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Everything posted by Pingu

  1. Pingu

    Member Map

    ok from hlgs's link i can see that thsoe witha low screen resolution may be having difficulty in seeing it. the house thing btw is to indicate that its you, everyone sees themselves as a little house. if you have added friends to your profile then they show up in a diff colour too
  2. I believe the grand finale is that they get all the surviving BB contestants in a room and then let loose some tigers. i can dream....
  3. Pingu

    Member Map

    I am assuming you dont live in washington in the USA? have removed it so you can start over
  4. Pingu


    yeah there permissions thing is different to the rest of the board and I hadnt set them properly
  5. this is a tool that will allow you to post a link to your rescue\organisation\fav websites and will be a bit like a yellow pages. the image is automatically generated from the website to access this then just click on the Directory thing in the top menu bar and then enter the category your link falls into.
  6. one of the new features I have been able to install is the member map. this is something we had on google ages ago and was dead handy for stuff like transport runs etc. you can access it by clicking on the "member map" thing in the top menu bar. my recomendation is that you just put the city\town that you live in as your location rather than your street etc
  7. the member map is something that i have also added. i will add in special markers for rescues etc tomorrow
  8. click on the "refuge chat" bit so i can see if it works properly ta
  9. Pingu

    July Rmf

    am tired now of fixing little niggly bits that have stopped working properly since the migration. some bigger ones still to do but so far its waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay faster.
  10. OK as this server is more powerful there is more i can do here. the first thing is that chat can return. tbh i am not that fussed on the chat app in this skin so will work on that. you can access it by clicking on "Refuge chat" in the top menu bar. ALL chats are logged so dont put your credit card info etc in there. secondly is something called "Directory" this is quite clever and whizzy. It will replace the links part if the board and is a bit like yellow pages. if you can think of any categories that can be used please let me know.
  11. that will happen tomorrow at some point
  12. mmmm doughnuts...

  13. Pingu

    July Rmf

    stargate atlantis the poor cousin of the real stargate *runs*
  14. in a couple of days (once moves over I will be able to put a redirect in but yeah never thought about that... ooops
  15. Pingu


    I will sort the skin out for here as soon as i can. the board move really messed it up so important i posted it twice
  16. Pingu


    I will sort the skin out for here as soon as i can. the board move really messed it up
  17. for now i have disabled the other skins. will reenable them once the board has moved to 3.12
  18. yeah. i started on the blue one but no point doing the rest until the U/G to 3.12 as the changes will be overwritten
  19. i am noticing some random log outs... am working on this
  20. the next step in the board migration is to update the software to the latest version. this should be a relatively easy task but given how thises things go its probably going to hit a hitch at some point then i will do a prune of old topics (probably anything over 3 years old in the more general forums or\and a prune of members who have been inactive for a while. then its the big stuff... a reorg and rationalisation with some new features (chat willbe making a comeback) and there is a really cool replacement for the link exhchange thing that will be quite usesful for rescues.
  21. Pingu


    Katie is OK. she is a bit pissed off and sleepy but is fine... as am I now back at vets tomorrw for a follow up.
  22. OK tehre is an issue with emoticons in posts made prior to the migration not displaying. ones in new posts are fine. there is very little i can do about this so we will just have to live with it
  23. Pingu


    well its moved. there will still be a bit of troubleshooting to do but so far it looks to be ok. this server is much more powerful than the previous one and hopefully this should see the end of the performance issues
  24. Pingu


    no not yet.. aparantly in "the next few hours" as if i didnt have enough stress today with katie having a cyst removed. I have been a basket case most of the day
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