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Everything posted by red-devil0602

  1. Im in Northwich and everybody around the cheshire area reads the local Guardian so may be worth getting in touch with them
  2. Well the other doe had her litter this morning but 1 died leaving her with 7
  3. im in love with them all they are all getting their colours now and theres a lovely little dark chubby boy
  4. Just done a head count and it looks like we have 7 boys and 5 girls
  5. im just greatful they are all ok and they are with me and not the previous owner, any advicewould be awesome
  6. Mum and all 12 babies are doing fine so far
  7. WE HAVE RATTY BABIES!!! Dont know how many yet as i haven't had chance to count them but im so excited
  8. I have offered to take him on to live with Mikey but she cant make her mind up as she "loves" him so much! Kathy what are the early signs of labour? The little dark girl has been nest building and grooming constantly and is now lying stretched up the side of her tank in an odd position
  9. I didnt see her at school this morning so will see if she is there this afternoon, from the way she was talking she wanted to keep him hopfully she will rehome him as she obviously doesnt know what she is doing xx
  10. Dont worry they are only allowed to snuggle on my shoulder so no rumpy pumpy Yes she has her own little girly friend to live with called Sandy
  11. I did send a message through facebook when it happened But i know Mikey would really love some company as he loves snuggling up on my shoulder with my daughters girly Little Miss but this is the only ratty contact he gets, i dont know what to do for the best what do you think?
  12. Mikey (grey & white) is doing great but sadly Benny passed away of unknown causes I would take a few boys off your hands as mikey is in a huge cage on his own but what with these possible new arrivals i dont know if i can
  13. Cheers i have posted on fancy rats and got some good info, looking at the other little girly i feel that both are pregnant
  14. Hi all some people may know me as i work for Rochdale Dog Rescue but i also keep lots of rodents myself, last week one of the mothers at school asked if i could help with 2 female rats that she can no longer cope with and me being a soft touch said yes as i have the spare cages. Both girls are lovely and friendly and have settled in fine and from what she has told me the girls are around 9mths old but they were from P@H so who knows!. One of the girls feels very "chubby" to me so i asked her if she could be pregnant and she said it is possible as the girls lived with a male As im not into breeding i dont have a clue so please can anybody give me some advice on what i need to do ?
  15. Just heard this from my sister as she now faces her loosing her job after working there for nearly 25yrs if you have vouchers etc i would go and get a refund asap incase they wont take then later on. Great news for xmas eh!
  16. We dont know how old they are as they were both picked up as strays
  17. Peanut Jelly I picked these guys up from a local wildlife sanctuary today, Peanut was found in somebodies garden and Jelly was found in the road Both are lovely and friendly little things.
  18. I'm looking for a male rat as a companion to my male as he recently lost his friend, my Mikey boy is very friendly but really sulking since Benny past away, if you have any boys that you think would be suitable please give me a shout i am in cheshire xx
  19. how much are these ones that record?
  20. Ailbhe has slept since she got home lol I had a really lovely time today and it was good to get out with everybody again I love that pic of Ailbhe with her hat on
  21. yeah or like a bulldog licking piss of a nettle
  22. Foster dog Wiggy and my eldest daughter Courtney Foster dog Tara and my eldest daughter Courtney Harvey and my eldest daughter Courtney Harvey and my youngest Cameron-Alys Millie and my youngest Cameron-Alys
  23. your like horse s***! always in the road - get out of the way nice lad thick as f*** - what an idiot you could mither a nest of rats - your annoying as much use as a chocolate fire guard - usless face like a bag o smashed crabs - Ugly
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