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Everything posted by Jacobean

  1. It will soon grow back Snow. I strip mine right back at times. It does it all the world of good Left work at 5 having had a good cleaning sesh in the office. Quite like being on my own in there. Came out to the heat (haven't got any windows)
  2. Owl - Unfortunately Cheryl's aunt hasn't got a property available for your friend at the moment. She has said if something happens she will be in touch sharpish
  3. Oh very fashionable Marion. I used to have a fiesta that use to be drained by it's battery. Had problems with it so many times got rid. Can't get a straight answer out of my course provider Alex. Asked some questions before starting this one and decided to make a start and see what happened. I've got another 6 assignments to do for manual side to get proper grasping of what I'm doing. Then it goes over to computerised so will be sent software. No idea how much that will entail. The exam is to be done online at home. If I didn't have so much done the whole thing shouldn't take too long at all but it's going to string out for a while I reckon. I have promised myself this is the last I will ever study. There will be 2 subjects left but I'm not going there. I do want them to send me the materials though as I've paid for the whole thing upfront.
  4. That's another assignment sent off
  5. Evening Hope you have a lovely break Murtle Fingers crossed Sal goes home soon Ooooh well done Marion. What will you be doing like? Martyn has been off this afternoon so I made him start the tiling. Gawd knows when he will start it again
  6. Well how embarrassed am I. I did know it was July honest guv but can't quite get over it lol So pleased you have the date through Jazz. Hope it all works out very well for you Owl sorry you've not got car sorted yet. Hope something turns up to resolve quickly Only let the chaps do what you want them to Marion.
  7. Good grief has everyone gone to a party and I've not been invited.
  8. Evening. It's a beautiful evening too having rained this morning.
  9. Trying to do exercises but as soon as the music comes on the Viz are "dancing" with me and going potty Will the greenery not grow over so you won't notice the difference once established Alex?
  10. It's the one thing that hits a nerve with me. People can be so tactless. Had a "run" yesterday first thing. Did the same today. Hoping it's the start of many more. Something always seems to happen to stop me and then I end up not doing it. Happy pruning Alex. I find it very therapeutic. I have great respect for trees and bushes but love chopping bits off them. I've got to tackle a load of ivy today that goes across one of the back fences.
  11. Keep getting to the nursing home to find my Dad fast asleep and haven't the heart to wake him. Chatted to him for about half an hour in the end. Good news is he saw an occupational therapist type in the week who was gob smacked at how far he can walk with his zimmer and how well he's doing. Yep because he's had to do it on his own thanks to no physiotherapy. Had an assessment for his wheels. Had a go of electric wheelchairs and a scooter and went to end of the road and back. He's getting his wheelchair this week wahoo. He is fine with it and I'm now hoping we can actually get him out and about to start living his life again.
  12. Looking good Marion. Hope plumber gets back to you quickly Hugs to a lot of you today. Alex is it cos of the change in the weather? I nipped out of car and near enough straight into a shop this afternoon and still managed to get soaked. Brr. Hope housing person showed up Jazz. Have you got a social worker or health official who could help your cause at all? You're not a well person at the moment and shouldn't have to put up with all of this worry.
  13. Good lad Laney Hope work is finished very soon Marion Wet day here. Went to work in sandals like a prat and have come home with wet tootsies.
  14. Hope you're ok Griff Remi is adorable Hope today went well Alex Today seems to have dragged on and on despite being really busy
  15. Hope so Sophie Ouch Murtle. Hope it's feeling better later Beautiful day here. Will venture out into the garden to play catch up but will be in long sleeves
  16. Blimey Alex. Lesson deffo learned here. If it ever happens again I'll be up the docs quick as lightning lol Jazz I'm sorry to hear that. I hope they know what the matter is and have put you right if you're back home. Glad car can be fixed Owl Love the video Marion lol Aw Billy. You is looking as scrumptious as ever
  17. Lovely to see Ted back where he belongs Sorry the car has gone kaput Owl. Can you not send back to whoever you bought it from as a dud and get your money back? Hope you manage to get something reliable sorted soon Weather atrocious here. I daren't go out at the moment so Martyn is going to have to plant a few things out for me and dig up a few trees that shouldn't be where they are. Hand still has a slight swelling that only I would notice as it feels like a little pad so should be gone tomorrow. Arm is back to normal size and I can see my wrist bone again. I look like I've been stamped with some bizarre thing around the site of the bite. Still gets fidgety and the inner arm is sore to touch but all heading the right way. I didn't realise how serious it can be and left it for a day and a half before doing anything
  18. Oh fab idea. Well done Glen & Molly. Did you manage to find a rescue space for your mum's dog by the way? Didn't get to see my dad today as the bloke was here til late afternoon so phoned him instead. He's all kitted out in his room now so we can contact each other any time we want. He's talking about becoming more independent and I can't tell you how relieved I am about that. I've made sure he knows he can come live with us any time but for now he wants to do his own thing and I'm pleased. He's on waiting list for a apartment with assisted care if needs be 24/7. I just hope he's near the top as that's his next stage. I took some pics the other week but don't know where the lead is to pop them on the comp Alex. I'll take some more when the tiles have been done too. I absolutely love it. It will be a few weeks before the floor is done too because of everything we have on.
  19. Job complete. Halle flipping lujah Now we can get the tiling work done.
  20. Well he's here. Fingers crossed there is nothing wrong with our electrics
  21. So pleased Ted is doing so well Something wrong with the clocks in our house. Fitter coming today as close to 9am as he can. Hmm
  22. Ha ha maybe she was having one of those days and not realised what she said Glad you've got car sorted Jazz Enjoy your tea Marion. Alex hope you feel better now Glad pups are fine Well done Ted and go easy lad when back home Briliant sunny day here. Swelling on arm and hand has gone down a bit so antibios doing their job. Still a lot bigger than the other one but getting better
  23. It's been looked at thanks Alex. I have a pen mark on my arm with strict instructions if it moves past it I'm to go back urgently
  24. Well if they do take it further it won't be your fault. In any case it is his. He should never have said those things in the beginning. Glad you've got a car sorted Jazz Pleased results are ok Suzeanna I imagine you could still have hay fever symptoms Griff and the pollen count is very high this year. I've been suffering despite taking daily pills for it and Martyn who never has hayfever has been sneezing and snuffling the last 2 days. Nature has gone into overdrive to make up for the late start because winter dragged on so long. Hope Archie & Logan are tons better and don't need to go to the vets tomorrow. I got bitten by an insect whilst gardening on Tuesday and have Cellulitis. Got to see the doc this afternoon so am on antibiotics. It's a pain in the rear cos I'm supposed to be holding my arm up all the time.
  25. Oh I used to have that problem with an old fiesta. The alarm was draining the battery when the engine wasn't been run enough. My experience with cars is they don't like being left for too long. Still amazed Griff got her jag going.
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