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Everything posted by Nettie

  1. We got our multi-fuel stove from which are really good value and quality - will be getting another for the kitchen in October time (when the kitchen is finished). Can't tell you how much it costs to run in wood as we have a supply at the moment that we didn't have to pay for - still got about another year's worth for two households - having the wood burner has reduced the amount of time we run the central heating by probably half. We also burn coal as it lasts longer and gets hotter, start with a log fire and then add coal. Once you get to 'know' your stove you will learn how to bank it at night so you just need to add a couple of logs in the morning to get it going again without lighting it.
  2. Nettie


    Ah Hachiko - over 25 years ago I lived in Shibuya and if ever we were meeting friends at the station we would meet at Hachiko's statue as did a lot of other people. The story also reminds me of another dog who lived at a crossing close to Bradford upon Avon, his master was killed at the crossing and after many failed attempts to rehome the dog, he always escaped and went back to the crossing he was left to live there. Someone had supplied a green fibre glass kennel which was place on the grass verge. He had a daily routine, breakfast at the local hospital and dinner at the pub - he actually spent a great deal of time at the pub but always went back to the crossing to sleep in his kennel. He had many people looking out for his welfare. This was in the mid 1970s.
  3. What terribly sad news. My thoughts and condolences to all who loved Lesley.
  4. Thanks Ian, will pass the info on, I've also suggested he contact Scooby in Spain, which could be something that works out, they want him to time his visit when they have a qualified vet volunteering which would be really interesting for him I think.
  5. This is your chance to help stop the inhumane and needless long haul journeys to slaughter that 100,000 horses endure every year. A Written Declaration has been tabled in the European Parliament calling for an urgent review of the Regulation which governs the transport of horses to slaughter. At least half of all MEPs must sign this Declaration before 21st January 2010 for it to be effective... that is under 7 days away. Please, please contact your MEPs, asking them to sign Written Declaration 54/2009, and send our BLOG LINK to all your friends in Europe and the UK asking them to do the same. The template letters in English and French, together with a list of MEPs are also on the blog link. Thank you, we have to make a difference. Equine Rescue France
  6. Another thought, set up an account with Just Giving - they will calculate your gift aid for you for a small percentage and its a great platform to set up a page for the charity and anyone who wants to raise sponsorship for the charity can open their own page - well worth it - donations raised on sponsor pages will go straight to the charity.
  7. Nettie

    January Rmf

    Hello Everybody, Just wanted to pop in and wish you all a healthy, wealthy and happy 2010! Things quite busy with GG and other things but I will try to pop in more often. Owl, I can't think of Pembrey without laughing now - firstly driving down the hill laughing out loud in torrential rain wondering if we'd taken leave of our senses to meet up in such foul weather and secondly remembering Tyler, Bertie and Bojangles all running at speed through the rock pools until the last one, leaping into that rock pool together expecting to run through it only for all of them to disappear from sight at the same time it was so deep! :laughingsmiley:
  8. Congratulations - being a registered charity is such a help in fund raising - you can get that Gift Aid in now! If you want a simple and cheap bit of Gift Aid software give me a ping and I'll let you know where I got ours from.
  9. I have contacted Lesley to see if she would be interested - yes, definitely all kinds of animal experience. Thanks for the suggestion. Hi Snow, Will pass this on, thank you. Have also told him to contact the RSPCA and the PDSA.
  10. Thanks Ian, this job is obviously permanent but it would be worth him contacting them in case they can help.
  11. Tbh he's looking for anything that is working with animals - he hasn't had much success in finding anywhere in France where he is studying so is happy to come back to the UK for the summer - he's very broke so ideally any job would include board and lodgings if he was to do voluntary work.
  12. Does anyone have any idea how to go about finding one of these? A friend's son is studying to become a vet in Toulouse although he is English so obviously bi-lingual and is having trouble finding work with animals during the summer of 2010 so if anyone has any ideas I'd be grateful - he doesn't have the funds for a voluntary programme such as Dogstar although it was a suggestion I made. He will be qualified in June 2011. Any advice/ideas would be much appreciated.
  13. Alex I'm very sorry - I haven't been here for a long time but am very sorry to read your sad news.
  14. Message from the owner (btw this is another Annette not me) Rocco was last seen in our garden in Battle, East Sussex at 8.30 this morning, Wednesday 7th October 2009. Brian called Rocco and Quest to come in at 8.45a.m. but there was silence. As our double gates were closed and padlocked we guessed that they had somehow escaped through/under the 6’ high fence surrounding our 2 acres. Rocco is not the usual escapee and when Shakir escaped two years ago, he stayed behind in the garden as he is a ‘home bird’, which is all the more worrying that he has not returned yet. Quest returned home about an hour ago, very bedraggled and up to his tummy in thick mud, so Brian and I have searched the nearby ponds of neighbours and also a small river some distance off in case he was caught up in mud and briars. I have contacted the Dog Warden (who automatically contact the Police) the local vet, and Dog Lost web site, from which I have printed posters to take around Battle. Please contact Annette on 01424 830361 or 07522 860368 if you have any news of him – photo attached Thank you. Dog Lost reference: 20098 Rocco is home, as soon as I started spreading the word he's turned up at home, not that I mind looking a bit silly, am very pleased he's home.
  15. Happy Birthday scrumptious Pickle
  16. The stairgate has gone, the rugs have gone back down, the garden is tidy and all is peaceful. He went on Friday and he's keeping his new people on their toes but they are enjoying him but slightly lacking in the sleep department. OH saw him today as his new dad took him to work today and they both have offices in the same building. New dad looked exhausted and Rufus was roaching fast asleep in his basket.
  17. Happy Birthday Beenzie - sosidges tonight I hope - or something even yummier!
  18. A friend of mine started feeding it to her lurcher when she had a bout of pancreatitis and I have to say she's looking so good now, bouncy and full of energy. The only downside is Georgie loves to give kisses but her breath is a bit fishy!
  19. It is law in France that a dog must be tattooed or microchipped, puppies cannot be sent to new homes without being micro chipped first. I think its an excellent idea and with reference to only the dogs that are strays or have a complaint against them would be checked aren't those precisely the dogs that need checking? Another way of checking dogs is that it also becomes law that all dogs that register at a vets must have their micro chipped checked,recorded on their records and that vets must make sure that address details match and perhaps checked every year as part of their health check and vaccinations. Wandsworth Council have a by-law now that means all dogs living in Council accommodation must be micro-chipped, they funded several free micro-chipping days on various estates. Its got to be a good thing, there will some that slip through the net but in the long run it is especially a good idea in helping getting dogs back to their owners, vets having to check microchips of newly registered pets (cats included) would also help locate stolen animals.
  20. and we have been very lax with photos since he first arrived. Yesterday he had been with us for 3 weeks and we had our very two days of no accidents in the house - completely dry - went outside to do the necessary! Here are some recent photos: This one is one I took when he first arrived: and just to show the difference in his size since that photo was taken: Rufus is a hoarder which means all the toys end up in his bed most of the time: Bertie only just decided that actually Rufus could be a good playmate a few days ago: The hole in the throw is courtesy of Fluke, Rufus just made it a teeny bit bigger! ;) Cute and chillin' He's a lovely little chap and I think he will be very happy in his new home with his new family including 3 children. He isn't going too far away so we will be able to see him grow up and most certainly will be meeting up with him for walks on Wimbledon Common.
  21. Sending lots of healing thoughts for Shadow.
  22. new puppy is a very naughty pup but very cute and a fast learner, will do anything for food!

  23. Melf thought these might cheer you up All taken at the Battersea Reunion Show on Sunday.
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