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Everything posted by Jacobean

  1. Hope it goes well and Shara improves soon Have just done 1st assignment of next part of course. Have another 2 to do which I'm hoping will be marked quickly so I can get the exam out of the way
  2. I'm not worried about the loss of the contract to be honest as it's out of my ideal area. I have a job so I'm fine. Thanks for the thoughts though. I'm studying like crazy to get the course out of my way then will start to look properly for new clients. Well done Logan
  3. Morning Beautiful sunshine but still cold. Better than last week though Have been to meeting. Got myself worked up as traffic was busy and acted like I was at a job interview. No surprises that I didn't get the contract.
  4. Sorry to hear that Owl. Hope it's a minor one
  5. Don't believe you. I'm gonna tell everyone lol
  6. Morning. Another beautiful day Brackens whole world was shattered first thing. He was absolutely doomed and shaking like a leaf when I let him in from the garden. What was the matter? He had a bit of poop hanging from his bum. Cause in his panic he managed to sit on the sofa and a chair before I could sort him out. I am the doggy chinese laundry service
  7. I guess what that is in 1 Have spent all day on Oldies stuff and studying but am making great inroads. Can't believe it's a year already Snow. Big hugs. Funny what you find out about people once they've passed on. Hugs Murtle Have really felt the loss of the hour today but will be so pleased the nights are lighter now. Can't say I blame the Queen for abdicating she's put in a good service hasn't she.
  8. Some lovely people about this weekend. Sun is shining again. Lovely to see. Fingers crossed that's it for Bruno and he's healthy here on in Good lad Archie
  9. Have joined the forum so I can have a looksie Well done Murtle Deffo put through a proper claim against the hospital Phebe. Don't go overdoing things. Your friend will understand you've not been well and had a lot on your plate. Bless Archie. It has been very cold for him lol. I've started having a nightly competition with Fergus over what appears to have become the favourite armchair for us both. Hope you got the phone sorted to your satisfaction Jazz Hope the doglets with vestibular are faring better and improving Have had a thoroughly productive day today with the studying. Actually saw some sun and enjoyed some lovely walks. Walked Scoobs at dusk and saw a fox flying along by the stream opposite ours. He was too busy sniffing a clump of grass to spot it but caught it's smell. Yes meeting that seems more like an interview from the way conversations via email have gone is on Tuesday. If it's a washout it will be practice for another time. Lady said it's a 15 minute chat so they're not exactly expecting me to show them anything or present to them. I'm guessing it's to see each other in the flesh and get a feel for personalities and whether we can work with each other. I'm about to die my hair red again. Not sure whether to now or wait until after I've seen them. it feels like a nice position to be in as if I don't get the work it isn't the end of the world like a job interview would seem to be if you know what I mean. So we'll see. It's 20 mins down the motorway so I'm going for a drive out there over the weekend to ensure I can find the offices before the big day
  10. Evening. 5 days off ahead. Whoopee! Have a meeting with potential new clients on Tuesday. Have no idea how to approach it but hey. Murtle I'm so sorry to hear FIL has passed on. He's at peace now bless him Griff that's worrying. Hope whoever it is doesn't come back. Sorry you're poorly Jazz. Hope you are fine very soon Sorry if I've missed anyone else. Am studying again.
  11. Afternoon Hope you don't lose your power Suzeanna Hope Chloe improves with some rest
  12. So sorry your dad isn't doing well Liz Pleased Charlie is improving Jayne Hope you're not coming down with something Marion. Very good of your mechanic. Hope Rosie comes round from it quickly Karen Have everything crossed that's Bruno's mass was benign and hope he is more settled now It's hard to judge whether you should go somewhere or not in this weather. We decided against today. I'm more wary since Martyn got stranded trying to get back home before Xmas. We've been looking at kitchens instead.
  13. Glad Zoey has come through fine I had someone contact me asking if I could do their book-keeping. I've given them my charges and asked for information. They have provided this and then said they will "make a short list of potential bookkeepers and I believe the directors will want to meet with 2 or 3 before making a final decision" I'm now thinking erm I ain't going for a job interview, I'm providing a service so I'm not so keen all of a sudden.
  14. So sorry to hear your neighbour passed away Marion. I tend to weigh up how much the vehicle is actually worth and if the repairs cost more get rid. Hope Diez's tum is settling back down now Griff. Early stages yet for Charlie Jayne. He will be wobbly for a bit and may need some guidance. It does knock them off kilter. Snow thrilled you got the job. Alex sorry to hear the job isn't turning out to be what you wanted. It all seemed to be going so well. Mary it's very sad what happened to your manager and can't imagine what her family are feeling at the release of her husband
  15. Afternoon. We got back yesterday from a fabulous holiday 10 miles from Dumfries. Wonderful location, brilliant holiday cottage, fab company and a thorough switching off and relaxation took place. Dogs had a whale of a time. Jayne our Issie Spinone had a vestibular episode. We found her collapsed on the floor with flickering eyes. They can make a good recovery. It's a horrible thing to deal with but fingers crossed your lad will recover quickly and very well from it. Iss wasn't given medication.
  16. Oh well done Sam Sadly I have another 4 exams to do but this was the biggy of the lot.
  17. Thanks for the congrats folks
  18. Glad they turned up Alex Hope MP sorts it out quickly for you Jazz Hope you are better very soon Snow. Have voted for the very cute little chap Have felt like the world has been lifted off my shoulders today
  19. Good evening. Sorry I haven't been around much for a few weeks. Have been studying and revising like crazy. Have finally done exam today and passed it. I am giving myself a couple of weeks off from it before doing the next one. Hope you and your loved ones are ok and if not that all will soon be well.
  20. So pleased to hear that. He's going to feel wobbly when he stands up bless him. Jazz hope you get sorted soon. They can hardly charge you for spare rooms when they are preventing you moving anywhere. Keep a diary of everything you are doing, all the homes you go see etc so you can present this if you have any problems. Owl hope you're feeling better Griff hope the meds are helping you feel better now Go Gooster. Fingers crossed chap is nice Loobie. I am a figment of your imagination. I'm revising
  21. I'm not here I'm revising honest guv Alex let your emotions out when you need to. Keep thinking of you. Sam you might find some good volunteer help from here -
  22. Hope you get it sorted tonight Alex Well done Molly and good luck Logan Griff hope you have seen the doc. Sorry to hear about your mum Owl The home where Dad currently lives is fine. He just shouldn't be there.
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