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Posts posted by KathyM

  1. Thanks lol!


    We've just got back - went along with Sid and managed to talk them into it. However, they have said they got him from a stray kennels and he is already microchipped apparently (from what they were saying he was chipped before they got him as they said that's how they knew his name was Benji). They were fairly nice about it and the kids behaved better this time, they were nice kids that haven't been taught how to act around dogs, not really any ill intent in any of them (especially the youngest who I nearly offered to adopt as well as Sid!).


    I will have to cancel the microchip appointment for the morning, so would appreciate knowing what to do about changing his microchip to our details if the owner we got him off isn't on the chip? I will ask the VN too when I ring. xx

  2. OK I've done my best considering I don't have much time to get this done - will this do?


    Transfer of Ownership


    I, the undersigned, confirm that I relinquished ownership of the dog previously named "Benji" and described below, to Katherine Morris of XXXX XXXXX XXXXX , on Wednesday 9th September 2009. Ms. Morris became his permanent owner from that date onwards.


    Dog's details:


    Roughly 18 month old Jack Russell Terrier x Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Tan and black markings over eyes and ears, white stripe up nose. Body colour white with black spots on back. Black tail with white tip. Dappled stomach area. Pictured below for identification purposes. Previously known as "Benji".


    I've then got two photos of him underneath, then space for signature and witness signature. Will that do? Have I missed anything?

  3. Thanks ever so much but Baz is going soon to try and get them to sign him over properly, so if anyone has one already typed up I would MUCH appreciate it. I am pretty stressed and am frightened I will word it wrongly. If anyone's about and has one I really need it asap and will be indebted to you forever!





  4. Does anyone here have a template I can print off to get Sidney's old owners to sign to act as proof of transfer of ownership? They turned up tonight (with kids) acting oddly, wanted to take him out by themselves, when I said I'd come with them, they declined and said they'd come back tomorrow. :unsure: Baz is going to go to theirs to put them off (he's out tomorrow and I'm not on top form), but I thought I'd best have a form ready in case I can talk them into doing it.

  5. Thank you ever so much for your post! You rock. :flowers:


    I haven't given up on clicker/rewards, just need to find his "thing", the reward that overrides everything else and so far haven't. We have tried with bits of sausage and cheese as I didn't have any liver in and have been quite unwell so wasn't up to baking (to be honest I'm not up to dogwalking at the minute either but at least Baz can help with that lol). I have liver in now and will make dried garlicky liver to see if that does it. I hope so because it's like crack to Dharma. God knows why because cooking it makes me gip lol.


    The fave toy thing might work in time once I know which one really gets him going. He full on "kills" squeakies within seconds (even the more durable latex ones). So far we had a half way decent reaction to the (brand new) Air Kong "tampax" - he went mental for it in the park and carried it home but dropped it when stressed/reacting. He has since eaten it, well, it lasted one walk and he pulled the end off so we used it as a long sausagey tennis ball for another walk when he peeled it of all it's yellow fluff and then tore it to bits. :rolleyes: A kong on a rope is more durable but heavier, need to find something in between I think!


    I know we can get through this, mainly because I'm not averse to hard work or a "project" training wise and Dharma and him were obviously meant to be together. More than that I have bonded with him very strongly and he with me already. It was fairly instant that, within 3 hours of meeting him, and when he went home that first night I felt like I'd given "my" dog away. :rolleyes:


    I do wonder how much of this is due to his emotions/drives being heightened by the bitch in season. It must be driving him crackers as his old owners have said he was a complete sex machine with them, even humping the cats. I know his roaming has been brought on by smelling her, so perhaps this stressiness will subside a little (I'm not daft enough to think it will go completely) when she comes out of season or he is neutered. That's the other thing though, I don't want to book him in for neutering if he's actually fearful, in case it knocks his confidence. Likewise though if his nads are causing him stress I want them off though lol. :unsure:

  6. I suspect I'm asking a bit much of people on a forum, sorry. I thought someone else might have been through similar and I promise I'm not trying to get out of getting "professional" help, just didn't think I'd be needing it for this one. However, I've not had any luck on another training board either (in fact quite the opposite - been told to learn to live with it!) so I'm going to also ask if anyone knows of a behaviourist or trainer in my area that they can recommend. I'm on a student budget but get my grant through soon and he comes first. And thanks Margaret and Celeste for your replies, it was really kind of you and I'll check out that book too. :GroupHug:

  7. Yes I completely agree with you in theory Margaret, unfortunately I'm not in a position where complaining is a good idea. I have no doubt someone else will eventually and I do have sympathy for the dog and the owner as she is not by a long shot an easy dog by the looks of it.


