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Trallwm farm

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Posts posted by Trallwm farm

  1. Well, that's it. I'm signed off JSA, signed on to ESA. Psychiatrist appt set for 12th March. then hopefully we'll find out if I am bipolar or if it's some form of dementia. Possible history of both in my birth family. :mecry:


    As much as its a frightning thought, every family will have a sufferer of some sorts so although you feel alone you are potentially in a huge group of people. Normality is relative to what you are used to. So give yourself a break because having stress endorphins flooding your body will make you feel worse.

    I have PTSD and im sure every body on here either has a health issue or has someone close who does. In fact if you have either you will be in the normal group with life being so stressfull !


    Talking of normal.....My daughter gets married (again) on Friday. Chinese New Year ! Middle of winter ! I have to wear a dress and proper shoes. Are we Chinese ? NO Do we like freezing weather in a dress ? NO.

    Ive compromised....Im wearing black but with no pirate insignia.

  2. I bought a bonsai tree for a fiver from Morrisons the other day. I am trying to find out what sort it is. I have already repotted him into a bigger container cos he was pot bound.







    Im sure its MEANT to be pot bound. Otherwise it will grow into a tree

  3. The plan is once he has left the locks will be changed and as an adult I have no responsibly for him. I know this may sound weak but I am just biding my time till he leaves, confronting him causes more stress for the others. That sounds pathetic I know but I am doing it the only way I can cope. Years of being physically and mentally abused by their father has made me very scared of confrontation.


    It sounds sensible to me. I think if you booted him then both would use it against you. You have been through so much and done your best by your son when others would have long since given up.

    I think you are right to let him do the moving on his own accord. However I do think that he will fall out with his evil twin father and will then want to move back in with you.

    Be strong you have come this far. :flowers:

  4. Sorry to jump on and moan but I am really fed up at the moment, waiting for eldest son to move out , at the moment my ex o/h turns up everyday to see his son, and eldest is turning into him, needing to run away


    Im sorry you are going through all this again Looby. You know where I am if you want to rant or a place to bury the Ex

  5. Sorry you are having such a difficult time, Marion :GroupHug:


    Glad the good memories of George are starting to come back.


    Unfortunately my neighbour is making more trouble than I thought. She has been doing her best to bully the other neighbours into siding with her against me. The issue with Wispa barking at passing horses etc in the afternoons, which of course I dealt with as soon as I knew about it, was complained about to everyone else before me. She wants all the mini horses out, even though she has been fine with them all summer because they cleared all the wilderness which she had moaned non-stop about before because the seeds blew into her garden. Now the paddock looks a bit muddy, even though she can't see it from anywhere except the bottom of her drive, so she has gone off on one.


    She did of course try to persuade me not to take the tenancy before I moved in, and told me the previous tenant had moved out because of the damp which was not true. Only one room is damp and he didn't use it. I don't think she wants anyone living here at all.


    I think she may be obsessive. She caught some squirrels in a cage trap in her garden and got someone to release them in woodland a long way away, but marked them with yellow paint first so she would know them if they came back. :rolleyes:



    If she had done two stripes she could have sold them as Chipmunks and turned a profit

  6. Owl, she could have Lesley living next door to her, then she'd have problems :laugh: (only teasing Lesley :wub: )


    I agree Steph, but there are sooooo many that need a slap :mad:



    I agree. She could have my Jerseys letting themselves in the house or one of many deranged horses eating the Dahlias

  7. Phoebe :flowers: Fran :flowers: Steph :flowers: Marion :flowers: and :GroupHug: to anyone else who wants one.


    Marion when the Tramadol kick in I am sure you'll feel heaps better - when Nog was on them he couldn't gove a stuff about his leg, he was away with the fairies and having all kinds of interesting hallucinations instead :laugh:


