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laura g

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Everything posted by laura g

  1. I know nothing Jack. But I have seen your place a couple of times. Easiest answer would be to bung a shelter in the bottom field of course. Is that not an option for her? New yard sounds interesting tough. Where is it in relation to home / work? Does it make it easier for you? Indoor is a big draw. Will dogs be ok at new yard? will they have same freedom that they have at Lynns? that too! try and leave on a good note: easier if you go to the yard because you can cite the jumps / indoor / any other facilities lynne doesnt have. harder to spin it if you're bunging kane into a smaller place.....if you see what i mean.
  2. Our family are north of hawkhurst (below the m20) and i looked at the cranbrook area when we moved down. because oh has to drive to work we decide against it; he's all over the UK and its a bit of a bugger getting to the main links. we had to be closer to the m25 and the airport. we certainly are!!!! would have been different if he commuted by train though. its a lovely area. nice shopping in tunbridge wells and all teh seaside towns close to hand. good luck!
  3. any salads. hot salads the best. big bowl of leaves, toms, cucumber, onions, sweetcorn and those tinned italian beans. moosh in some hot fried bacon lardon thingies and feta. feta sold in the jars of garlicky oil is really good. yum!
  4. ok. time for my confession. i loathe crocs. but the local shoe shop were doing buy one get one free for various styles so on the back of daughters school shoes i got a pair (branded holy soles, i think) hideously ugly. but amazingly comfortable and i havent taken them off for a couple of weeks. only thing i would say is dont assume they'll be ok for sloshing about in water. mine are fab when they're dry but the other day i went through a wet field in them and as soon as water got between the sole and my foot i slid out of them and had real probs walking back home. no grip at all. i quite like cotton trader's aqua trainers. they might be ok for you. having said that it's the size: you have complete fairy feet!
  5. in the words of nessa jenkins...... tidy!
  6. no for some other reason. i think there should be a 'last orders' call. 24 hours for people to add any new and valid / relevant information. then pin the thread outside of archive with a mods/admin summation at the end. its my experience that people don't change. history tells us its very likely that this will happen to some other individual/group on dp sometime in the future. and when it does i believe the thread will be eminently useful.
  7. i got my last batch from ebay. precious moments great product. put everything i wanted on - front and back - no extra cost. combined postage. nexy day service.
  8. .... all indicative perhaps that there stands a person being manipulated? If I was asked to fight a fight that was not mine and defend actions I just didn't know enough about, it would tie me in verbal knots too. I don't know if roxysmum volunteered to come on here or was ordered on. not that it matters. whatever way, she's been cannon fodder. it's not good strategy to put your weakest troops in first. it's never been a widely used or successful gambit. tends to be the dictators who do it though.....
  9. Thanks for that. Very much appreciated. It was a real bombshell statement you made there. i can certainly forgive but I have to be honest: i'm going to find such cutting comment hard to forget. Because it had to come from somewhere. or someone.
  10. blimey. i made a comment earlier on about perhaps he didn't want to talk to the 'little people'. Tbh i was being sarcastic more than anything. But... if this is how the dp mods view their majority site ineffective, second class citizens not worthy of an honest comment... then i'm actually quite shocked. as long as us keyboard chimps give you a laught as you watch us from your ivory tower.....
  11. ankle patch test? ankle patch test? ankle patch tests are for whusses! scrub your hard and gnarly bits first, then and slather it on.
  12. so no one here has never written something in self-tan on the face/arms/bum of their drunk/asleep/pinned down friend???
  13. Wouldn't that be the most sensible and adult thing to do? Communication is everything. I believe we've established that DP is one person's rules and regs, beliefs and agendas. And as such, I guess RB must be thinking 'I have no q's to answer. And why should I?' Indeed, he has no obligation to talk to the 'little people'. It would be fantastic though if he could view speaking out not so much as a 'step down', but a step up to the plate. He is a man who holds a vast resource with much potential in the palm of his hand. And to me it looks like it's not being handled right. Other people might think that too. So. Would it do any harm whatsoever to, for once and for all, make DP policies, agendas, reasons etc etc etc clear? From what I have learned, I don't believe I will ever agree with DP (and therefore his) methods and motives. The apparent double standards and seemingly indiscriminate targetting. I cannot respect anyone with views that are not rational or justified. But I don't want to lose dp as a resource. So I'd settle for a modicum of regard for someone prepared to stand up, speak out in person and be, at the very least, honest. What Ian said yesterday made perfect sense to me too....
