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Everything posted by chasta

  1. AAAGGGHHHH............................ Have daughters gobby friend from hell home for tea tonight, dont know if I can be trusted not to do something harmful if she starts!!
  2. Aww ouch.. poor you Mel... RMF... Boots do a 'Do It Yourself' filling kit... sounds interesting
  3. for Natty and Thumbelina for Marion... but diabetes is quite 'user friendly' when you get it sorted, at least it wasnt worse for anyone I missed Am at work wondering what chaos will await me at home as its the first 'home alone' day for the dogs for a fortnight.... but no panicky phone call from the dog sitter at lunch time, so thats promising..... Only 90 minutes to go!
  4. Hugs to Cheryl and Shara and anyone else who is needing them its taken me ages to catch up and Im meant to be working..
  5. Morning Anne... Wakey wakey Right Back from dog walking, first time both have been out together in 2 weeks, since Kenzas spey... it was a bit manic Still hopefully they'll sleep while theyre alone today
  6. Go on... post the pic of RTS... RMF... dogs are driving me chuffin mad, roll on the weekend when all stitches are gone and we can do mad stuff that wears em out again!
  7. Morning everyone Hugs to all that are in need of one today I have come to work for a rest today.... so far I have walked 2 dogs seperately, one of who rolled in stinky fox pooh. Then have wrestled stinky dog in the shower, who escaped to have a roll on my bed so moved on to the bath (OB is RR who weighs in at about 7 st) As back end is going in the bath front end is coming out. So after much huffin puffing and shouting of 'will you stay still you fcuking woose' eventually a very 'woe is me' dog gets to go shake on the kids. Then I have to clean fox pooh off me and the bathroom, get breakfast and packed lunch done for 2 kids while fending off the ususal 'Muuuuuuum wheres my.....?' cries All this while Kenza thinks its highly exciting and is running round like a big barge ar*ed loon..... Fingers crossed for a peaceful day at work!
  8. Kazz Hope things look a bit better this morning
  9. Poor Eddie Kenza was speyed and de dew clawes 11 days ago, she was miserable for a while, and has to have the stitches out on thurs (she had an allergic reaction to them) She is bouncier than a bouncy thing now tho, driving us mad stopping her playing rough with OB. Eddie will be fine in a few days, but hugs to him from a very sympathetic Kenza
  10. Trudi, Im getting funny looks from the students in my class now......
  11. Moooooornin all Its very windy here too The kids are back to school and Im off back to work, so that means taking the dogs out NOW.....well one at least, Kenza is still all stitchy, and mum has come to dogsit.....
  12. Evnin all Him is luffly..... Whyfor he have a bandage??? Tiff.... Hugs and warm feelings for your poorly knee, I prob missed it but where were you running... or trying to
  13. Eeek... Mums here, catch you all later
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