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Everything posted by uke

  1. Ohh - go for it. Best of luck. I'm having a lovely going-to-plan-and-uneventful-day.
  2. Afternoon all. That is one disgusting puppy. RMF: I have work woe and I don't want to have to deal with it but I have to cos I'm in charge. Damn responsibility.
  3. Get well soon silly greedy dog
  4. uke


    Healing thoughts for the handsome chap
  5. For a split second I think you mean me when you call him that. Hazel (with one "l" and no man-bits)
  6. PayPal payment sent for 83. My Mao Princess will look lovely now Added a bit for fees and then a bit more for fun
  7. I'm not even going to attempt to catch up. Here's something for everyone I'm only starting to feel awake/alive/human now. One of my colleagues is out for the day and I get to watch his phone as well as deal with all my own stuff. I've been like this -> all day. I've discovered I don't like eating cherry tomatoes whole. I can eat them if they're cut up but I don't like the feeling of them bursting in my mouth when I bite in. My home prepared salad-y lunch is now eaten, bar most of the tomatoes
  8. The spider story made me laugh. We only have one spider (a huuuge one that lives at ceiling height far away from the spider eating cats) and he's not nearly that brave. Poor Rupert Yay for Poppy. I woke up at 4am to find someone had removed the left side of my body and replaced it with pain. Many drugs later I am feeling almost human. Physio appointment booked for tomorrow evening - followed by a deep muscle massage. Mmmmmmmm good pain.... RMF: It's time for my tea break
  9. Awww, poor Mark, hope it doesn't put him off remembering the right date. Poor wee kitten. Hopefully he/she was dropped or deposited by the mother cat by accident who is now looking after the other wee babies.
  10. Peaceful dreams Claudia for her family and friends That's a horrible feeling, I hope you manage to fix one or the other. Those doggie biccies look tasty. Maybe I should go eat something? I had a near miss on the way home. Some dopey old nun was visiting Dalgan (one of those places where they keep priests) which is on my way home. She indicated right as if she was going into the petrol station across the road so the car behind her pulled in to the left to get by. She then proceeded to turn left. Daft old moo nearly killed that poor guy and I ended up in the ditch to avoid both of them. I'll be picking grass out from under the car for the next week and I've done something to my neck and can't move my head properly. All in all though it was a very lucky escape for all of us.
  11. I'd wander around in the nudd more if there weren't so many animals. I've gotten the "cold nose in <insert bodypart here>" and "claws in <insert bodypart here>" once too many times to risk nature
  12. Congratulations on your safe escape from pdf hell 8 timelines? That sounds painful. I only have one to deal with right now and that's trouble enough though I think the billable resources themselves are actually more trouble Wendy lost 455 pounds?
  13. I'm in excel hell today too. As soon as I'm finished with excel hell I get to move into ms project hell. T- this is all your fault.
  14. My school teachers used to call the bishop "bishop michael". Obviously that won't work if the bishop you need to address isn't called Michael...
  15. He's only possibly your son? OH is off to the funeral of his aunt-by-marriage's brother. I get to stay at home as I'm unwell. PetsIreland?.
  16. Poor Maddie. RMF - I caught Mao eating egg fried rice last night and gerbil food this morning. I don't think she knows she's a cat
  17. I'm waiting on my lunch to arrive. I sent co-worker to fetch it
  18. Thinking positive thoughts for poor Hilary. Hope your dad is on the mend now too. RMF: I've got loads of work to do and very shortly I shall start doing it. It's hard to motivate myself though... It's Friday and it's a bank holiday
  19. for Sparkle and that poor mans family Wohoo for Oscar. Mr Tom was pts this morning. His jaw was healing well but he was tired and fed up and didn't want to eat the gerbils anymore so we decided to respect his wishes and let him go.
  20. I don't have any dog pictures on this laptop so here's a cat one til I get home:
  21. Thinking of you and your family
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