  14. the guardian job site is good for public and voluntary sector also third sector
  15. I'm not going to quote it all but really good post katiebob. certainly an eye opener for a relative dp newbie like me (2 years) and if it gives even the most ardent dp supporter something to think about, that can't be a bad thing. i was posting during the mill rescue business. it because it was at this time i had a short, sharp lesson in the lay (lie) of the land. The key phrase has already been given by chickentikka.... And you know what? My issue began to be less to do with what a rescue may or may not be doing right. or wrong. The only thing I could think of was: why initiate such a massive campaign if you have no intention of keeping an open and public opinion on it? Or of maintaining and progressing the 'investigation' that commenced with a dp commissioned visit? I still have no idea why. Do any of you? It's a bit shameful though, isn't it? Use people to spread the word and to gather information... suck it all up like a sponge and do, apparently, nothing. I have to be honest. My opinions/views on MR itself didn't really change. What did alter dramatically was my opinion of DP. Their (or rather, his) intentions and non actions overtook anything that was or was not happening in Lincolnshire. A complete loss of credibility. I hope this makes sense, but in a way, you can liken it to 'the boy who cried wolf'. DP could, tomorrow, expose a genuinely disgraceful rescue. One that stores the dogs in tupperware and gives free shock collars with every purchase. But because of the way they 'handled' MR and my new knowledge of similar campaigns that have gone before and debacles that have risen since, will he have my ear? Or my willingness to help take action where I can?'ll be just another bit of dp personal agenda claptrap.
  16. that is quite a good one. on a more serious note from my previous posts, if its just your legs you want doing, then you cant go wrong with this no 7 stocking cream really nice coverage and excellent finish. got through pots of it when i was working the ships and holiday camps.
  17. do you mean the rgr guys shouldn't be surprised that they have been banned from posting? were they making slanderous comments prior to the cessation of their membership then?
  18. to show off your diamonte embellished brazilian?
  19. You are most welcome. It's all true you know. which is what is blummin frightening. the things we do for beauty. Give it a go. You dont have to wear the knickers. But I forgot to tell you about the plastic hairnet thingy... thats a requirement. I've even found this for you. Imagine doing this with your eyes closed, practically nekkid whilst trying to balance with legs spread and at an angle for inner thigh brown-ness..... I had to invent two new moves for the full figured woman. Pretty hard fitting in all in you know. But without the les dawsonesque tit-hoik (making sure the underside of your droopy boobs gets done) and the turkey-neck smooth (nothing worse than a double chin in two shades) I would have looked really stupid.
  20. yup. that's the things they get you to wear in the booth! i'm actually pretty confident. the sprayed-by-a-bimbo thing:- i'm not avoiding it because of the bimbo herself. it's just the sheer horror and shame should I need double rations to cover my acreage. imagine the humiliation of it - having to stop to refuel the pump....
  21. I never fancied one of those places where a whippet thin 15 year old beautician sprays you over with St Tropez. Too much like hosing down a heifer before the county show to my mind. BUT I have used one of the automatic spray booths. Lock yourself in to a phone box sized contraption, strip down, don the paper knickers, hold your breath, shut your eyes and strike 4 or 5 key poses (involving leg spreading and bingo wing flaunting) to attain maximum coverage. Lots of fun and actually a v good tan. Highly recommended!
  22. Ok well, it was me that mentioned dp was down. i intended to report a fact rather than speculation...however i dont think i can be blamed for a little virtual eyebrow raising. i'm trying to remember what happened before the big push for fundraising for the dp server.... other dpers: correct me if i'm wrong or help me remember. wasnt it advertised that ray would be retiring / shutting dp? or something like that - sufficient to fluster people and start on a huge drive for money. its the link between my recollection of a kneejerk reaction to the oddness of such an expensive server crashing at a time like this that lead me to make the comment. if you see what i mean.
  23. i'm having a 'how would alan sugar handle this?' moment. although seeing as DP seems to have disappeared (cannot display the web page), perhaps balls have been picked up and taken home?
  24. i know its probably wrong to say this ...but it does feel like the half time entertainment has just stumbled on stage!!!!
  25. thanks guys. information that will ensure i get a bit of sleep tonight! its the kind of toothache where you want to keep biting down on it ..... ridiculously horrible.
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