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  1. It's also a hobby that involves using many roads. Spot on about the height! Having come off both, i can say id rather fall from the low gravity usually side on action from a bicycle, as opposed to getting thrown head first at a great height from a bucking/rearing horse Wouldnt do either without a hat though
  2. Then I would check out the CAWC Ian, thats near enough what's being worked on at the moment.
  3. personally, ive alwasy cycled in the snow, in DK and UK. I've never had any trouble. Some places have cycle lanes anyway. I used to get a right buzz cycling away passing all the cars on the way! Like you say, its the same as cars in the snow, some people know how to drive, some dont. Cyclists could and are killed by guided missiles anytime of the year
  4. I must have missed that somehow. Sorry about that, will sort ASAP. Who do i send it to and what sort of photo? cheers
  5. tis ok, found it they look to narrow for my feet, which is a shame that's the trouble with net buying, you cant try for size
  6. just checked the site, clicked on the hunter page from the drop down menu couldnt see any wellies for £20?
  7. Thank you, you're the best!! p.s. Anne here, not Martin, although I am aure he thinks you're the best too, as the collar is for his new dog
  8. hows it going with this? im still keen
  9. just looking right now, 8.35pm
  10. Hiya dont know whats up, but i cleared some messages just in case cheers,
  11. im here now if you are ready
  12. as its 18.10, just bumping this just in case
  13. just only managed to log on. how does 7pm tomorrow sound for my turn?
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