no blummin work coming in!! Trying to think of businesses to set up! Anyone got any fail safe ideas?????
  13. They have turned down £100k!!!!!!! Estate agent has said they will properbly accept £105...but I'm just not willing to stretch that far!!!! So my dad has said to tell them stuff it and that's my final offer!!!!!! Having a long think now, cos prices here are just so expensive and I'm just not earning enough...might be winging my way back to England,where at least I know I can get a job doing what I am qualified for!! At least then I'll earn a good salary!!!
  14. Wow that's amazing news!!! What a fighter is he!
  15. Me too!!! Got a blummin healthy bar thing for breakfast (don't do eating first thing!) an apple and is NOT the day to be on a diet! I'm stressed...I need comfort food!!!!
  16. Still waiting....feel sick!!! Is it a good sign or a bad????
  17. Hi Trudi Don't really know what to say, but glad you at least feel more at peace with the situation! Jacky
  18. Well they've turned that down...sort of knew they would!! But my dad thinks the amount of work needed, he doesn't want me to go over £100k! So I've offered that and that's it for now!! Back to house hunting I think!!!!
  19. Put an offer in just now.............OMG!!!!!!!!!!! Was really cheeky (cos Dad told me to be!!) and offered £'s up for £115k but needs so much work!!!!!!!!!! Worth a try? Watch this space!!!
  20. Having a trauma/giddy moment!! Going to see house again in a minute with my dad and then will make THE offer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Oh Trudi, you and yours and in my thoughts.
  22. Ohhhhhhhhhh the stress of buying a new house has just begun!!!!!!!!!!! My friend(?) dropped off an Ikea catalogue...managed to avoid Ikea for 2 years!! I spent all night decorating the house I've not even had an offer accepted on yet!!!!!!!!! And I managed to fictionally spent £2k!!!!!!!!!!!! But really excited cos given myself approval to go to DFS (cos I'm pretty sure they WILL have a sale on!! )and get a lovely fat comfy sofa instead of the crappy Ikea cheap job that my ar*e hurts on!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. to those that need it. and to those that done good!!! RMF going to see house today.....really excited cos looks BRILL!!! Drove passed it yesterday (took hounds to see if they liked it!!! ), BIG parking...middle of nowhere with just a couple of neighbours (and a church opposite!!), not a 'pretty' house. But looks just my cuppa!!!! Fingers crossed! It's abit (ok £15K!!!) over budget but been up for a year, and empty so might be open to offers of the cheeky kind!!!
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