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Roxy Just Keeps Getting Worse.


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I adopted Roxy from work about 7 weeks ago, she's at least 10, and she has Cushings disease. When we first got her she looked pretty rough, but with medicating the Cushings got under control. She looked like this -




Then a few weeks ago she started getting a little patch on her face, between her eyes. You can see the start of it above. It got bigger and bigger and started getting sores on it, so we had biopsies taken at the vets, meaning she spent ages with stitches all over the place. The lab had a backlog from the bank holiday weekend so it took ages for her results to come back, meaning by the time we found out what she had her whole face was bald and covered in sores, which was bad enough. It turned out to be Demodectic mange, but the vet said it was easily treatable and she went in for an Aludex (sp?) bath last Friday. Saturday morning her entire face and body had swollen up and gone purple/red, her sores were all bleeding and oozing and she was really depressed. :mecry: :mecry:


The vets have given her piriton tablets (an anti histemene, again sp?), she's already on anti biotics and she has fuciderm cream to put on. It's a little better, but hardly at all and today she looks like this -




You can't really tell how swollen her face is there, but basically she can hardly open her eyes. I can't stand seeing her like this, in so much discomfort and I can't do anything for her. :mecry: :mecry: She's such a brave little girl but you can still tell it's hurting her. I don't regret taking her on at all but I somtimes wonder why she's gone so backwards since I've had her, maybe I've done something wrong. She's just lying there in her bed, and everytime I have to put the cream on it must sting becasue she run away and tries to hide her face in the corner, it makes me feel horrible but I have to do it.


And now she's had this reaction I don't know how they're going to treat the mange, obviously she can't continue having the baths, but she can't just be left with the mange either as it's getting worse and spreading all the time. Can you spare some good thoughts for my baby please, I don't know what we're going to do next.



Hi I'm so sorry for you both its is awful to feel so helpless.I have used many times in my dog rescue Arsen.alb/sulph for mange in dogs and foxes.It is a homeopathic remedy that can be bought from Helios homeopathic pharmacy tel no 01892 536393 a few drops each day are put on food and it works.I also rub into the skin lavendar oil as this helps with secondary infection and soothes the skin.I have had dogs in the rescue with very bad mange and have treated them with nothing else but this, it does takes a few weeks to see an improvment but is much gentler on the skin than the washes.The other thing that I give them is a really good vitamin supplement as mange mites don't like a healthy skin so this does improve the general condition.I know that some people will say that homeopathic remedies can't work but animals can't fake it and this does work.A fox was given it at a feeding station and his mange was so bad that he had no hair left,the lady phoned to tell me that 4 weeks later he had a new coat coming through and his body had complete hair cover.Might be worth you giving it a go.

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