    So for now all I can focus on is stopping Sid's reaction to them as that is just as OTT and that's my responsibility. His voice really goes through you, especially ricocheting down a cul de sac!

  8. Thanks Celeste


    He is very good on the lead, apart from the noise. It's just the noise is massively excessive and will get us in trouble if it continues, I have no doubt. He only starts if someone starts barking at him, it's like he's on alert and the slightest excuse turns him into an opera singer (except I can listen to an opera singer without wanting to curl up and die in embarrassment lol). People can literally hear him coming from 2-3 streets away, they have commented already.


    Thanks again




  9. Hi you lot, I could really use some advice to get off on the right foot with our Sid.


    A bit of background first. We live at the bottom end of a cul de sac, Sidney came to us last week after straying in the area due to a bitch in season at the top end of the cul de sac. He is due to be neutered towards the end of the month once I have assessed whether he is confident enough to be.


    We have no problems whatsoever with him in the house - he gets on fabulously with Dharma and vice versa, they seem a very relaxed and chilled pairing unlike the madness of previous companions for her (perhaps as she's getting on now). He is very toy oriented, not very foody, which is new for this household lol!


    The problem we have is purely outside. At walk time he gets very excited and vocal before we even leave the house. I don't want to reinforce this so have been doing the old stopping and starting routine - this would no doubt be more effective if I had taught him "watch" with a clicker, but haven't started clicker with him yet as he is quite hard to motivate with food, and toys aren't enough reinforcement to stop him doing this next bit.


    Once we are outside he gets more and more vocal. If there are no "stimulants" around like other dogs then this might not be more than sounding like an excited chimp panting and "ha ha ha" yapping til he gets to the park. However, at the "bottle neck" of the cul de sac there are several houses with dogs that guard heavily, including the bitch in season. If they are out in their yards, they have a right go at him and he changes from a panting "ha ha ha" excited noise to a full on yappy howl. He is by far the loudest dog on the street when he does this and it is very embarrassing as people are getting sick of it (and those who aren't think it's hilarious). If a dog ignores him he is no bother at all and it is purely when they have a go at him that he gets that loud.


    So there are two aspects to this - the overexcitement vocalisation that happens with or without the other dogs, and the reaction to those dogs. He is great with other dogs out and about in the park so I don't feel it's that, it is only when those dogs are scary/rude (?) that he barks and howls at them. However all in all he is an overly noisy dog out and about and we need to curb this. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas? We've tried making him carry his fave toys to the park but he drops them when the dogs start on at him. Also starting with a halti as of today to help keep his focus on us.


    Thanks in advance




  10. Thanks all of you. :)


    Ange - he's JRT sized with a slightly wider head, not staffie x collie sized. He is JRT x staff, but only a small amount of staff apparently. That photo is really deceptive. :flowers:


    I think I'm going to go with the raw/dry mix, thanks for suggesting it everyone! He's on ND for now until I can get hold of some decent dry though.


    We have another problem which may end up being quite a serious/frustrating one, and that is the noise he makes when we go out for a walk. I started him in a harness today as he pulls so much on his collar, and now his throat isn't restricted (lol) he is literally making hyper chimp noises all the time when we're out. I am certain it's down to frustration, after all he's literally roamed until now without restriction. It might also be exacerbated by a bitch in season up the road who is quite vocal/aggressive when anything goes near her garden. She has a go at him and he starts making that "ha ha ha" (in between a yap and a whine) noise for the rest of the walk. :unsure: Wonder if a halti would help in that respect, getting the focus back on me. As far as problems go it's a minor one, but it was quite embarrassing and didn't get him many friends at the park!

  11. Thanks Anne - Dharma is a bullmastiff, slightly overweight due to a bad neck injury last year slowing her down (she is recovered now but is 7 so is not a spring chicken for a bullmastiff). Ideally she should be 45kg. Getting her down to that is not easy with her exercise being limited now lol.


    It's funny what you said about it being an urban myth about raw and dry together as the only people that pushed that one on me were a very OTT raw feeding email group I visited a while back. I suppose extremists at either side will manipulate things to their own argument though.

