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Trallwm farm

Rescue Representative
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Everything posted by Trallwm farm

  1. Im begining to feel stalked by the Pomello police Ive started a Pomello run. people will create a shortage by panic buying I peel mine a special way but Im not telling anyone
  2. So what two days is it meant to happen on just so I know.
  3. Ive not been able to get onto this thread for some reason until now. It said I didnt have permission. It might be worth contacting Robinsons. They generally donate stuff if asked and at the very least you may get a discount. Bactokill is worth getting a few bottles of too. Its 55 times more effective than carbolic and great for livestock foot rot.
  4. People are weird. I went into Carmarthen today and stocked up on a weeks supply of Pomello fruit. they are just huge grapefruit. I had ten in my trolley and there were people watching me. As I walked away one woman asked me what they were so I told her and she grabbed one. All of a sudden everyone in close proximity picked one up and put it in their trolley. At the checkout their was a line of people with them and I had ten. Everyone in the other queues was looking at us and in particular me because I had ten. It was like a 1970s mentality test. Im not going back there again.
  5. Do you have a link for this please Lesley? I am intrigued by the idea of a banjoree A get-together for folk musicians perhaps? I cant get the link to work when put as a link but this is the address
  6. You need a skateboard and a harness Good for you. Life is too short not to grab tha chances
  7. Isadore volunteers to come and help Rosie eat unpleasant things ! It upsets Bojangles greatly that he has to share his world with a "dog". Bojangles eats from his plate, Isadore from a bowl,Bojangles sits on his sofa nicely and Isadore rips food wrapping from the bin.Bojangles understands sentences and Isadore struggles to remember her name. Bojangles considers Isadore as a toy I bought him to chase round the yard. I think you would very soon send Isadore home
  8. "When birds fall from the sky and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds, who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again. They will be known as the warriors of the Rainbow." ~Hopi Prophecy~ The Fugees will be ok but there are other websites where self interest rules
  9. Alex killed JJJ nanannananana Alex you worry too much. I ask you Fugees what sort of cruel people would feed an innocent Deerhound Cross called Isadore a vegatable curry ? There she was all innocent like and it jumped off the side and down her throat. Poor dog has no idea that probably at 3am she may regret her eagerness to be assaulted by an Indian takeaway.
  10. Yep Snow. I was just comparing notes with another sanctuary on people like this just ten minutes ago
  11. Hi Everyone! At last the news that both Thorne Cottage and Thorne Chapel are available for holiday bookings all year round either seperately booked or together, along with the 11 acres of paddocks! NEW FOOTPATH OPEN !YOU CAN NOW WALK OFF ROAD TO BOSHESTON BEACH DIRECT FROM THORNE MERRION Those of you lucky enough to have this email qualify for "rates for mates" which are substantially reduced from those available online and only available through me personally by phoning me direct on 07999 598217 Unlike other accommodation in the area we are encouraging people to hold there own mini banjorees./events By booking both properties together and erecting a few tents,or hiring a few Yurts or Tepees you could have a glorious get together ! I am ever hopeful that an enterprising group of climbers will hold a Pembroke climbing festival here in August when there is free access to all cliffs(not me I suffer with vertigo!) My Handy will as ever be maintaining the gardens and woodland while Penny Flemming will be on hand to supervise changeovers and is now adding a marvelous catering service which has already got off to a flying start. Penny can provide bespoke picnics,barbeque's, lunches, dinners or high teas.Please enquire at the time of your booking to avoid disappointment. I do hope that you will find time to visit us this year,even if its just for a short break. Very Best Regards Frances Howell
  12. happy Birthday Alex. Have some well earned time to yourself.
  13. Very happy looking doggies and glowing too
  14. Princess Porsche is a perfectly suitable name for a cat. Dibs has a cat called Eric. He cringes evertime he gets shouted for after escaping. He looks like a Lord Tarquin to me. He is trying to reach the nearest town so he can change his name.
  15. Does anyone actually know how many german shepherds,collies and moggys are called Lady or Lady xxxx. How many male dogs do you know called Lord ? How about Viscountess or Marchoness or Princess for a change.
  16. Im sorry to hear this, Con come on go that extra mile.
  17. Thanks Lesley but I am not ballsy just lucky Now that makes sense
  18. To say you are brave would be patronising because you havent chosen all this. So I will just say you have balls to survive it.
  19. It was raining in Chingford Exxex where I started of this morning and it was still raining when I arrived home at 5pm. It rained the whole way home too. Brilliant painting by niece. Be very sure what is lurking under floorboards when putting poison down as if its not what you think and any poison gets dropped outside anything could eat it. Dont you have those green boxes outside the pub ? Id borrow one. Hello to everyone else.Im too tired to catch up but I did read everyones news.
  20. So are you saying being an inmate in Wales is a disability then ? Only we get free prescriptions all the time.
  21. This one dog alone makes what you do worthwhile but with the huge amount of dogs treated by Dogstar it makes what you do an amazing achievement.
  22. The owner who lives miles away left them at grass livery with a bloke whose only interest was the money they brought in. They broke out through inadequate fencing. He claimed that he checked them last night but of course they were logged by the police as at mine early yesterday morning.As they would have been loose on the main road and mountain for two days the owner was very happy that we had them and very angry with the lying livery place.
  23. Lesley hope whoever belongs to the horses has turned up. Nope 24 hours and still no one has noticed 8 huge rugged horses missing
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