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Posts posted by Melp

  1. I'm Mel, married to Trev and have two kids, Ellis 7 and Sam 4. We live in Nottingham and share our home with


    Charley Foo dog, staffyx aged about 10

    Cisco, greyhound aged 11

    Sidney, Greyhound aged 12

    Dennis, greyhound aged 7

    Amber, greyhoundy/whippety thing age unknown but somewhere beteeen 8 and 10

    Pepe, cat aged 15

    Rosie, cat aged 9,

    Mr Humperson, cat aged 8

    Bob, cat aged 7

    and one lonely little white cloud minnow :)

  2. Deeyer Ginniz,


    Itz me Charleyfoodog. Me muvver wuz reedink an she dint no wot to rite sew I sed I'd do it insted.

    We ownlee met thee wunts wen yoo an Poppydog cayme to me owse. Yoo no I downt lyke straynj dogs mutch but yoo wuz diffrunt an we wuz orl appee four yoo two wunder rownd an sniff us bumms. I even let yoo go hupstayers two meet thee katzwivspykes evun thow yoor mum sed yoo dint lyke kats mutch. Yoo ownlee snifft um ennyway so dat wuz orlriyt.

    Me mum sez ockayshunully yoo meetz ay dog wot is speshul [lyke me n Cisco are] an she sez yoo is wun of them sortz. She sez yoo wuz ay gentulmun an ay skolar an I haff two say I hagree.

    Everywun wot ever met yoo or red abowt yoo nose wot a speshul dog yoo iz an yoor mum was very onord to have 6 yeers wiv yoo and visey versy.

    Weez orl goink two miss yoo veree veree mutch mayte.

    Yoo tek care of orl them uther dogs n katswivspykes an luc owt four our Boofy wot went two evven in Haypril.


    Mowst happee two have mayde yoor akwayntunts Gdog.


    Lotz n lotz of luv frum


    Charleyfoodog [me], Dennis, Cisco, Amber, Sidknee and speshul luv frum my muvver to yoors.



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