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Everything posted by uke

  1. I've just read from page 86 to here to anyone who needs one. Babe the cat was pts yesterday morning. He was starting to go downhill & I didn't want him to suffer. He's a kitty cat angel now (He also headbutted OH's coffee as he was about to take a sip & scalded OH. Not a drop touched Babe though....Hehe )
  2. I couldn't find any sausages so I'm eating fish fingers. Found a turkey from 2004 in the bottom of the freezer
  3. I have water. When I turn on the tap water comes out. I want sausages now
  4. for Snow. Congrats to Fee & Mr Fee I think my water might have frozen in the pipes... or the pump has given up cos I've no running water this morning. I really hope it's not the pump
  5. Can you get a slighly bigger bowl & line the bottom with biggish pebbles? It'll make it heavier & harder to knock over & gliders don't eat really tiny grainy food so it won't slip down. (Assuming it is your glider who needs the bowl!) A cheque that went missing in the post last month was reissued last week & sent by Fedex. Fedex were supposed to deliver it yesterday but didn't because they've also lost it. I've never gotten anything sent with Fedex before - do they usually loose things?
  6. The vet said that the type of cancer he has is frequently found in end stage FIV cats. After talking to the person who arranged me adopting him it seems that he might not have been tested at all despite what I was told. Thank you everyone for the hugses - I've got to face bringing him back in again to be pts & I don't want to.... I moved house with 7 cats & they all settled in quite quickly. One of my cats moved house with me through student accomadation - must have had 5 homes in 6 years & he's never had a problem with it. Mine are now indoor cats but in a couple of the other houses they occasionally got outside.
  7. I'm just home. Have had to step over 4 sleeping dogs several times so far. They don't do mornings when it's cold out
  8. Thank you to everyone. Babe is in the living room at the moment keeping the arm of the chair warm for me: He's not acting like an unwell cat so I think I did the right thing bringing him home for a few days. --- The fire bellied newt reminded me of the time OH wanted to keep exotic pets & got himself a couple of corn snakes to start off with. He spent months researching & had books, advice from owners/breeders & €250 of tank stuff for them. 2 weeks after they arrived JD (cat) learned how to open the lid (the sliding front doors were locked shut) and we never saw the snakes again. That was the first sign of JDs emerging talent. These days we have a childlock on the fridge to keep him out & have replaced all the door handles with round ones to stop him opening doors. He can open drawers too. It's always the quiet ones you have to watch!
  9. Babe the cat has gastrointestinal lymphosarcoma - a malignant cancer of the lymph nodes & intestine & is FIV+ which was a bit of a shock to me. I offered to take him in 3 months ago under the impression that he'd tested negative for FIV & FeLV I took him home with me today & will bring him back in to be pts when he starts to deteriorate over the next week or so. Vet gave him 2 weeks max before he's got no quality of life left.
  10. 35 acres would be lovely & I've always wanted my own lake.
  11. Today I helped the OH run the cable for the surround sound along the ceiling (he did the running & I made helpful comments from the couch) instead of leaving it loose behind the couches. The speakers weren't working properly last night & an investigation by the OH found that cables on the floor + chinchillas running around = speakers that don't work. Who'd have thought a chinchilla could fit behind the couch? Silly OH didn't think so & wouldn't believe me when he first ran the cables. to everyone thinking of Babe - hopefully all the positive thoughts will mean good news tomorrow morning...
  12. Babe the cat is spending the weekend in the vets having tests done. He could have any one of many things wrong with him (including diabetes, a tumor or kidney failure) so we'll have to wait and see if he's got something treatable or not. I'm going to have a lie down now - I got all worked up to face him being pts & instead the vet was optimisitic that he might be treatable... Roll on Monday & the test results! --- The weather was horrible, all cold and grey, when I was going to the vets. The sun was shining when I was coming out though. I think I might be controlling the weather with my moods
  13. My outdoor* cat Babe is off to the vets in the morning. I think he may have a tumor & he's lost a lot of weight so I might not be bringing him home. He's only been with us since December but he's 6+ and wasn't getting the best of care before he came here. The previous owner cared enough to adopt him from a rescue in London 6 years ago & take him to Dublin when she moved but met someone new last year so out went Babe. If there are any positive thoughts going can they be sent his way? *he lives with the piggies - has 2 beds, one under a heatlamp in case he gets cold. He likes to follow me around when I'm feeding the smallies and then go for a snooze before dinner.
  14. If he comes back around can you tell him I'll buy some. Yama decided to go say hello to the postman this morning & didn't let a little thing like a single-glazed-very-old-and-expensive-cottage-window-and-frame stop her. The really amazing bit is that the glass didn't break
  15. The webcam just went offline. Now I'll have to do some work instead of watching Honey
  16. Don't suppose you could send her back to the duvet for a bit? I like your rug. How does it cope with muddy pawprints? (I need a new rug but I want a dog proof one... don't want much do I?)
  17. I didn't have a camera for the frisbee munching but I'll take some pics tonight & post them.
  18. Ulrich the Destroyer played frisbee with me today - he's never ever played with me before. I'm so proud of my shiney orange monster (It did result in the death of two frisbees though. He was bounding back to me with them in his ginormous gob & each time he landed from a bound he chomped down on the poor frisbee.)
  19. I couldn't find a flattering photo of her ears so this one will have to do I've just gotten in from cleaning out all 15 piggies and taking some pics of the newest arrivals for the rehoming page. This lot are photogenic
  20. Yama is asleep in the hall outside the kitchen door - the water pipes run under the tiles there so it's always been her favourite spot to snooze. I stepped over her earlier to go to the loo & she wouldn't move. On the way back she tried to get up but couldn't.... I'd caught her ear in the bottom of the door when I shut it behind me & she was stuck I am a bad mummy
  21. At least you're not as weird as me - I'm going to be living in the human version of a garden shed
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