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domino's mum

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Everything posted by domino's mum

  1. domino's mum


    So very sorry Heva for your sad loss run free king
  2. just had a phone call off another fugee asking what a mooncup was asked if she wanted a used one?
  3. Congratulations on your job rufus. anyone hear how Heva's interview went? Happy Anniversary Ange and Rob
  4. kids back at school,so special time for just me and little Domino
  5. just reading wendy's moan thread and came across claz's mooncups, i was just about to ask what they were, when she posted a linky to ebay OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY GGGOODDDDDDDDDD I didnt know such things exsisted
  6. ive just pulled a muscle in my bum, testing my fitness level on the wii. good god im in agony, but what making me laugh is the kids asking if i need to go to hospital. ( with the size of my a**e the poor doctors would think there was a solar eclipse.)
  7. I know what you mean now, here in Liverpool we call them ice pops or frozeies
  8. i'm feeling really down tonight. first of all received a phone call letting me know an old neighbour who i grew up with, has dropped dead 2 days ago, feel so sorry for his family he has left behind 5 youngsters so near christmas and also for his mum and dad who only buried his older brother last year who apparantly died of the same thing also the area where i live is all blocked off by police and firemen, a major water main piped has burst and every where is flooded
  9. who does the canvas pictures, that pic is gorgeous
  10. just been shopping in Tesco where the little boy Rhys Jones mum works and they have opened a book of condolences, caitlyn my daughter who is 8 wanted to sign the book but said she wanted to write something special, she walked around the store thinking of something she could say to his family that could ease their pain for maybe a little while and after awhile she came up to me and said she wanted to write "He will be in your hearts always" she told an old lady waiting to sign the book that Rhys has not gone he is the special angel who kisses your face when the sunshines, the special angel who gently blows love on your face in the wind and the special angel who crys tears of joy for the happy times you shared together when it rains. As a mum to 2 children 8 + 9 my heart bleeds for what that poor family must be feeling , its to horrible to ever imagine. I'm so proud of her,that even at the age of 8 years old she has a heart of gold May the B******s who did this caught and punished.
  11. nog looks like he should start a new group called "The Village Dogs" I could just picture him singing YMCA
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