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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. Glad Evie and you and Archie all enjoyed your morning I hope the thunder passed quickly so Archie wasn't too distressed. Snow - I hope it sorts itself out without you having to resort to furious Things have just gone a bit s*** here, so off to have a hot shower and try to distract myself from a bad situation that I can do nothing about
  2. Morning. Sorry, not been around much. I normally check in during quiet periods at work, but the proxy server has decided that this forum is in the 'proxy avoidance websites' category and won't let me on. Working from home today though so I have access Well done Jayne
  3. Morning. The boiler went on strike this morning so I had to endure a cold shower Not the best start to the day, but it can only get better.
  4. Morning. Well Done San I was meant to be at the show yesterday, but had a migraine so didn't make it Yantan, I hope you're feeling better today And Jayne, I hope you're breathing eases up soon I spent the weekend sorting more of the house. I now have double beds in both the bigger bedrooms - one borrowed from my parents, one I bought on ebay for cheap. One of the little rooms is set up as a craft room / office, and the other little room is empty but I'm borrowing a single bed off my sister to put in there. I need to procure some bed side tables and a chest of drawers or two, then I think the house is nearly ready to put on the market. No idea how I'm going to manage to keep it clean while its for sale, but will deal with that when I have to.
  5. Morning. Hope you're better soon Yantan So far today I have walked the dogs, then trekked to argos to pick up a new hoover. Hoovered my bedroom (which I'd done with the old one last weekend), and got a full hoover load of dirt out of it Think I'll have to go round and do the rest of the house, but I need a drink and a sit down first.
  6. Glad you tablet is fixed Yantan It is too hot! I've just done the fish tanks, which involved taking a total of 9 large buckets of water out of the two tanks, lugging them through to the garden to use to water the plants, then refilling with fresh water and hoisting them into the tanks. And I have to do it all again next week The tanks were Paul's thing really, and I wouldn't choose to have them (at least not the huge one as it is too big for me), but I'm feeling slightly smug that they're looking way healthier since I've taken over responsibility for them
  7. I'm another who is finding that this week is dragging - it should definitely be the weekend by now! Jazz, I hope the higher steroid dose helps
  8. I might give it a try. She's a pain to do any training with outside of classes / the house, as she won't take treats or play with toys, and she has to wear a muzzle, but most things I train in the house she seems to generalize quite well, so will have a think and come up with a plan. I've had a lovely morning at an agility show - Logan was very good and listened Was home not long after lunch and have managed to install a new curtain pole - need to lengthen the curtains slightly, but I think I can take out the hem at the bottom so it won't be too difficult. Jazz, sorry to hear you're still battling the vet over Trudy's bill. Alex, I hope your GP can do something about the aches and pains.
  9. I've also had longer in the sun than planned this morning - managed to lose Kia on our walk Found her again after about 45 minutes AWOL - she'd been spotted by other walkers tearing around in a bit of a panic, when she eventually found me she was very happy and threw herself at my feet. First time I've lost her, hopefully she'll stick a bit closer in the future. Trying to muster the energy to go to homebase and wickes, but not finding it so far.
  10. Sounds lovely Suzeanna, glad you enjoyed yourself Ouch blackmagic, I hope that is the end of the bad luck The Axa renewal is good though. I've just had Kia's renewal through - I switched her from Axa to MoreTh>n last year - gone up from £17 to £27 a month Not too bad I suppose, but with Logan's being £67 a month it is almost at the point where I might be better putting money aside each month...
  11. Hope you've had a nice rest Jayne Carpet fitters are here putting carpet down in one of the bedrooms. That's the last major job before we put the house on the market I think. I need to scrounge some furniture to fill the house - its a bit empty at the moment.
