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Timmy's Leg Cocking


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I am really at the end of my tether with Timmy's leg cocking in the house. :angry:


I have tried everything I can think of, gone back to basics for months and months and nothing seems to stop it. It's not because he needs to go, because he can hold it from 9pm until 7am when he sleeps upstairs with me. It's not even the night-time that's bugging me because I can either crate him or take him to bed with me. It's when he does it when I am at work or out of the room. :(


I always have the door open in the morning when I'm getting ready for work so he has access to the garden until about 8.30 am. Then he is left with the others from 8.45 am until 12.45 ish when I am home for lunch. Without fail he always pees up the leather furniture. He even does it sometimes when I am home but not in the room, like just now when I was in the kitchen he peed on the leather footstool. He was outside at 4 pm so it's not as if he needed to go, I assume he does it out of habit because it's learned behaviour.


I won't crate him all the time when I'm at work but this is really really getting me down because my living room rugs constantly stink of pee and so does the leather on the footstool and the cushions which he pulls off the sofa so they get peed on. :angry:


I have tried all the usual stuff taking him in the garden, he knows what to do when I say "peepees" and he gets rewarded with big fuss and treats, etc when he goes outside but he still does it inside.

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I had him neutered at approx 10 months just after he came to me.




I have tried white vinegar and the usual biological washing powder and for the rug I use the Bissell pet stuff and also bicarbonate of soda and also biological washing powder solution. :flowers:




It could initially be something worrying him and then the scent is stimulating him to do it again.

Presumably the postman comes in the morning while you are out (although nowadays, who knows?).

That or something else going on could have started it.




He's always done it from the time we got him (which will be two years ago in March). Max used to do it as well but the training ,etc has worked for him (though he does lapse around firework time because he's scared to go out after dark).

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Does he c*** his leg in any other room?

Syd did this when we moved. It was partly stress but also partly I think that his house training didn't include the new house. He used to go without fail in the mornings that OH was up first (but didn't let them out :angry: ). I started getting up with OH and letting them out to try to break the cycle and gradually extended the time that they were left in the mornings. He also got the usual treats/praise for going in the garden and now goes very quickly after they have been let out to "be clean" (used to take him 30mins+ to eventaully go :rolleyes: ) I still go out with them all into the garden to check that they have all been before they are left or even when they aren't being left.


I think the 2 biggest things that helped were breaking the habit by basically stopping the accidents, and putting it on cue (sort of - he'll never go immediately like Khanu :wub: )


I was just thinking that if you could shut them out of the room he usually does it in when you aren't there, and have him attached to you like a puppy when you are there so the second he looks like he is about to c*** his leg you can interupt and take him outside, then you may break the habit. Maybe try to get it on cue too.

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A cleaner that I have found to be possibly the best thing since sliced bread for helping break marking habits is Four Paws Industrial strength stain and odor remover.


It comes in a large yellow bottle and costs about £8 for 950 mls


We had a terrible disaster one day we went out for literally fifteen minutes and the freaking plumber rang to say he would be early.


Got home and Sean wolfhound's dire rear had exploded right in front of the airing cupboard where the plumber was to work.


Spent ten mins cleaning with the magic cleaner, and warned plumber of icky smell of rancid dog poo


He said all he could smell was cleaner lol


It works on carpet, lino, laminate, leather, rugs, the lot.


I love the stuff, and it has worked for me.


Another trick a load of cat owners I know use to stop their cats marking repeatedly is to get a uv lamp as if you can't see/are not sure of where the stains are, they will show up under a uv lamp

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Khanu he cocks his leg in other parts of the house too when left (I've left him in the kitchen before now and he weed there and also in the hall) :rolleyes:


I will see if I can get hold of some of that stuff thanks Theresa :flowers:


Still need to break him of the habit though :angry:

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If you can't pm me your addy and I'll send you over some.
Thank you, that's very kind of you :flowers:


Alex, I've got some of the Four Paws cleaner that Theresa recommended - got mine in Jollyes so you can definitely get it over here. Is there a Jollyes near you?
Don't have a Jollyes near me but I have found somewhere online that sells it so will order some :flowers:
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Khanu he cocks his leg in other parts of the house too when left (I've left him in the kitchen before now and he weed there and also in the hall) :rolleyes:



Mmmmm then my suggestion is useless :laugh: :flowers:


If he does it when you leave the room I would go with the lead attached to your belt thing though as you would with a pup. Otherwise can you predict when he will go - like 30mins after you've left, I'm wondering whether you could leave but come home before he has weed to try to break the cycle? Although how you'd manage that and go to work I'm not sure :unsure: How would he be if you took him with you and had him in the car? Is that possible at all? I think you're right in that it's a habit, you just need to figure out a way to break it :rolleyes:

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Well the little sod did it in front of me last night :angry: :rolleyes: Just went to c*ck his leg against the chair. I caught him just as he started and interrupted him and took him outside to show him where he was supposed to go, then rewarded, praised him as he was doing it. Will keep persevering and see how he goes.




Kelly I could take him to work in the car with me, but I don't really want to because it wouldn't be very safe for him. I think he would also get stressed being in the car for so long on his own, so I would have to take another dog with him. I can't see the car park from my window and we've had cars broken into in our car park before, so not very secure unfortunately :flowers:

Edited by madmerle
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Kelly I could take him to work in the car with me, but I don't really want to because it wouldn't be very safe for him. I think he would also get stressed being in the car for so long on his own, so I would have to take another dog with him. I can't see the car park from my window and we've had cars broken into in our car park before, so not very secure unfortunately :flowers:



No I didn't really think it would be a viable option but had no ideas as to how to break the habit :rolleyes: :flowers:

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Hi there Alex :biggrin:



Is he sort of marking, or is it a largeish amount?


Is there any chance he's got separation problems? I'm wondering if he gets anxious when you are out as I think Khanu already mentioned- I realise he did it whilst you were there too, but sometimes the general emotional balance of an animal can have an overall effect.


It may be useful to try a DAP diffuser where he most often hangs out.


May also be worth having a chat to your vet - in some cases it may possibly be due to weird things like anatomical malformation (!) or endocrine or neuro problems. I doubt it is as it's been going on for a long while now - however if you try everything and just can't sort it, may be worth considering medical testing as a final's also possible drug therapy could help usually with behavioural advice.






Edited by Lindsay
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Hi Lindsay :wavey:


It seems to be marking, ie small amounts. I did wonder whether he gets anxious when I'm out - he is happy with the other dogs though so I don't think it is. I have a webcam and have watched them before now and all seems calm.


If it were medical I presume he would not be able to hold it overnight, so don't think it is that either :unsure:


I am going to get some of the stuff that Theresa recommended and try that. During the day I will leave him in the kitchen so he can't wee on the furniture and overnight I will have to either crate him or take him to bed with me. I think it is purely and simply a bad habit which I have to get him out of, so will persevere.


I am going to do as Kelly suggested and keep him attached to me when I go out of the room. I have a walking belt so will attach him to that and then if I catch him in the act, I can interrupt him and take him straight outside. Even if I can get him into the habit of weeing in the kitchen and not in the living room that will be enough for me because at least then it is easy to clean up and doesn't leave a lingering smell :rolleyes:


I don't want to go down the route of drugs, I would rather just put up with it because it's not that big an issue that I want to go that far, but thanks for giving me the advice :flowers:

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