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Everything posted by selina

  1. Thanks everyone. Elaine we're moving a little closer to Plymouth unfortunately, I'll miss Ivybridge lots but hopefully we'll be able to move back one day, a larger house is needed and for an extra bedroom down there we pay less rent, so needs must at the moment. Ollies back from the vets, doesn't look brilliant I have to say, his lungs are a little crackly, hearts OK, shes quite concerned about his pale gums so bloods have been taken and sent off for pathology testing, worst case scenario the big C is back but I won't think about that unless I have to, for the time being we're keeping him cool (thanks for the tip about the ice) and spoiling him rotten, ermmm except we do that anyway the best we can Will keep you all posted.
  2. Sorry I havent been checking in to see The OC of late, it's been raining Springers apparently , I'm also moving house this coming weeekend while you're all having a fantasticd time camping and socialising I will be sweating buckets moving house, it's alright for some, i know what I'd rather be doing Ollie is OK, he's having a really tough time of it in this heat, he's got a damp towel over him (roughly made into a coat type thing) we've got fans on all over the house, he's been clipped and he has rock sulphur in his drinking water but he's still panting loads and generally pacing and unsettled, we've got an appointment at the vets tonight to give him the once over and to make sure there isn't anything health wise we need to remedy but apart from that i guess its just a case of day to day management. I'll try and update later if not make sure you all have a wonderful weekend I'll be thinking of you, and for those who are drinking (I expect most of you) please have a drink for me and Ollie who will probably still be lugging boxes
  3. PLT pain relief and Urilin for infections and leaky oldies. Both of these have been opened and used once, the person that is offering them I trust explicitly so if you can make use of them PM me an address to get them sent to please.
  4. It's on its way to you Fee
  5. I have been asked to ask the OC if they have any use for an unopened bottle of propalin syrup in date til 2010 if so could you PM me an address to have it sent to please? Obviously for dog use, no doubt of any of the OC committee members / helpers needing it
  6. There is nothing more frustrating to anyone who works within rescue when dogs aren't given the chance to settle. For what it's worth Bolo and Mitzi are better off out of there. Angry from ivybridge
  7. hooray well done everyone, and all of them so well deserved, really looking forward to seeing the overall winner. Tally has now eaten all ollie's potential bribery dog biscuits
  8. Right whose judging the overall comp, ollie would like to know who he has to send dog biscuits to just in case , Tally just wants to know if she can eat the dog biscuits This is really exciting, keep that drum roll going, I would help out but I'd get carried away and up breaking the drumstick's
  9. selina


    Sham your Mummy needs to give you some ice cream with a little bit of benylin in, that will make your KC a lot better, hope you feel bouncy again soon Love the Springadings
  10. Who are we waiting on Amy? I hope they are very busy with urgent doggy stuff to keep us all waiting like this
  11. could I have a price please for coffee in 24" back length and 26" chest please? I might need two of these if you can do this size.
  12. Claire what material do you have left for a small springer approx 20" back and 24" around the chest, will measure when I know if you can still make them. Thanks
  13. good thinking Olivia Poor Amy, who needs friends with people like us
  14. OMG you've got some super stuff, can I ask does the ladies sweatshirt on page 1 come in just the one colour?
  15. Amy I think thats what they call teasing
  16. ooooo now it's getting exciting It's a shame we couldn't see all the entries I'd love to see them all.
  17. but when will we have the results? Sorry I must learn patience
  18. Oh yes if you substitute the word fun for mischievious. He has finally decided after nearly two years (yes I know 2 years ) that he doesn't have to bark his head off every time his Mum goes out of sight, he is equally happy being with my Dad who is now my regular Ollie sitter, it works out great because we have had a lot of appointments lately that Ollie can't accompany us to and I would love my Dad to take on an oldie as his own but he just says he's to old for another dog , not that I'm suggesting he hd Ollie, he's got no chance but it does work out well all round cause Dad loves taking Ollie out for walks and showing him off to all his neighbbours which makes me very happy Dad's out and about regularly again and it means I don't have the worry of having to leave him in the van where he can get a little stressed at times. It's usually Ollie that leads the others into trouble, I wish he's act his age NOT
  19. Melissa don't say that or I'll have to send you pics of our fabulous 12 year old Megs looking for a new home
  20. and going and going and going and living life like only an Oldie can spoilt and happy. Just going for a walk in the woods Posing for the camera with his little sister (she's bigger than him) and getting ready for the famous Ollie roll
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