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Posts posted by suzeanna

  1. Well, Philip hasn't logged in as he spent half the night awake trying to sort out our dead Internet and then his head was thumping because..he didn't listen to me and take a tablet at bedtime!

    Hope everyone has a dry day, the forecast is a bit better for Scotland so you might be able to finish your planting, Eve.

  2. He's a lot better thanks Eve, actually managed not to retire to bed for hours at a time.  He says his headache has gone and most of the body aches, so he'll log into work tomorrow.

    Been a gloomy day here, only light rain but very cloudy and the forecast for the weekend is awful.  

    I planted a lot of tulips some years ago but now only a few manage to pop up in spring, I think mice must be munching the others.

  3. Morning Jazz.  Miserable start to the day weather wise here, just for a change.  I see South Yorkshire is now in Tier 3, at this rate everywhere from Watford Gap up will be.  They might as well have a full lockdown again, and of course once it stops all the cases will rise again.  

  4. Glad you got your BT things sorted.  Philip says more likely operator error, going by the mess they make when their own employees try to get things done. He feels very achy and sleeping a lot, think it's either a light dose of man flu or similar, not the dreaded Covid.


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  5. You don't spoil your dogs at all, do you Jazz?😄

    A lot of magpies live in the trees backing the gardens on our part of the street.  I don't know what's ruffling their feathers at the moment but there's a lot of swearing going on, and yesterday about half a dozen of them hurtled out of their trees, landed in our cherry tree and set up a lot of flapping and more swearing, then exploded out of the tree and landed on our roof where they continued to make a heck of a row.  I was scanning the sky for a hawk or something that might have upset them, but I couldn't see anything.  They obviously all just got out of the wrong side of the roost!


  6. Thanks Eve, he got up for a while and took Candy out then went back to bed for another couple of hours.  He says he feels ok for a while then he starts shivering again.  One of those strange bugs no doubt.

    Are all your daffodil bulbs going in the garden, or do you put them in pots too? I can't have too many daffs, they make Philip very wheezy unfortunately.  My daughter sent us a bouquet of roses and lilies for our anniversary, and the lilies had a similar effect, even when I'd cut the stamens out! 

    I had an email from a friend who used to live near Leeds but is now back in Scotland, she's finding the whole lockdown thing very hard to deal with as her husband's English family are down here and they can't come to see the new grandchild.

    Hope your weather is better tomorrow!

  7. I have a poorly husband, he said he felt really odd in the night and now he's got a bad headache and the shivers. Hope it's nothing serious and certainly not Covid as the local hospital has now banned all visitors due to the increasing cases!

  8. I think my brain has given up.  I put the oven on to cook the chicken, planning for dinner at 6.  Put chicken in oven at 4.15.  Just after 5 it dawned on me I couldn't smell chicken cooking.  Oops..I had turned the oven on to warm, not to the heat it should have been.  Apologies, dinner will be nearer 7! Then at around 5 minutes before the chicken was ready to serve up, I went to get the yorkshire puds out of the freezer, only to realise they weren't the ones I usually get, which are precooked and only need 4 minutes in the oven,  they were bake at home, taking 25 minutes! So, late dinner with no yorkshires.  Oh dear.  

  9. I just read the tale of woe to Philip...he says you know why the problems don't you? All that is dealt with offshore...well, goodness gracious me! An internal source said it's just as bad for people working within the company!

    Blackmagic, I'm a bit confused...I thought your name was Sheena, or am I mixing you up with someone else?(or has Eve been on the hard stuff?)😛

    A nice man driving a taxi brought my medication at around 5.20.  Philip went to the door and took them and said loudly, hey darling, your drug dealer's here! Good job that the neighbours on both sides have more than a nodding acquaintance with dodgy substances!


  10. Oh lord Owl..what a miserable time she's having, I can see why you are worried about her. Some years ago now we had to say goodbye to two of our poms within two weeks of each other, that was very hard.  Fingers crossed the lurcher can be saved.

    How dare you have nice weather Eve when we're chilly and wet! Hope we get photos of the paving once it's done to the boss's satisfaction, and yours of course.

  11. Well done on the shopping, Jazz!

    Weather much the same here, Owl.  I phoned National Tyres as soon as they opened and they had one tyre in stock that was the correct one, luckily.  Blooming expensive though, over £150! Philip gave me his credit card, so not so painful for me as for him.

    I think he's a bit disappointed regarding his eye, when he had the other one done he said the improvement in clarity was striking and immediate, not so with this one.  The guy who did it said the problem with this eye was peripheral rather than central, which might explain it.  The good thing is he has one strong eye and one weak one and it's the weak one that's not so good, so not so important.

    Blood test tomorrow at the hospital, hope it'll be ok as it usually is, then I won't need to go to clinic on Friday, I can just collect the next lot of medication.

  12. We had an interesting time earlier.  Philip had an appointment with the Eye Clinic at the Royal at 6.35, he has PCOS following cataract ops, and had one done a year or so ago and the other one needs doing.  They phoned and said they'd had two cancellations so if he could get there earlier, that would be great.  We jumped in the car, started driving down and the road and both said what the hecks that noise? Answer, a very flat rear tyre.  Turned around and went back home! We have one of those temporary tyre things in the boot so he put that on, we looked at the time and off we went again, slowly (you aren't meant to drive fast on those.) Got to the clinic, they said I'd have to sit in the car, so  I decided to drive back home and wait for a phone call.  Only been back about ten minutes, phone call come and get him. Last time he had it done, it was one appointment to take measurements, then go back four weeks later to have the procedure.  I asked when did he have to go back..answer was, he doesn't.  The consultant did it there and then! Just got to hope there are no bad effects, it can cause retinal tear and a couple of other things.

