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Everything posted by Trudi

  1. Amber Mark is majorly pizzed off. The house insurance co have told him they deal with Pcworld for replacement IT equipment, this is the one company he detests with a passion! As his laptop was custom built there is no way Pcworld will be able to supply a comparable one - I can forsee some heated conversations between him and the insurance bods
  2. Hubby is home and the police and scenes of crime lady have left - the thieving git took hubby laptop but nothing else that we can find. The police were very good and extremely fast and say it was an opportunist thief and that they are surprised they even came in the house with the dogs, so must have been desperate so lucky i was upstairs that little gem didn't make me feel better at all!! Luckily the house insurance is arranging a replacement laptop but i never want to repeat this experience Police man was very cute though Ingi I have no idea if you can text the police, not had any real emergencies since i lost my hearing. Really need to get a text phone installed, the only reason i don't have one is because i'm bloody minded and stubborn and hate to admit i can't cope with every situation!
  3. Oh bugger didn't think of that, will go check them all now!! Waiting for a neighbour to come home or hubby to read my text so the police can be told just in case something is missing. Hubby has so much computer and camera stuff i really wouldn't know for sure
  4. I just came downstairs to see a strange bloke leaving via my front door - have had a quick look and can't see anything missing, twas a bit scary though
  5. Snow Happy Anniversary and congrats on 500 posts Fee Congratulations Hedgehog, hope mum and baby are both well Ingi - is that Tommy and Keelah in your avatar, it's a lovely picture It is bloody freezing here but no snow so thats good
  6. Morning all Hope you are feeling better soon Snazzy
  7. Poo you could probably use some hugs form your family right now You'll just have to come stay with me and the loons instead then I am off to work now after having the worlds quickest shower
  8. Ooh does that mean you'll be able to go home and spend some time with your family? that would be great
  9. not yours i assume? I really really must get ready for work and stop shovelling creme eggs in my gob
  10. And i never cheated or nuffink by posting on word association and smilies on jokes and stuff cos that would be wrong wouldn't it
  11. The real challenge is the first to 1000 - and at the speed i post it could be in time for the next millenium
  12. Have had sossidge and chips for lunch now need to hoover the house
  13. Congrats to the modlygodlybods (but i thought you were already modlybods ) Have been to tesco and seem to have accidently put a box of 12 creme eggs in my basket, oh well now i'll have to eat em all
  14. Have to get dressed, am thinking my pink checked jammies may get some attention wandering around Tesco Ooh if i try really really hard and post random drivel i may actually make 300 posts today
  15. Morning all Amber, hope the future is looking brighter this morning My step-daughter passed her driving test yesterday - look out London Claire is on the loose now
  16. It is bloody freezing here, so why am i sat here in a t-shirt?
  17. Amber not enough hugs to send but will e keeping you in my thoughts - just holler if you need anything Uke and Babe Phoenix Ann - just count the days until Martin is with you always
  18. That makes me feel quite sad, not that you changed it but that you felt you needed to. Why can't people leave others to live their life in peace
  19. for Nettie and Indy hope you are both better soon. Bullies are generally very sad people who are jealous of those they pick on - stay strong Tracey they'll head back to the playground they came from soon
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