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Bilbo Won Out Of Elementary


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I know there is a brag section but :cool:

OK so Bilbo's first proper agility show was a big success.

He came 3rd in Elementary agility - so we have won out of elementary at our first show

He came 2nd in Elementary Down and Out and 9th in Elementary TFO.

This also means he gets to apply for his first Rescue Dog Agility league points :biggrin:



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A great performance.

Gleniffer, wasn't it?

We went a couple of times when it was at Lanark Racecourse but Alloa is too far for a 1 day show, especially as it would only be for our 2 Mediums.

My daughter has a soft spot for Gleniffer - she won out of Elementary with Penny at Lanark, then she won Mini/Maxi pairs with Ross. (In true Scottish fashion, the trophy was a whisky glass and miniature bottle of whisky. Pity she was only 12 at the time. It's still on the trophy shelf.)

Then she won out of Starters with Ross at the weekend show and at the same show won the overall Starter prize with Penny.

Last year she played an absolute blinder with Hazel at the weekend show.

Let's hope that's a precedent and that you're set for more success because you won out of Elementary at Gleniffer as well.



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