    I've had an interesting if rather un-nervingish kinda day - we had an appointment with a financial advisor in Salisbury this morning to discuss our options when hubby leaves the RAF we went there expecting to talk about "ifs & whens" and we've come home with a mortgage agreed in principle :ohmy: :wacko: and the advice that we wait no longer and get out there house hunting yesterday! :ohmy: Bloody hell its actually happening :run4hills: I thought it would be ages yet before we needed to start actively looking and thinking about buying a house and its not ... its nowwwwww eeeeeeeeeeeep



    GO FOR IT !!!! You should get a bargain

  8. Sending good thoughts to all hurty Fugees :GroupHug:


    Had a call from my friend Mary back in Wales, the one who had to battle to get stroke rehab for her son. He had further heart attacks and died earlier this year. And now Mary has ovarian cancer :mecry: but it has been caught early and with any luck will be treatable. It's such a shame she has to go through all this, having nursed her disabled husband for years until he died in 08, then losing her son. She is quite cheerful and says she doesn't feel too bad at all.



    Poor Mary, She is a really lovely person, Do you intend offroading whilst you have the benefit of the scooter ?

  9. Two bits of good news today - big one being ....... I do NOT have cancer :biggrin: the consultant isn't sure what my rash is but he is sure its NOT Pagets disease :biggrin: I have to have a nipple biopsy (bet thats gonna sting) to find out what it is, he suspects some form of eczema or allergy but its not exactly like eczema or an allergy rash so he wants it tested. While there he also checked on my skin cancer patches, pronounced 1 of them a scar not cancer, t'other 2 are totally benign as they have not changed in over 20 years so carry on as normal ignoring them unless they ever change. :biggrin:


    The other bit of good news came from my mum, she has been almost totally blind in 1 eye with macular degeneration (AMD) she has it in both eyes one dry one wet, however in the past few days shes noticed her vision in that eye returning!! She says she can now see almost fully out of that eye with just a tiny bit of a spot in the centre of the eye as AMD doesn't just fix itself (if anything it gets progressively worse) we can only assume its a positive side effect of her chemotherapy. :biggrin:



    How wonderful to have a whole heap of good news to throw in the air and watch it gently settle on you

  10. Happy New Year everybody.

    Snow what a great start to the year. You needed a bit of light relief after the year you have had.


    Hope 2012 is a better year for everyone.


    Sorry for all those with the snots and various viruses as well as those with leaking loose dogs. Heres to a year for tightened bladders all round

  11. A terrier who I was really concerned about has thankfully made his way home. I was certain he had gone to ground and was very worried as there was a real need for a canine nose. He came back this afternoon much the worse for wear, very thin, filthy, tick-infested, with claws worn down and minus a tooth.


    These office parties get rougher every year :rolleyes:

  12. Been up all night with Polly, who has been unconscious for most of it. Rallied at 3 am but v agitated, fitted again at 4 and been out of it ever since. Talked to emergency vet on phone. She has gone downhill so fast over the past few days that it seems there is only one way to go, in view of her age. Her breathing is not right now. Vet would have come out in night but she seemed not to be in pain so after discussion we decided to keep her comfortable and leave a decision until morning.


    And while I was writing that she struggled awake and collapsed, she is off her feet. I've been battling with the decision all night, but it is clearly time to do the right thing :mecry: If she had been younger, we might have hung on and tried whatever we could, but my poor old lady has had enough. Wish her a peaceful journey.


    Im so sorry Phebe. What a great life she has had with you.

  13. Thanks guys, I didn't think it was a big deal either, apparently it was :rolleyes: I seem to remember this time last year we all fell out too! Was just having a little cry when the man came to read my meters. Turns out the gas meter wasn't the one his computer said he should be reading, which could explain my high bills :unsure: Am not holding my breath, but my bills might come down :)


    I have also been shamed into tidying the cupboard where the gas meter was. It had loads of flyball rosettes in there as well as jumpers and collars etc.


    Think am just being over sensitive at the moment to everything, as mum has bought gran and grandad a tea tray where she is putting pictures of all the family on it. All the couples have their own square for a picture, whereas I am on my own :mecry: I just hate being alone at this time of year.



    I never look on it as being alone more of being happily untrapped.

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