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Kats inc

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Everything posted by Kats inc

  1. What a horribly sad day for those who have loved and lost today.
  2. Kats inc


    Rest well Lucy
  3. I'm so sorry Wendy Sleep tight Sir H
  4. Morning Thank you Alex and Celeste for your cat pizz solutions I shall be trying both shortly Wishing both Lucy and Nala a safe and peaceful journey I have been asked if I want to do something which I know I shouldn't do but it's so so so tempting to do.Unfortunately I can't say what it is so don't ask
  5. Fab pictures Alex They do look like they were having fun!
  6. Love the name Talyn,suits him perfectly I'm so pleased everything is working so well for all of you
  7. Hello Typical bank holiday weather here I need bright ideas to get cat pizzle smells out of carpet as someone missed the litter tray.I've vaxed it with biological washing liquid,used bicarb of soda and still it pongs of pizzle.I seem to remember white vinegar is good to use? Has anyone any tips? Jules of cat pizzle house
  8. RIP Grover and for you and your family Ms Tiks. Jemima does seem to have improved a bit on these antibiotics.I know we're playing a waiting game with the liver failure and that makes me ultra paranoid about anything and I watch her like a hawk.Poor thing must wonder what the feck is going on I probably need to learn to take a step back and relax around her a bit but it's hard I swear someone has inserted springs in Dylan's legs over the past couple of days Daft sod has more energy than sense.
  9. Morning Where has all the lovely sunshine gone? Cats were all enjoying sunbathing in the garden.So was I. Jemima is now on antibiotics and Pro-kolin plus antibiotic eye cream so we'll see how that goes.She's eating and drinking ok and seems ok in herself,it's just this horrible squitty poo that's a problem.
  10. I don't think you're alone in feeling this way by any means Sometimes life just seems far too much trouble doesn't it.The animals make you smile though
  11. Afternoon Been lovely here again,have sat in the sun reading my book and trying to ignore the fact that yet again my PCT decided to send me a bloody letter on a saturday morning Alex I hope you feel better soon Being in chronic pain is so horrible.
  12. Hello I managed to get a bit sunburnt yesterday Apparently it can be normal to stop breathing for a very short period of time at night as our oxygen requirement is much lower but if it is longer than this or wakes you continually or you're overweight,have breathing problems,are diabetic or have other health problems then a GP will refer you to an ENT specialist who will do a sleep study on you.I only stop breathing for a few seconds so my GP says not to worry. I don't know,no-one has ever noticed it before and GP says it gets worse as we get older (gee thanks ) I don't think stress affects it.If it did I'd probably be a gonner by now
  13. Hello Been to the docs as have been told I have sleep apnoea but my lovely doc says it's more common than we think and not to worry about it Bit wierd being told you stop breathing in your sleep though
  14. Morning I bought a new table and chairs for the garden.Gawd knows how many times Dylan has fallen off of them He really hasn't learned that mobility and coordination aren't his strong point.More to the point he really doesn't care Jemima seems a bit brighter today and thanks for the good thoughts,they seem to be working
  15. Hello Have had a friend staying so been out and about a fair bit. Jemima is starting the downward spiral into liver failure I think She's had horrible diarrhoea and ended up sat in it on saturday evening and I had to clean her up I think we'll go back to the vets when I can get an appointment but I have a horrible feeling I know they're going to say we're approaching the end :mecry: Good thoughts would be appreciated for my lovely old lady
  16. Morning Gentle squishes for Fleur and Melody Harvey has decided he wants to be a pouffy lap cat today which is fine except that he's half cat half horse and takes up am awful lot of room
  17. Morning Am looking forward to watching Dr Who later after seeing how much you all enjoyed it Wedding reception was good last night.
  18. Must remember to Sky Plus it later
  19. Aww Kelly He's gorgeous Summat special about springers
  20. Fab That's the kind of thing I'd love to get my teeth into you lucky thing! (except for all the spiders *shudders* )
  21. Hello Remember ex yummy neighbour? He's getting married today Have just had a cravat emergency with him outside as he doesn't know how to do it so me and other neighbour gave advice (well other neighbour did and I just said how nice it looked as I am clueless about cravats really ) He does look very handsome and I will try and get a photo at the evening reception tonight.
  22. Aww she's all fidgetty bless her.I remember Jemima when she was like this Ta for sharing
  23. Hello Fcukwits at work sent me quite possibly the most ridiculous letter I've had (apparently assaults happen on a scale and the assault on me wasn't bad enough to worry about so they're going to let her get away with it )And for the priviledge of receiving that gem I had to pay £1.30 as they forgot to put a fcuking stamp on the letter I may be both slightly angry and slightly gobsmacked. Polly and Maddie have the vets tomorrow so that should be fun as they don't get on
  24. Happy Birthday Sam!! :flowers:
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