    Now I'll have to phone National Tyres tomorrow to see if they can sort the righ tyre for the car.  Cars are wonderful things, until they have problems!

    Sorry about your friend, Jazz.


  13. You must have very mixed feeling about your house move, blackmagic.  Excited for a new place but sorry to leave your home and the memories there behind.

    Oh right Owl..just wondered as a while ago Yantan said she was struggling with her asthma and was having a chest xray, thought it might be that.

    My daughter and her husband will be back from Greece on Wednesday, think they're going to notice the difference in the temperature!

  14. Glad you made it there and back safely, Owl.  I'm getting fed up with all the changing rules on lockdown, I honestly don't think they have a clue what they are doing any more.  One lot of experts say one thing, another lot say something different.  The big noises in the cancer world are furious that their patients are being left to suffer and in too many cases die, and although the numbers of Covid might be going up, the deaths don't appear to be. 

    Your dogs certainly keep you busy, Jazz!

    I notice that when Griff departed, she seems to have taken Yantan with her. Just hope she's got fed up with us too, and it's not that she or Ruby are ill.

  15. Sorry about your friend, Jazz.  As you say, a comfort for her to know Dylan will be looked after.  Don't fret about the other lot, as we say in Yorkshire, there's nowt as queer as folk!

    Owl, the problem with fireworks is they don't seem to be confined to 5th November any more, they could go off at any time and any place.  Your friend's son sounds rather unbalanced..has he always been this way or is it recent? Something a doctor ought to be told about?  Thankfully so far as fireworks go Candy isnt at all bothered.  Our late lurcher Dylan was absolutely terrified of them, and thunder.

  16. Certainly not Owl, it's done very well!

    I was rather pleased that the last lot of rads hasn't brought my skin out bright red and sore until it dawned on me that it's gone in, rather than out and the inside of my mouth on that side and sore! Eating anything remotely solid really hurts, so it's going to be porridge and soup for me for a while.  Oh well, I need to lose weight!

    Candy goes to have her stitches out this afternoon, it has all healed very nicely so shouldn't be a problem.  The next thing in store for her is a tooth needs to come out, unfortunately one of her canines. The vet said age related tooth deterioration. Shame you can't claim for teeth on the insurance!


  17. Yikes! when we drove through Ashford in the Water, Philip said bet the property is expensive here. I just checked with Zoopla...a 2 bed cottage £250.000!!! Mind you there's one in Bakewell, also 2 bed for £350.000! Next village up from us is Ashover and property there is very pricey as it's a desirable area. Desirable in that there are lots of stone built cottages and no flipping shops! Our house may not be choccy box, but all main shops, vet doctor (when open) etc are within easy reach.  Much prefer that.

  18. Glad you managed ok Jazz.

    We regarded the sky with some doubt but decided we'd go for our drive anyway, had a mixture of sunshine (briefly) light showers and heavy ones, but still had an enjoyable mystery trip.  I say mystery because once we got up past Ashford in the Water Philip took a wrong turning and we didn't have a clue where we were going, but never mind..great scenery and we got back where we wanted to be in the end. We didn't take Candy today as we knew we weren't stopping anywhere and last time we did a longer journey with her she threw up, so we thought she'd be happier snoozing at home.  We did stop at Burger King in Chesterfield and she got some of that and now she's gone for her walk, so she's happy.

  19. Oh my mistake Eve! Should have looked at a map.  A woman we know who lived in Nottingham moved about three years ago now right up to Wick..I think.  I know she put photos on and their back garden gate opens onto the beach.  Gets a bit wild in the winter though but she loves it up there.

    We drove back some years ago to where I lived as a child, drove down to the sea and found the road just stopped abruptly, taken away by erosion. My son and his family live in Lancing and only a short drive from the beach.  

    Candy was lying on her back on the bed just now and I got a good look at her tummy, it's all healing nicely and no redness or signs of infection.  Once she's had her stitches out on Thursday I can get her booked in for a haircut, she looks like a mobile mop at the moment!

    wrote at the same time as you Owl..yes it doesn't look too bad for this week weatherwise, so fingers crossed.

  20. I wish we lived by the sea..I was born and brought up very close to the Yorkshire coast and I do like being near water.  Don't like being in it too much unless it's the Aegean!

    Last session of rads tomorrow thank goodness.  I thought I'd got away with not feeling bad with this lot, should not have tempted fate!  Philip has this week off, hopefully there'll be at least one or two dry days so we can have a drive into the Peaks. 

  21. Our cottage in Sussex only had a name, not a number.  Our previous place here was 24, now we are at 48.  

    The vet phoned earlier to tell us that the histology results were back on Candy's lump.  Bad news is it was a malignant tumour, good news is only Grade 1.  Clear margins too, and her chest is clear.  He said just check the whole area regularly just in case of any more appearing.

    I enjoyed the meal out last night and managed to eat a reasonable amount..luckily I wasn't feeling last night how I feel today or we wouldn't have gone!   

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