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Posts posted by houndzrus

  1. Too right Jazz


    That's lovely of your vets practice Griff


    Thanks for the info Marion


    Good luck for tomorrow Alex


    Hmmm, had a right day of it today, everyone I was assisting was lying to me big time. And then a neighbour of one of my vulnerable tenants had a go at me, shouting in the street, all because I wouldn't tell her confidential info. She's going to "take it further". Good luck with that, I can't get into trouble for NOT giving out confidential information.

    Ah well, home now. Gave the dogs a shoulder massage and got enough fur off Jack to make a small dog! :)

  2. Blimey. you have been busy today! I am just on lunch, so catching up. I like the sound of no knead bread Marion, if I can't have a slice of the real thing, do you have the recipe please??


    What's a dutch oven look like?


    Yay for gold!!


    hope the tv gets sorted Griff!


    I would like summer back too, it is so dark and grey here.


    sshhh dont tell anyone, they have got funding for my hip replacement, it will be a 3 month wait, and get a months notice




    Great news! and well done on the fundraising


    Am aching like crazy. Have been at the Big Cheese this weekend fundraising for Oldies Club. All humans and doglets are completely shattered and spending today recovering we made £564.56 so its will worth the tiredness, sore muscles and sun burn (oops).



    Well done!





    Meeting with agency went ok I think. Fingers crossed that I get an interview for this job because it sounds perfect for me (apart from the travelling to Liverpool every day).


    Fingers crossed Alex. Have you got gardening leave? I can't see anything wrong with you getting union support. It helps having someone on your side.




    i am a happy Griff.......... i got my treatment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6 hours chained to a wall, 3 attempts at getting a cannula in but i am done. next lot in 2 weeks time if i am not ill, the lovely nurse has run through things with me again as first time in hospital i didn't pay attention s i tend to switch off and am not interested), they said the chief executive of the hospital sent a copy of the letter to the ward and they were thrilled i had taken time to write a letter, we discussed the lack of tv facilities and the sister said she had asked for funding for some portable dvd players, audio books and kindles but nothing was forth coming so i am now on a mission to buy a couple of portable dvd players to say thankyou


    I think Aldi had some DVD players this week. (maybe yesterday?) Do you have a smartphone? You can download Kindle books and audiobooks to them. I know it's a bit small, but it's still readable, I do quite like an audiobook sometimes.. Also, Coventry library now does eboooks too, for free!


    I haven't done a lot today, been too showery to go to the allotment and felt a bit of fatigue. MAybe left over from the weekend. I have podded a big bag of broad beans picked yesterday, and now have a broken thumbnail!

    • Like 1
  4. Morning all, day off, so lots of catching up to do.


    Good luck Owl


    Glad you enjoyed Jools Holland, Loo.


    Sorry about the Clampitts Alex, I used to have noisy neighbours, the spoilt every summer, as they just couldn't sit outside (Or indoors) without having music blasting so loud it was actually distorted!


    Good luck at the hospital Griff, fingers crossed you get your treatment, and well done on keeping quiet for your nan's sake.


    LOL & Marion! i am sure Archie is an angel.

  5. Here are a couple of pictures from today. The first one on top of Beacon Hill and the second on the dam at Melton MOwbray. We did ask someone to take a picture of all of us together, but she didn';t press the shutter properly, so no pic! :worried_anim:






    Thanks once again :flowers:

    • Like 2
  6. Morning :)


    I enjoyed it Alex, though it didn't make sense to me at the beginning. I liked the comedy touches especially the queen "parachuting in! So many original ideas. I think you are right, the animals were only on at the beginning,I don't think they were necessary really.


    We'll be leaving soon. Keith's woken up with a cold, that came on quick! :ohno02:

  7. ooh, I don't know where to start, apologies if I miss anyone out.


    Marion, you are a great person with a wicked sense of humour and anyone who snubs you is missing out.


    big hugs for all the poorly people and hope your medication settles down Suzeanna


    I wish all the best for your nan Griff


    You will be fine Snow, everything worth having always has issues along the way.


    Glad your dad is being well cared for in the home Michelle.


    Have a great holiday Cheryl


    Fingers crossed for your job interview Alex


    Well, another hard week gone by. I don't know if it's getting harder, or if I am less able to deal with stuff, but I just wish I could sleep at night.

    Anyway, tomorrow is the day of our big challenge, I am so looking forward to it (even if it rains) The dogs have sausages and Keith and I will be mostly fuelled by cake! A huge thank you for all your support, i am overwhelmed by how many people have shown an interest.




    Can't remember any more, sorry

  8. Morning :)


    Hope you all feel better soon Griff, and lots of good thoughts for your nan.

    Suzeanna, I hope your medication works and the side effects are minimal.

    Glad your sister got home Owl


    Congrats to your Daughter Loo

    Have fun Jazz

    Have fun Alex, I too have a mountain of paperwork!


    Hugs for everyone I haven't mentioned, I am thinking of you all.

    Had a rather stressful week at work, so yesterday we decided at the last minute to go to Melton Country park, for a labby get together. It was Tucker's first gotcha day. Dogs had a great time, though Cherry is a little stiff this morning :)

    Here's a few pics


    A ring of Labs, and Cherry!



    This little girl called Lily kept mugging Jack for his dummy!



    Cherry got a "bit" muddy with her running pal Luna!


    • Like 1
  9. So happy for you, you must be so relieved!



    I am indeed ! :)


    hope you find cheaper EPO Griff.


    I am liking \Norman :)


    Back from a lovely meal with friends who are leaving in a few days time to go and live in Spain. We will miss them. :(

  10. Morning all, grey and wet here here, but at least I don't have to go to work!! :)


    I have never met your neighbour Marion, but i don't like the sound of her at all!


    Poor Scoobs! I hope he is on the mend, it's horrible when they're poorly. x


    Suzeanna, I think your GP surgery is taking data protection a little far, as they weren't actually revealing any personal info about your OH. I think they need a bit of re training.


    Good luck in France Mary!


    Fantastic flower Alex!


    Griff, you really do have a lot to cope with and I am so sorry that your mum is getting a rough time at work.


    Why is waiting for test results soooo stressfull? I just want to know and I've not had any post for days. :mad1:

  11. Morning


    Big hugs Griff, that sounds awful! If you want anything, just shout, I'm only down the rd from the hospital and pass it every day. even if you only need a top up of chocolate and magazines (At home too! )


    hugs for you too Suzeanna.



    Hope everyone else is ok too. Can't seem to keep up everywhere these days. i am in negotiations with an artist who will paint Jack and Cherry in Acrylics, so trying to sort out some reasonable pics. it's slow going though.

    Been putting plan b into action on the lottie and at home, so hopefully the autumn/winter spring crops will fare better than the "summer" . I just hope the rabbit doesn't eat what's left!

    Anyway, busy busy as usual, off to Rugby for a meeting, then wall to wall visits. These days I am mostly exhausted at the end of the day, so have a good day, I might not see you later. x

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