  12. Oops, pics are a bit big and it won't let me edit my post to link to smaller ones - sorry.
  13. Oh dear Jazz Someone has used my email address to sign up for an ebay account :S I'm getting emails about watched items ending and purchase confirmations with her address details... Have sent a message via ebay, but not sure she'll see it as she won't get an email about it (I will). I tried talking to ebay tech support but they were no use what so ever. Happy dogs on holiday pics:
  14. I'm home - have had a lovely time We came home a day early as Logan is limping and I couldn't convince him to pace himself. Plus the weather wasn't too nice today. Swallows dance was great, felt right at home. Feeling nicely refreshed and ready to tackle life again Off to catch up, hope all is well
  15. Morning Its holiday time Just getting packed up before heading down to Pembrokeshire for a week at Swallows Dance I was meant to have got most of my packing done last night, but ended up in bed by 8 with a migraine - all cleared now though Then I seem to have spent an hour this morning doing tiling in the bathroom, rather than packing. It needs 72 hours to dry after being done, so doing it right before going away seemed sensible. Almost done my packing - it all fits into one bag. The dogs so far have 3 bags, and I think I'll need a 4th I think they might be a bit spoilt!
  16. Loobie and Jazz Sam, hows the tummy today? Alex, it might be worth trying antihistamines. Both my dad and I don't get hayfever, but we do end up waking up with headaches during hayfever season. Taking an antihistamine at bed time helps a lot. I'm not sure what happened this morning, but I've managed to come into work without brushing my hair or putting on any makeup Think I was on autopilot, but seem to have missed several steps out of my morning routine!
  17. Suzeanna I hope the vet can help. That looks lovely Jayne Alex, I hope the cellulitis clears up quickly Jazz I skipped agility yesterday evening as it was too hot - both for Logan to be working in, and for Kia who would have to spend an hour in the back of the car. Managed to get some of the house tidied instead 4 days till my holidays, and am beginning to feel a bit :pinkie: about it.
  18. Morning. Hope everyone had a good weekend Suzeanna, that did make me smile I spent yesterday at an agility show - it was lovely, but very hot. (ex)OH moved out this weekend. He's managed to leave the house in a bit of a state - taken the furniture he wants and left all sorts of bits and pieces he doesn't want strewn wherever he happened to put them. I guess it is my job to tidy everything away I'll be chucking loads of stuff out I think - should probably ebay or freegle them, but not sure I have the time or the patience to do it.
  19. I think its malaseb Jazz. I'm pretty sure its prescription only, so you'll need to get it from the vet, or online with a prescription from your vet. Would Charlie eat satin balls Jayne? They're meant to be good for getting weight on to dogs. I was going to try them with Sophie but didn't get a chance before we lost her. I hope the rash eases today Griff, or at least doesn't spread I lost most of yesterday to a migraine - went for a lie down as it was getting bad at about 11.30a.m, got up for a snack at 10.30p.m Then back to sleep until the alarm went off this morning. Thankfully its mostly better today, I just feel a bit hungover.
  20. I have mixed opinions on the world cup. I'm looking forward to the football, but not so much all the hype about how England get on. Think I'd quite like it if England go out early, so I can then watch the football in peace! Although I have England in the work sweepstakes, so if they win I win.... so maybe I do want them to do well.
  21. Morning. Glad to hear Wellington is ok Kia seems to be having another of her regular bouts of upset tummy - every 6 weeks or so she has a day or two where she is flat and off her food. Then she recovers fine and is back to normal. It never lasts long enough for me to take her to the vet for, but does happen regularly. Will need to remember to mention it next time we're in. I hope your boys don't object too much to their diet Alex! My mum is trying to reduce Morse's portions a bit as he's slightly heavier than he should be - he definitely lets her know that he's feeling hungry - lots of rooing and stamping of feet and not taking no for an answer
  22. Loobie, glad to hear things are maybe a bit more positive Yantan, I hope the funeral brings peace Griff, I hope the consultant has some answers Glad the date went well gooster Thanks for the hugs. When I picked up my dogs last night I noticed some blood on Buzz's neck. We took his collar off and discovered qutie a nasty puncture wound on his neck. Mum has no idea when it happened, or what could have caused it. Best guess is that he and Logan had a little spat while mum was out for 10 minutes - but there is no other mark on buzz, and none on Logan either. Buzz is currently terrified of me, as I held him while we had a look at it - he doesn't like me much at the best of times. I shall be bribing him with roast chicken when I see him later!
  23. Morning. I'm not off anywhere nearly as exotic as you Jayne - I have a week booked at Little Dumpledale Farm in Pembrokeshire. It was meant to be me, my husband and his parents going, but my husband and I separated last month so I'm going on my own (with the dogs of course). I'm looking forward to it - I need a break. Head is mostly better thanks Still quite twingey, but I'm back in the office today so hopefully it'll hold up.
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