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Everything posted by JulesB

  1. Oh heck Jazz, I hope the dog turns up. Is your mum OK, how come she overdosed?
  2. Well done Vonny, excellent result I am trying really hard, roughly following Slimming World principles, and have lost 4lbs. Can your BMI go down really quickly in a week? I'm ashamed to say mine was 39% last week but it's now 35% - is that possible
  3. Don't get me wrong, I'm like that too Murtle and I'm often lurking but not saying anything sometimes just because I have nothing interesting to say. I do find it sad though if it's a heartbreaking thread about someone losing their beloved dog, or a new person saying hello when there are about 100 views but only 5 comments.
  4. I'm with you there Suzeanna, it's his mouth that annoys me most. I'm very sorry about your brother in law, so very sad RMQ: Looking at another thread tonight has made me wonder why people would visit a board and view threads but not comment? It's the equivalent of eavesdropping.
  5. JulesB


    Welcome to the Refuge What gorgeous dogs you have
  6. Nice day Sleep tight little Jazz. Beautiful sunrise here. Who's with me for kicking the bottom of Tuesday then? I plan to work like a demon today so I can bunk off and go ride beloved pony at tea time.
  7. Alex, your garden must be looking lovely judging by those pics. Like Phoebejo, I have reclaimed some garden back from the chickens and hope to have some actual plants showing up soon I didn't realise that was Lamium, I have the same looking thing, only mine comes up pink. Is Lamium the same as flowering dead nettles, does anyone know? I keep seeing that in the woods, in a yellow and a purple version and thinking it would be lovely in my shady garden.
  8. Oh please tell me it's not Monday already. Can I join the lurgified corner please - my qualifications are sore throat, headache, snivelling and feeling sick.
  9. No, from his pic he looks like a dog person but other than that I've no idea who he is.
  10. Owl Poor Timmy, is there any pattern to when he's frightened Alex? Does anyone know who Steve Jardine is please
  11. I don't know enough detail about any particular religion to be able to argue the case for or against, but I'm finding it interesting to see others' thoughts. I've just had to look up a Mandelbrot diagram, I am none the wiser though
  12. Morning. Even though I've led the dogs and chickens out, fed dogs, cat and chickens and made a cup of coffee I think I'm still technically
  13. I can't believe it's a year since you lost your beautiful girl
  14. That's fantastic news Sam, well done
  15. Oh heck Alex. I'm sure it will all work out fine in the end, when head honcho director is given all the facts. It will be the other person who looks bad, not you
  16. Glad you had a good visit Owl, sounds like a lovely day. at Alex, delegating upwards. Karen, I'm sorry the oldie dog didn't work out for you. Glad your mum is doing well though, are the docs giving her blood thinning meds or anything to try and prevent another aneurysm? Good luck Murtle, sending healing thoughts for the laptop And good luck at the vets Jazz. It's a beautiful day here, just waiting for someone to spoil it
  17. What do other Fugees use for photo hosting please? I've used Photobucket for years, with no problems, but when I went onto it last week a virus suddenly leapt onto my PC and it was the very devil to shift so I'm a bit loathe to use Photobucket now. I have a few pics of new dog Megan at last so I'm itching to do her a thread
  18. Well done on the exam Michelle Fingers crossed that people can follow Wispa's nose and find Pepper. Suzeanna It sounds good that the rescue want you to speak to the vet Karen, I suppose then at least you have all the info you need to make a decision. Fingers crossed for you. A dress Marge, what’s one of those Andrea, how exciting, you'll be able to just take off when you want Can we have a Gotcha Day thread for the new caravan please Thank you for the good wishes for MIL, she has agreed to go into some sort of respite care for a while, the trick now is to find a place for her, preferably before she falls and breaks something serious. It's been a busy few weeks and we are a tired household tonight, my poor OH has only spent one day at home in three weeks. Loving the Merledogs thread
  19. Lovely boys Taffy doesn't give up easily does he
  20. Sunny here too Karen How's the dog hunting going? at Martin. I am having a bit of peace and quiet before the madness begins. Will be spending most of the day in the car, MIL has fallen and injured herself so we are going down to Leeds to try to sort out some respite care for her. It's been crazy this week
  21. I'm so sorry Alicia, I hope George has a peaceful journey this afternoon, and is reunited with Onion What a rubbish time you are having
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