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Posts posted by Houndwoman

  1. She was a proper little lady Andrea-thanksflowers.gif She also had a very mischievous side to her, such a wonderful characterwub.gif


    I had a difficult day yesterday as I had been in B'ham for a couple of days with Sam and Digger and when I got back here and no Jan, well, oh dearsad.gif


    She used to get so excited about them coming back and I used to go into the house before I got the 'boys' out of the van and say 'Jan, I've brought your boys back'. It made her so happy.

    I wish I could have taken her to B'ham with me but she just wouldn't settle there without her Daddy.

  2. Mike and I would like to thank you all for your lovely thoughts and words wub.gif It really does help when you know that people understand the loss and the pain.


    We buried Jan on Monday afternoon in our own little pet cemetery, she is lay next to Molly Basset her old mate and surrounded by her other Bridge friends(there are so many of them now) sad.gif


    Jan came here 12 years ago from Consort Bioservices where she had been bred to be sold on to a lab which could have been anywhere in the World. A twist of fate gave her freedom and we have been blessed to have shared all those wonderful years together wub.gif

    She was given a life that she hadn't been intended to have originally.


    Here is a another pic of her. I think you will see how her gentleness shines through.



  3. Our dear gentle little girl left for the Bridge yesterday at 10.55am mecry.gif


    She started being sick on Saturday evening after having a reasonable day and through Saturday night she had diarrhoea. Yesterday morning we could see that she was deteriorating and we were going to call the vet out here to help her.


    Jan made the decision for us before we could do that and passed away very quickly.


    Dear Jan I know you will not be lonely where you are, you have so many friends waiting for you. You had so many friends whilst you were here with us and sadly they left one by one and I know it was difficult for you as you missed them so much sad.gif

    The only consolation for us here is that you are now all reunited and you will now understand where they all went to.


    Love you always January Dewdrops wub.gif wub.gif

  4. OMGohmy.gif I hope they are back to normal todayflowers.gif


    My little Sam trod on one last week and was on 3 legs with the pain. I had to carry him back to the van as the shock was getting to him and he was really panting and upset. Very scary at the time and that was just one wasp!!!

  5. Vet has said that she is in no pain just feeling very flat and tired. She also has a urinary tract infection which is no surprise as the Lymphoma makes her susceptible to all sorts of infections.


    She has had a long acting antibiotic injection so at least she should get relief from that.


    She has eaten a few slices of sausage which I know isn't much but she didn't eat anything yesterday so a slight improvementsmile.gif

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