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Announcement - The Spaniel Trust


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The Board of Trustees of The Spaniel Trust wish to announce they have accepted the resignation of Peter Pinnington in his capacity as Trustee and Chairman of the board of Trustees. It was his original intention to devote two years to establish the Spaniel Trust, he made no secret of that, and we accept his decision to move on now with other areas of his life.


The Trustees would like to take this opportunity to thank Peter for his service and high standards of performance of his duties. We have appreciated his work greatly, and his departure is much regretted.


The Trustees would also like to express their appreciation for Peter's excellent work, from all his dedication in the setting up of the Spaniel Trust, his financial support, housing the headquarters to educating us all about TRUST.


The Trustees, on behalf of all the dogs Peter helped to find new happy lives would like to say a huge Thank You, he will be missed.


The Trustees would all like to wish Peter every success in his future endeavours.


Eileen Carson

Acting Chair

on behalf of the Board of Trustees

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