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Mrs B

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Everything posted by Mrs B

  1. Well done Chasta. Now I can tell that you're more than half way there - fabulous. I'm minus four pounds. And I've updated my ticker. And it's worked (worrying, very worrying).
  2. No, you definitely weren't treating me like an idiot - 'cause yours were the only instructions that made any sense to me.
  3. Derrrrrr. Helps if I go into the right thing to start with to put the signature bit in. Sigh. Thank you very much Rufus. You've made an old lady very happy. Now all I have to do is weigh in tomorrow morning. Whoops. For that I think we'd better ready this morning!
  4. Grump. Oh, sorry, wrong thread. OK, so I "think" I have identified which the BB code is, but not which box to put it in (assume it's in my Profile Settings, but that of course could be my first mistake). Now I have until around 5.30 am tomorrow morning when I weigh in to sort this one out ............ One Lumpy Bumpy Grumpy Mrs B PS Once I've sorted that out, THEN I can worry about tracker envy .......... !
  5. So everyone else has been clever, and I still don't know what I'm doing wrong. Shan't tell you how much weight I've put on tomorrow until I can resolve this I don't think. Although all this brain usage is making me overly hungry.
  6. You will begin to realise I am technically inept. When I was at College, a manual typewriter was a state of the art piece of equipment to have! So I had one. Off to go to the GYM (otherwise I'll miss the time I have carefully arranged for this) however, perhaps by the time I get back, someone can have given me the numpty version of how to add this in, so I can appear less idiotic! Do I use the http code ........... or a different one ................ and which box in my "Profile" do I put it in. Mind you, I'm feeling much better to find Ellie needs help too ............
  7. Ooooh errrrrrrrrrrrrrr. This is scarily technical for an OAP like me. Question is, do I have this anywhere near right ............... ? Testing, testing ............
  8. Well done Gemstone. I do hope I have congratulated everyone else I should have done, but if not, consider yourself congratulated anyway. Having a wibble at the moment, as weigh in is tomorrow morning! I’d like to think my trousers are looser, but then think maybe I’m just trying to kid myself as it is far too early to be in that situation! Was VERY good last night. Wednesday night is baking night, and I managed not to taste anything – but realised that I must normally be dipping into some of the ingredients as I bake, not to mention licking some of the spoons ………………… Just goes to show that you don’t always realise just what you’ve been picking at! Am going to the Gym again later – just for a total of around 20-25 minutes on various pieces of equipment, but hopefully everything will help. Wibble-wobble.
  9. Good for you Wendy. Well done. Lil Angel - yes, I keep a food diary - it's fairly basic at the moment, but it's enough for me to see where I'm not eating enough of certain foods too. I am already wishing that there was some way that I could see how each of us were doing week to week, as I know I will have forget that someone who lost 1lb this week will be very chuffed, because they've been trying hard for three weeks and lost nothing, and think someone's done fantastically who's lost 1.5lbs, when they will be totally disheartened 'cause they've been losing 3lbs every week, and had actually done more exercise that week. Is there anyway of "collating" anything ........... for those who want?
  10. Whoops. Unfortunately received this too late. Do not think I necessarily made the best choice, but, what is done is done, and, hopefully, if I do without as many of my "treats" and "fats" between now and Friday, I will be back on track. Very well done San. Ellie-Sparkle, you are actually at a healthy BMI you know ................. No harm in losing a few pounds if you really feel you need to, but don't go mad (says she who comes in at a whole half inch taller than Ellie, but is refusing at this point in time to admit to just how many pounds more!) Well done to everyone who has decided to make an adjustment to a healthier lifestyle. Am off to update the exercise thread later.
  11. HELP! I have just been asked to go with some folks for a ‘meal’ this evening. Possibly McDonalds. As I have (should I be ashamed to say?) no idea at all of my way around a McDonalds menu, can anyone brief me in advance for something sensible to have in my mind, so that I can go into the place fixated with what I am going to have. I have been soooooooo good today as well - eaten cereals, fruit, brought my own carefully made sandwich lunch, salad bits – and it was going to be jacket potato for tea. Any pointers for healthy options would be appreciated.
  12. Oh dear, seems more people around than people. Survived the morning at work, although my stray sock is still firmly taking up brain cell space. Tis sunny here, and the wind seems to have reduced to an acceptable breeze, so I'm going to mooch into town and stock up on vitamin C foods. Catch up with you later.
  13. Do syns allow a SMALL slice of cake (with a cherry on top) ............ Keep going Sam, we can't have Grumpy Squirrels here. Does anyone have a tried and tested muesli bar recipe? I can have those on plan, but have never made them, and while I can find lots of recipes I would rather use someone's tried and tested recipe. I have three nights this week when I will have to rush out of the house at a time too early to have had dinner, so I think that one of these would help me through to my evening meal. And of course, if I make them, I can portion control them.
  14. Morning. Back to work today. Spent half the night worrying about how much work would have stacked up on my desk having been poorly for three days. So I've got up to do something positive before I go to work. The oven's on, I've three cakes waiting to bake: Sorry Mindy - hope you're in bed by now .............
  15. We use one for Tigger (weighing in at 22 kgs). I can vouch for the fact that Mr B lifted Tigger in it at Christmas, and although Tigger looked extremely disgruntled at the treatment, he's still alive to tell the tale. Very robust too (needs to be!)
  16. Had scrambled egg on toast for lunch - but have decided I cannot kid myself that un"buttered" toast is good. Even low fat spread would have been more paletable. I'll learn!
  17. Morning. Still sleeping in for England with the remains of this cold thing. The fact that I will have to get up at 5.45 am tomorrow is not looking like the best of plans! Sorry you're having problems Sam. I do like the idea of you going for walks with folks with dogs who you trust. And even then, you could actually walk "apart" from the stooge dog - so that you find a comfortable distance for whichever of your dogs you have with you, and then gradually bring them in closer over time. And there's always the option of putting your safe self between your dog and A N Other dog (be they stooge or just having the misfortune to be owned by a stupid owner) which will hopefully help your dog feel protected. Off to keep my opinions to myself elsewhere.
  18. Just remember you use more muscles laughing than frowning.
  19. I feel I have been a good girl again today (although I haven't added up to see if I've eaten all I should yet!) If I can keep this up tomorrow, that means that by the time I'm back at work on Monday I'll be three days in to my "healthy eating" and should find it easier to behave. (Says she who's just looked at her schedule for the week!)
  20. Reminder to self. Do not allow Mr B to join the Refuge. Edited to say: Or tell him what my password is.
  21. Being so organised ............... just wondering about going to look for some photos now ................ Then again, I would prefer not to be murdered by the organisers!
  22. To those who think cake is cake ............. I'll take some photos later! I do wish I could get a business sorted out, but no-one would pay me enough to keep me baking cakes all day! Too many puppies. Don't do puppies. Had an e-mail from my Trainer today. Would I like to help with Puppy Class. (((gulp))) Do they really know what they could be letting themselves in for. Not forgetting that I've fogotten how to give any dog a verbal command, which could make things interesting!
  23. Sorry to hear you're both poo Sproggie - which horrible buggy have you found? Yay for Grandpa and poorly greyhound though. And which cake of mine are your beady eyes on? RMF: Have had to extract 7 eggs stuck in the carton, which now means I have broken all the shells so have 7 eggs broken into a bowl. Anyone for an omelette? RMF: Have found my husband. He's rung me from the supermarket - just doing a mini shop so wanted to know what I wanted. I've just rung him back - he's switched his mobile off!
  24. Good for you Di. It's nice to start handing out the congratulations to folks so soon.
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