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Everything posted by PamJade

  1. How childish .... . . . . . OK I have a tiny hamster that sings 'Kung fu fighting' in an appalling voice and a selection of kinder toys (Sylvester cat, Coyote on motorcycle, nodding basset, hedgehog that curls up & spooky thing that leaves footprints) also a sparkly cat. Pam
  2. Lost my quotes, keep getting funny error messages and Pingu has run away till tomoz. Trev Wendy Sorry about useless fecker. Kittycat Can we help? Let off steam here or by PM, tis helpful. Newbies Pam
  3. This may help Pam Isn't that sweet ... he knows he's found his home Pam
  4. No, but if you try one of these and don't like it then you can send it back within 14 days: Balance harness YAY! Pam
  5. Just skimmed the pdf file and it has lots of practical advice, print it and read it instead of lying and imagining stuff! Pam
  6. BULLYING BBC have a bullying site with lots of other links BBC Bullying One of the links is for Advice to parents which is a pdf file to download. Don't miss this one too Pam
  7. Can't you take the opportunity of a new car to get new insurance cover away from his control? You are entitled, besides I had one earlier. Personally I'd play hell with him, I avoided doing it to my half-sister and I've always regretted that I didn't let her know how much she hurt dad. It sounds like he's too old to suddenly come to his senses on his own. I don't know the answer but I feel so sorry for her, I was bullied and was petrified of the teachers finding out cos that would make it worse, but there is more help available now isn't there? This site might help Bully Online Pam
  8. Yes I can but I'll try not to again. We're going to Scotland next Friday to stay one night with someone I don't like, we have a holiday cottage booked from Sat 16th for a week, near Inverness., which is LOTS of petrol distant. going to be lovely. See? I'm doing cheerful! Sounds like they just gave it to the brightest That's nasty! Tell him he needs to keep his mouth shut more than you do. Pam
  9. Fang kew. I have been staying away cos I have been busy being a miserable old g*t and I don't want to go on hols and spend each day worrying about petrol money never mind doing anything nice! I'm all stupid and over emotional cos I'm menopausal and just coming out of a 2 day migraine, so sorry. Mr Pam aka Ray is NOT likely to do any spoiling cos when I reminded him it's out 10th anniversay next week he asked if I wanted a long service medal! Pam
  10. Too many RMF's to scan but for poorly or unhappy Fugees. Pam
  11. WARNING MOAN IN PROGRESS I am fed up of being ill with one thing after another, I'm fed up of lurching from one problem to another, fed up of boinging from one money crisis to another and I'm supposed to go on hols next week and TBH I don't really wanna go. I lost the moaning thread too so I'm just going to sit and whinge for a while, but I'll do it quietly now. Pam
  12. Professionals learn how to cheat then we become S.A.Gs Smart Ar*ed g*ts Pam
  13. OH says bedtime, even if I can't sleep cos I have to be up early Pam
  14. Many people ask where the name the Yorkshire Grey came from. There seems to be little documented history to be found, but we are led to believe that the local community centered on farming and used the Shire horses to work the land. (The Yorkshire Grey is a breed of Shire Horse and can be linked to medieval times when they were used to carry knights wearing their very heavy armour). As the local hostelry it adopted the name. Yorkshire Grey Inn <sigh> You are a very lucky person, I've been mooching at the gallery - looks luffly. Pam (Information Scientist who can't sleep)
  15. Neither did I I just say the Resident Bin Lady bit, didn't know anything was missing. Night Fugees, bed time for me. Pam
  16. Good What visitor? How about an avatar sized Resident Bin Lady pic? Pam
  17. Well said Kathy. I try not to look at those sections too much cos I can't do anything and I just get too emotional. Useless I know. Just scanned the last page. Delighted Bert is home and for Snow. My Ray works horrible hours but selfishly I'm still happy that he's out of service life with all the troubles at the moment. Pam G.O.G.
  18. Oooo, lemme know how you get on, we're off ooop there on the 15th. Hope the weather improves for you. Hello Bert, we have missed your Mum, hope she has been getting on with life & work tho Tell her well done for not being here tho we are said without her. Pam
  19. We are getting a tent! and now looking for campsites for next year. Pam
  20. Best of everything Sammie! Is there a link anywhere to the place you're going? Pam
  21. Nooooo he'll look like a terrorist Does anyone in the office have Nurofen? Bobbie & I could run a small pharmacy between us! Pam
  22. Fiction type writing? Open Uni - Start writing fiction This is a great course, especially if you can get Ian Nettleton as your tutor. Pam
  23. Doesn't sound like a very good start to the month yet to all who need them What a horrible morning! I'm not good at this kind of thing but a friend recommended Ledum as well as Arnica, she uses it cos she's badly allergic to penicillin and it brought a swollen, infected bite down very fast. VERY well done! That along with stress is the hardest time for giving up. Come to Southport and go to new cafes Pam
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