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Mystery Tummy Ailment.


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One of our dogs has a strange happening on his tum. I say happening because a rash does not discribe it.

We first noticed just the one "spot" when he came to us, but after being checked for ring worm and anything "live" and not showing any signs of it being a skin infection, the vet considered it just a heat spot and it soon disappeared. But lately we have noticed more of these "things". They begin like a blister on the skins surface. They are full of liquid and grow until bursting after which the skin peels back a little before disappearing. They get about the size of a five pence before bursting. They dont smell and non of the other dogs are trying to lick at him.

They are localised on his tum between his legs and are causing no discomfort or itchiness. Hes not bothered by them at all. And it takes about 2 days between appearing to disappear.

We're at the vets tomorrow to have him checked over and skin scrapings taken. Just wondered if anyone had seen these before or had any ideas?

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Best idea is to see a Homeopathic vet as they are usually better with this sort of thing.


I assume you've made sure you're using non-toxic washing powders, rinsing thoroughly, at least twice, no fabric softener on bedding, etc and all things you use on floor areas are gentle and non-toxic.

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