  12. Thanks Anne, much appreciated! I think I've found a dry food I'd be happy with them both being on - would love to be able to afford Orijen but Dharma is 53kg, it's sadly out of our budget. I've found one called Challenge that she had a trial of and loved, but I lost the details and have just found them again:



    It's the 20% protein salmon and potato one that she had, I think he might like that too and then we could add raw too. I was told when I was doing raw that mixing the two in the same meal was a big no - can't remember why (something to do with digestion rates/needs?). I'm assuming you have no problems with it, as that would be something I'd like to do with these two.

  13. No, I completely respect and appreciate your advice! I'm not a big fan of an all dry diet either, but with Dharma having such a sensitive tum and labelling being so pants it's not easy to find safe foods for her. She isn't as bad as she was now though and has toughened up to dry foods that contain rice, it's just whole rice she has a problem with now. Wish Naturediet did one that was oat or spud based!


    I think perhaps I will use this opportunity to do a search for a dry and a wet food that they can both eat and do the mix. Dharma also gets some raw (chicken wings and lamb ribs mainly) so will try him on them although he doesn't seem to enjoy chewing food (he picks bits out and chews very much like he's never had to before!). He chews toys and his teeth are great, so I know it's just that he's not used to texture in food. He goes crackers for sardines, that's what got him eating the bics the other day, so perhaps that's the way to go although it's quite rich for a little dog to have a full tin, so we'll have to cut it down a bit (he won't eat the bics with just a smidge on). Might try and find a fish and potato food as a base.


    I think you're right that it's down to the sugars. I think he also needs to get used to enjoying different foods as all those meats are very same-ish and new flavours might be the key to getting his appetite up. Glad he's got a cast iron belly!

  14. Thank you all so much! It's like Sid's always been here, he's great with everyone, animals and humans alike. He even licks the rats through the cage bars - not very typical of a JRT cross lol!


    Which brings me onto one problem we do have with him - he is an incredibly fussy eater. We are not used to this with Dharma obviously - anything that sits still long enough is food for her. Sid seems to have a very sturdy tum and hasn't had any bother with a change in diet (he was on that really awful chunky cheap tinned food in the big tins). I've been giving him some of Dharma's dry food (Harringtons I think - from ASDA) and he'll only eat it when it's coated in something (eg. gravy or sardines), not even when it's wet with hot water. He is not food oriented at all, he would literally starve rather than eat biscuits alone! I think we're in for some hard work here. Tempted to be quite drastic and put him on raw or Naturediet but will see how he goes, as that would be quite inconvenient with Dharma not being able to have either. Sorry, thinking out loud aren't I lol!

  15. Lots of pics? I dunno what you mean! :mellow: :biggrin:


    Sidney has settled in well, discovered his bark and also declared war on squeaky toys ("Death to rubber pigs!!"). :laugh:



    Worn out last night



    Getting a stroke from one of the lads



    Sitting with Baz



    Sitting with Connie

  16. There is a pic on page 1 but I'll get new ones ASAP. He has settled in really well - little bit daunted by Dharma's size but weren't we all at first lol. He was clean and dry through the night and didn't cry at all. He is very toy oriented which is a first for dogs in this house, and would make an ace agility dog I think, as we had him over the kids hurdles in the park (there's little bits of assault course there that can be kiddy or doggy). He likes to sleep on his back in the crook of your arm when you lie on the sofa, so that his nose is near your ear, then slips you the tongue every now and then. :laugh:

  17. You're not going to believe who came back. Son found him laid in the street outside our gate when he got home, carried him in as he'd seemed to have had a fright. I have walked him along home but noone was in so left a note reiterating the offer and asking them to ring. Not sure how long I can keep this up you know if he has to go back again, but will have to play it this way so as to avoid repercussions.

  18. Hi folks


    Thanks for the replies. Sorry I didn't reply sooner, I'm laid up on (yummy) painkillers. Might be a bit nonsensical typing wise. Sorry.


    I dont have the owners phone number, they however do have mine and he did say if they had enough of him they would come to us first. It's awful waiting, but I don't really have much choice and if they never let him ho I'll just have to het used to it. :mecry:


    When I'm better I'm thinking of bobbing a note through their door although I really don't want to turn them against us by pestering or looking like I'm judging them so I'll have to be really careful/ about what I say.


    Feeling really pants today and Dharma has been ace but theres a little space in between my curled up knees and the back of the sofa that's missing this boy. Feels like I left my dog with someone else, which is ridiculous considering he was only here 3 or4 hours!


    Anway, i'll update if I get any news and thank uou all for understanding (what's strange is that Baz, Mr "No 2nd dog ever, please don't ask" feels exactlty the same!). xx

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