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Everything posted by selina

  1. To far for me as well but looking forward to seeing where the South West walk is going to be held. Rufus and Titchy says they promise to be good doggies and not to shout at the oldies and run rings around them and trip them up (hides face in shame)
  2. Dis is Mr Titchy Small Springer, There are only three squeaky valentine heart dog toys left, Rufus Welshie is mightily depressed he so wants one for himself, I just think its funny, I've got my eye on a squeaky red bone myself, there are only four of those left as well but I'm keeping my paws crossed, I hope they taste as good as the real ones, lots of dem pink and blue bandanas left with hearts on, I heard Mummy say that Flo foster girl might get one of those if she carries on being as good as she has been so far. Off to the Moorland Minx valentine shop to make sure there's a bone left
  3. Rufus Welshie dog here, I am in a bad mood, there are lots of Valentines Day bandanas and squeaky toys up for sale in TRPD now, apparently they are for doggies that are loved lots and I'm not sure if I'll get one on Valentines Day or not, THEY ARE HERE if anyone loves there dogs loads and wants to show it on Valentines day and they are all at the bargain price of just £2 each inc P&P
  4. I am a failed fosterer and came extremely close with my last one, jack, in fact if I hadn't homechecked his new home myself and new what wonderful people he was going to I most probably would have. The dog I did fail with, I fought tooth and nail against it but in the end I knew it was right for him to stay with me. If you can [pass them on and help another good for you, if you fail then good for you again
  5. I went to visit jack in the week in his new pub, he has settled in so well and obviously loves his Mum Cath as much as she loves him. He is definitely a part of the pubs family as the 'locals' seem to know him by name already
  6. Just felt I should remind you all what Jack looked like when The Oldies Club took him on Amazing eh!!
  7. I had the pleasure of going to see Jack at work yesterday, in his new Mums pub . All the staff and customers alike adore the old gent and Bill one of the regulars keeps getting told off by Cath for slipping Jack treats , Jack never tells . What more can I say? He is so happy and contented there and rules the roost at home as well so Cath was telling me, I couldn't have asked for more for my all time favourite foster dog, I may have shed tears when you went but I know even more so now seeing you with cath and your new family it was the right choice. and of course I'll be visiting again
  8. I'm sure rabbit sized could be accounted for
  9. Have you seen what those Moorland Minx's are selling in the Buy it Now bit of sales. They have got glow in the dark bandanas and there's a picture of me, Rufus Welshie, wearing one, I look so good . They didn't want a picture of Titchy cause he's rubbish at aving his piccy taken. I wonder why there is a picture of dog bed cover's there as well I hope they aren't selling my bed Rufus Welshie (da good lookin one)
  10. selina


    neither did I, a good aerial chap will give you a free estimate though for doing the aerial for you.
  11. selina


    I had exactly this problem, I ended up having to pay out for a tv aerial engineer to come out, he fitted a good aerial on the roof and now I've got all the channels with perfect reception, the cheaper aerials that are supposed to be for digital tv that you can fit yourself just didn't do it for my area.
  12. and My mums just put a bright cerise pink 4' long silky dog bed in that auction to. I'm not impressed me and my little Titchy brother had our eyes on that, we reckon Jack might fit on it to and Mums already wrapped it, think she must have heard us planning with the cats how we could snaffle it. Rufus Welshie dog.
  13. Sounds like hes been through the mill a bit but I'm really happy to hear he's come through it all OK, thanks for the update.
  14. I didn't see this first time around, I have a cat with struvite crystals, he refused to eat the prescription food so I have put him on normal moist food and add a little poured water over the top, the most important thing to keep the struvites from colecting is to make sure he wees loads and keeps them flushed through. By doing this he has been struvite and vet free for a year now, touch wood
  15. If anyone is in the Redhill area, I urge you to please keep a look out for tate, it is really important that cats with FLUTD have a constant supply of water, i can't stress this enough and the more people looking for him the better. Thank you.
  16. how awful, has this been put on dog lost at all?
  17. selina


    Ruf gets colitis and there isnt usually as much blood in the faeces as this, if it continues get him checked out by your vet, possibly taking a sample in with you. let us know.
  18. hugs to you and your family, Run Free Pillow cat.
  19. You need to stay on the same lines but only click and treat for a stronger ding of the bell.
  20. How heartbreaking, big hugs to you.
  21. If Sky is definetely a red and white springer than she is a welsh springer, might be an idea to contact welsh springer rescue in case she gets handed to them. Very few welshies about so would be easy to spot.
  22. If your dog has a poor recall, you can also teach the dog to touch your hand, then when you are out on a walk you give the command touch and your dog comes running to touch your hand, Ruf loves this and you can almost see him smiling as he's running towards you, not me he's pleased to see though that'll be the liver cake :lol:
  23. Sorry to hear your sad news DRL, Run Free Amy.
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