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Everything posted by purple_mog

  1. evening all Just back from a long, very packed fantastic weekend of deep tissue massage and myofascial release training - and it was unbelievably great. Am trying not to think about going into work tomorrow (big meeting) given that we went for a night out on Saturday and I made it into bed by 2.30am..... Now going to make some dinner, maybe have a bath, and definitely go to bed. Hope everyone else has had a fantastic weekend PS that funny looking thing is a muffin, but its manky and I much prefer the chocolate chip variety.
  2. hello from Mog, Finn and Farah We're slowly getting back to normal so probably going to be popping in and out for a few weeks. Short update is that life is challenging, dogs are fab, and currently separated from husband so its all change here in York. Very much enjoying wandering around the refuge and starting to catch up - lots of love to everyone
  3. we have had a wonderful weekend I do have photos from our walks but they've come out very fuzzy so might wait till Richard's super good piccy thread has been up for a while before I embarrass (sp?) myself! Finn is doing soooooo well despite two thunder storms last night and might be doing his Bronze KCGC in a couple of weeks time. I'm not sure if this was the right place to post or not - not really understanding all the RMF discussions
  4. morning folks, I have a sort of a headache, no enthusiasm for work and we've had planes over head in the distance for about an hour now And we got mugged by a choccy lab this morning when I was too sleepy to educate the owner about not letting it run up to onlead dogs - just wanted him to feck off really. But apart from that its a lovely day
  5. Hey Sparkle what I did with you at the weekend was On-Site Acupressure Massage but its not a treatment as such. I'm a practitioner of various types of massage therapy including myofascial release but there are very few of us in the UK (about 20). Best bet is to look for someone offering remedial or deep tissue massage who will do lots of soft tissue work, suggest some home exercises so you can cope with it better and will look at more than just the parts of your body that are sore. Personally I would avoid 'relaxation' or beauty therapy type treatments as the therapists don't often have the training or experience to actually treat conditions. Ask around for reccomendations and chat to folk on the phone first. Happy to help but you just live too far south
  6. *yawn* unexpected morning off (training course was cancelled) so have spent it tidying up camping stuff from weekend, doing laundry, hiding from the ironing pile and taking dogs out for a mid-morning walk. Now trying to summon up enthusiasm to get some actual work done since I have the extra hours.... Looking forwards to photos from the Labrador party
  7. If only I lived closer but then I suspect I would have pointy dogs instead of collies if I did. But please please please do see someone for treatment I have eaten some orange chocolate kitkats.
  8. morning all home and still shattered from the Wiccs show, have only a couple of pics coz I kept forgetting was lovely to meet people for the first time and both dogs had a great time! Off to a 9am meeting now
  9. just off to Leeds with Finn for more acupuncture and pick up some Valerian. have lots to tell everyone but not a hope in hell of posting it before next week!!! hope to see some of you at the Wiccs show
  10. Hi guys, could anyone who has organised insurance for a dog-show of any kind please get in touch. I need to find an insurer for a one-day fundraiser urgently and would appreciate any suggestions! thanks Morag
  11. pleased to hear Jacki has a bedroom roof - imagine that could be handy! RMF 1: I bought a pair of jeans today (cheapies) so I have something to wear to the wiccaweys show RMF 2: Farah has just farted, and it stinks. Any second now she will wake up - look at me accusingly and bumble off downstairs - little bizzum
  12. morning all Feeling a bit better today (not sure why) but also sick and a little dizzy - seems ridiculous that the new tablets can be doing this already...perhaps I am going mad(der). Am excited already about Wiccaweys show but wondering if I should get a sign for back of car/Finn's den space "If you can read this you are too close!" My boy is asleep beside me - we're trying small doses of diazepam for a few days and he is just so much more comfortable and snuggly. Good luck Squirrel!!!!! thinking of you *fingers crossed*
  13. unfortunately Finn can clear pretty high fences if he feels the need and I'm worried he'll jump over and get caught/stuck - with his iffy back, plus if he gets stuck in the kitchen we're liable to lose more door frame (the boy needs to pace the house if there's any noise upsetting him) *sigh* perhaps a mesh door instead of a kitchen door Tracey - your bank sucks!!! I think you might need a new one Has there been any news from Jules/Tempest about her Wiccaweys visit? Or is she swamped with collies and unable to get to the PC
  14. afternoon all today Farah has chewed 3 chewy activity toys, a bone, eaten a lot of kibble all over the floor, 3 Blade DVD's, a jiffy bag and a book We are now experimenting with closing her in the kitchen and leaving Finn loose as I suspect OH may be about to lose his patience... Sat through 4 hours on presentation skills and breathing techniques Been to doctor and got prescription for sticking plasters (medication to help me cope with work and Finn) Am feeling a little better but intimidated by the pile of work on my desk. I am concerned by all this talk of housework - didn't even know you could clean the inside of a kettle???
  15. ooooooh - who is Jules going to see??? Very excited! and morning everyone. Just catching up on some work before going to a 4 hr seminar on Advanced Oral Presentation Skills and then off to doctors, bit worried about it because I haven't been to the doctors in York before, just nurse for the pill, and I always dread the having to explain everything all over again part. Fingers crossed and catch you all later
  16. morning all - snuggled on the sofa with dogs drinking tea and watching Scrubs. Thinking about going to the movies later since its the last day of my holiday and I need some time out from the dogs today. Sorry pups, but after last night I need some space. Hope everyone is having a lovely sunny day
  17. morning folks - half way home from holiday in the wilds of Scotland. Stopped off at my folks last night so catching up on things, will post lots of photos soon. It was a great holiday, but of course the bloody fighter jets are everywhere - we actually only had one day out of 8 with no upsetting noises for Finn. Its just so hard watching him stress and listen for hours on end. Anyway - hope all the fugee peeps are okay, just going to trawl through RMF
  18. thats it - I quit - still working at twenty to eleven when meant to be on holiday I'm now on holiday. Going to find a blueberry muffin and glass of wine, deliberately not thinking about all the packing I need to do tomorrow morning (for a week with me and dogs in caravan) before leaving at 10am to drive to Scotland..... will miss you all and hopefully have some great pics when I get back love Mog, Finn and Farah
  19. off to post in the happy thread. slightly less happiness is that I don't know if I'm paranoid or if my 'boss' is still being a git - hard to tell via email really....
  20. hello am going to shoot ninjas, then go to bed ready to be up at 5am and prep for 5 meetings tomorrow morning hope everyone is having a lurvely evening!
  21. morning all I am in love with Gemstones new cats , and hope that Wendy has managed to inflict horrible yet untraceable pain on TCW Am futturing on internet answering emails and figuring out how many people have cancelled/rearranged appointments with me today. Very confusing
  22. Hello Julia Can we have pics of all the cats now then, esp Spook (who sounds lush) and Lily to welcome them home???
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