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Posts posted by ranirottie

  1. I thought Cher sang her song really well. Altho she has a very spoilt,spiteful look about her. Mary has a great singing voice and will probably be snapped up by a musical or a cruise ship. Hated Belle Ami so glad that they have gone. I really like Rebecca but they keep making her look like a drag queen and giving her miserable songs,she could be so much better. Wagner....well, I want to shoot him,he sounds as tho he has his knickers on too tight and is in agony!!! The boy band will go far simply because it is mostly young girls that vote, personally I think that they are pretty mediocre.The rest are neither here not there for me. x

  2. :unsure: I really liked Diva Fever. I thought that they were great fun and they could sing. They were far better than Wagner or Cher,both of who "talk" instead of singing and do that out of rythm as well! I like the shy black girl, can't remember her name, I love her voice. I don't think the girl or the boy groups are very good,nice kids but very weak singers. I LOVE Mary. :biggrin: x
  3. I have been a dog trainer and behaviourist for over 40 years and I have struggled badly with some people over that time. Keeping my mouth shut and being polite to such people is not easy for me at all :rolleyes: but unfortunately has to be done.I have always been straight talking but tried not to be rude,altho some of them can try the patience of a saint !! :angry: I too found that it was the people with money that were usually less keen to spend it on their dogs than the others.Some people will bend over backwards to help their dogs,take advice seriously and put it into action but some just want a quick fix and you to do it. I used to say that my magic wand was broken and had been replaced with common sense,patience and hard work!! I can't do any training or much behaviourist work now that I am disabled but I still offer free telephone advice to anyone with a rescue dog. I would hate to give up completely. Dogs are the easy part of a behaviourists day,the people can be the hardest part. x

  4. :laugh: hubby won't let me buy a bigger rug because he knows that I will fill it with dogs :laugh:


    She had a bath and face trim this morning as she looked strange with short body hair and very long face hair. My groomer is excellent,she comes to me in her mobile grooming van and she charges me half price for rescues. New haircut (excuse the horror holding her)


    and the little girl who hates contact with other dogs,she is cuddled up to Kizzy's bum and was touching noses with Miffi.





    still totally clean too,altho her ex owner said that she spent 18 months trying to get her clean and didn't succeed. Apparantly she freely did it all over the house!! here she shows clear signs of needing the loo if the door is shut and uses the dog flap if she can (we took the flap off so it is just a hole for her). A perfect little lady x

  5. I have a lot of experience with nervous and puppy farm dogs,my two westies are ex puppy farm too, so she will get a good head start before she goes off to her new,very carefully chosen home. She is a little sweetheart and no trouble at all. x

  6. she is mixing really well with mine and since she came on sunday she has been let out into the garden regularly and we have had no wees or poos in the house !



    She even sits on the rug with mine



    NO.....they are not glued down,they just like the rug :laugh: it is warmer on their bums than the laminate and dogs are not allowed on the furniture here (wicked mum I am!!) :rolleyes:


    She has started to respond to me,I get a gentle tail wag when I talk to her,she comes when she is called and will let me stroke her head if the other dogs all come for a fuss. We are getting there. x

  7. please say hello to Betty Boo. She has come to stay for a little while until a new home is found for her. She was ex puppy farm but was rehomed 18 months ago,her owners gave her up because she "weed and pooed all over the house" and because she stayed very timid and aloof.She did not mix with the other dogs and they felt that she was being bullied by one of them.

    Saying hi to my lot


    kisses from Minki




    and sharing a bed with mine (excuse the ripped wallpaper,it is Minki's latest hobby)


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