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Excercise One : [suggested by SlippingHalo ]


heel on the left, do a twist, heel on the right, then twirl and then back to hell on the left so instead of 4 seperate exercises it will be a basic htm move





Excercise Two [ From Gina ]


Okay, challenge number one (from me anyway):


Walk backwards, turn and reverse back through your legs.


A tip is to break it down into getting the dog to walk back facing you first, then teach the 'reverse' facing away from you. I found a target stick helpful!






Excercise Three from Crazyspaniels



Your next move is going to be a simple figure 8 between your legs.

Get a treat or toy in both hands and stand with your legs apart.

Have dog on your left and put your right hand through your legs from behind you so that your dog follows the reward from the front of the left, between your legs to the right hand side, then bring your left hand from behind you through your legs to get your dog back to your left.

Reward dog.

OK so now you can do a figure of 8, try increasing the speed and once confident reducing the reward intervals, so every 4 or 5 weaves they get a reward.

Now its up to you if you use a different weave command. Most people will find their dog is quite happy to do this to the command weave. I however use the word "go" as I tried to get the speed up on this one so it looks flashy :cool: . Use whatever command you like.

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