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Spins4me last won the day on May 1 2012

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About Spins4me

  • Birthday 11/28/1948

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    Never Never Land. Motto: I'll do that later

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  1. Thank you for the suggestions for losing some of the blubber! Gruesome description of injury: I tore the rotator cuff in my right shoulder in January using a chukkit stick to throw a ball for the dogs. It was sore but bearable. A couple of weeks later the dogs, bless them, pulled me over and I landed on the same shoulder - and that hurt like hell. Went to A&E and was told it was bruising. Spent many weeks in loads of pain, no sleep etc. I eventually saw my GP, had an ultrasound - two torn tendons. It was repaired in June. One tendon was a full thickess tear, the other, which attached my bicep to wherever a bicep attaches, had been torn right off. It was reattached lower down my arm. Recovery is 6 months plus. I have to say it's amazing what I've learned to do with my left hand. Ieven bought one of those bras that pull on over your head but it was no match for my boobs which are heading very far south these days.!! Also getting clothes over my head was nigh on impossible. It takes a long time to recover strength and a full range of movement - I'm working on it now with a v good pysio who I'm sure is a complete sadist but won't admit it. I have a photo but struggling to remember how to attach it.
  2. Spins waddles out of the lurking cupboard to plead for the best weight loss method suggestions. I've had a hurty since January, it was mended in June but recovery is long and slow - hence many months of lurking. If someone pushed me on a slope I'd roll right down.
  3. Has anyone heard from jazz. I heard via text on Thursday, her op was on Friday. She said she'd be pretty much out of it until Saturday night and would text after that. I haven't heard anything so sent a text saying I hoped she was ok and was thinking of her but had no reply yet.
  4. lots of ((( ))) did they say when it would be?
  5. Alicia, I get your little ones muddled. Which one is Trudy? Does she get on with other dogs/ cats?
  6. Alicia, I get your little ones muddled. Which one is Trudy? Does she get on with other dogs/ cats/ small kids?
  7. How many times can I click "like" on this one. That's such good news. Thank you Freddie!!
  8. Hope you feel better tomorrow xxxx (((( ))))
  9. Oh no!! Hope you're ok. Get better soon.xx
  10. It's nothing too drastic but looks quite good - shoulder - rotator cuff repair. A good dog related injury - Co and Flo pulled me over. It wasn't their fault, I'd just got them out of the car and next door let their puppy out, no collar or lead, and she ran past them. They lunged after her. Result, Spins4me crashing to the ground and landing on the right shoulder. Had it fixed last week. It's technicolour. Thanks Yantan. Just need to twiddle with it to get it on here - I may be some time.
  11. Sticjking my head out of the lurkers cupboard to say hi everyone. Is there still a Manky Parts Thread and how can I find it, please?
  12. I spent all yesterday morning wondering why no- one had started a "May" thread. DUH there'a no hope!!
  13. Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes. Sorry you're having these symptoms. .. Your GP can check your hormone levels with a blood test. HRT does help but your GP will most likely want you to stop taking it at some point. I found that the symptoms returned when Instopped it. Apparently that doesn't happen f or everyone. I'm now seeing a gynaecologist who's agreed to let me stay on HRT for the rest of my life. I told him I might commit murder if he took me off it! . Hope you getbsome answers soon.
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