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Everything posted by kittycat

  1. Amber Helen job application forms no advice but I hate filling them things in, I've only had four jobs and can never remember when I started/finished. I've been on that many courses and started/left college that many times I just write down everything I've ever done and "estimate" when I did them I'm feeling mostly like this I've not had cigarette in over 36 hours. I'm doing so well I've treated myself to new clothes and a new phone and new shoes!!!
  2. Hugs to everyone that needs ones. Marion, type 2 diabetes is easy to control even if you do end up on medication (usually Metformin) but you must look after yourself and listen to the diabetic nurse. for Shara and Thumbelina. I did a transport run for a Staffie today and he was never realised they have such a soft coat I've not had a cig today 'the patches actually work, although I can only put it on my arm, I put one on my chest this morning and itched and left a ugly red rash right near my boob, yuk!! I think I might be tempting fate by going out to the pub tonight but I'll go crazy if I have to sit in the house again.
  3. Oh yes, Ill send you some of my holiday pics to cheer you up
  4. They are, certainly not worth the money. Peco Can everyone wish me luck please. I start Step 2 of my Stop Smoking programme and tomorrow will be the first day when I won't be able to have a cig
  5. I live near Spar. MIL lives in the new houses and they are tiny
  6. So do I Small world. You might even live next door and I wouldn't even know it.
  7. hope nobody was hurt. Where abouts in stalybridge do you live? Hello Terri
  8. OH isn't home from work yet, he was meant to finish at 5:30............who's supposed to cook my tea I'm hungry
  9. Dr Long thats the one I don't have a high regard for the Doctors there either, but there doesn't seem to be much choice for an alternative practice in the area.
  10. Well done Jayne Gentle for Eddie Your locum Dr sounds about as useless as mine she wouldn't happen to be from Grosvenor Sq
  11. Look what I had in my car today Good luck with finding your new homes
  12. When I turn my hot tap on it makes a noise like this GGGGRRRRRRRRRRRR
  13. I've had a very rare day when being a carer has some perks. I had lunch in a lovely country pub with my mum and nephew, and then we went a watched Chicken Little at the cinema The best bit was that no-one was sick, no-one fell or needed carrying and no hypos or dizzy attacks...........if only every day was like that.
  14. I've been very norty and had pancakes with bananas. strawberries, squirty cream with chocolate and toffee sauce but I'm feeling a now lol
  15. upchucking is awful, hope your feeling better soon. Why is it when your ill, you always seem to feel worse at night
  16. You should go anyway, someone here sugested I go on my own and I did, it really doesn't make any difference once your in there. I'm thinking of going later as OH has buggered off out
  17. I don't think I've ever been this bored in my life. OH is hogging the TV so I can't even flick through the sky channels to pass some time
  18. oohhhh I like that idea!! Much more fun
  19. It's Friday night and there is nothing on TV, I'm bored. Not smoking has made me unnaturally talkactive and jittery This emoticon makes me laugh.
  20. Had a peroxide moment today someone asked me for my landline phone number..............I've lived here nearly three years and I don't know it
  21. avocado green bathroom suite and pink tiles
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