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Everything posted by beaky

  1. Mornink. Our computer have been playing silly bugger since wednesday, so today is the first chance I've had to catch up Hope everyone is well.
  2. Before - bearing in mind it was the middle of summer and things weren't dead There's a shed behind the trelice. It's very pretty (or was) but not brilliantly functional for Sasha - we need more grass. And now (tree cut back on the back right and some of the trelice removed- note Jack flying back in when he realised it was raining ) Basically we need to strip everything back to the fences, and turf all of the left hand side, remove the trelice (we have 2 on the patio) and replant the right border. Lot of work, but will be worth it
  3. Well 3 car loads (and a very wet dog walk) later, the garden is cleared of tree and Sasha is walked. We shall not be going out again today A garden shredder is a fab idea We're just clearing the worst at the moment, but the major work (rest of clearing, returfing and generally repairing the fences, moving the shed and planting some nice non dead things) will be taking place over the easter holidays. The tree was a bit hazardous because it had grown so big, so it needed to be hacked right back. We've left some foliage and we should have some flowers soon because there are buds OH is in the shower
  4. From upstairs bedroom Now we have to get it into manageable car size chunks As you can see, our garden needs a *lot* of work :lol: Noone lived there for 6 months and before that there was noone tending the garden for over 12 I think.
  5. My garden is full of tree. My hair is full of tree. The car will soon be full of tree. ANyone want to see a pic?
  6. A very wise man once said to me that nothing which was worth doing was easy And he was spot on
  7. Poor ickle sweet Sasha (my foot ) had to be muzzled when she saw the vet a couple of weeks ago :o It was only a booster but she fought so hard, he muzzled her because he was afraid for his safety So bent 3 needles wriggling and in the end had to have it in her back leg muscle and be held down by 3 people, poor girlie
  8. I've cleaned and cleared off the worktops - now I just need to locate my motivation to oil them...oh, and a brush
  9. RMF: I need my mouth sewing up so i can't eat any more junk through boredom RMF: I have to go and oil the worktops RMF: I have to pack to go to the inlaws tomorrow RMF: I have to wrap my dad's birthday present ready to go and see him on friday RMF: I have a retirement card to write (for afore mentioned fil) RMF: I am covered in mud RMF: I am bored RMF: You can tell I'm home on holiday because the house is a s*** state
  10. Are you the owner of the Digital box in Plymouth which called the coastguard?
  11. This morning I managed to deflea (she had them ) Sasha without any growling - just a small amount of wee and a very forlorn looking face She was rewarded for this major breakthrough with copius amounts of biscuits.
  12. Oh, my RMF. If I hear Angels any more, I fear I may vomit. Projectile type. Everywhere.
  13. It may not be what you think If you want to chat, pm or ping meeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
  14. Ug. Mornink I like this half term business - but Sasha doesn't. Means her dad doesn't take her for walkies at 6am but she has to wait until 10am to go with me - so she made sure she kept her humans awake by SINGING FROM 5.30 am
  15. I'm feeling poorly bad Only one more day to drag myself through before half term
  16. Well I'll be wankered Isn't there supposed to be a filter?
  17. Note to self: If you have a slight cold, painful ear and sore throat, DO NOT hold your nose and swallow to clear your ears. Much dizzyness and falling off chairs will ensue
  18. Is that your MRI? If so then don't. It will probably be nothing. Will be thinking of you on friday
  19. Ug. I have the afternoon off. Yay. My colleague number one is off sick and number two only does a half day. So as I did an 11 hour day yesterday they've told me to go home But I feel incredibly guilty Not that I would have anything to do anyway And I have a 10+ hour day tomorrow.
  20. I am beyond exhausted Roll on half term on friday. Everyone is ill.
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