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Everything posted by elricc

  1. Its horrible Alex when your dogs pick on a weakness, we so expect them to behave like us, and its heart wrenching when they don't. We have to be careful as Odge still bosses everyone and sometimes Shoob won't put up with it anymore and we have Odge being beaten up and ending up scared and shaken. I know that we should let them sort themselves but I always intervene and reimpose Odge at the top, which all the others are happy with. Thinking of you. Just to add would anyone like my 20 year old son. He is driving me mad.
  3. I am going back to work tomorow after I walked out on Friday as I was close to loosing my temper. Finally galvanised the management into taking action. Bloody woman in my dept still refusing to do the fundamental part of her job. If a teenager has problems our job is to give support , understanding and compassion not tell them how vile they are and accuse them of emotional blackmail; Not to say you dont have time and then accuse me of giving her to much work to do, 2 bloody annual reviews compared to my 9. So I have downloaded a teach yourself Irish programme and have been yacking away, I am sure when my nanny use to speak it she didn't sound like she was gargling all the time.
  4. more randomness I am going to prune my Autumn fruiting Raspberries and sow some rocket and beetroot under one of my cloches. Then I am going to have a bonfire of all the prunings
  5. Truly Random Pigs can't bend their necks to look up at the sky Giraffes have no vocal chords
  6. One good thing about teaching Mandy is that you get the result of the interview on the day and if offered have to accept or refuse on the day as well. I hope it went well and you get it if you want it.
  7. Thank You Kazz Is is good or bad that I have done 79 of the things on that list. Does that make me 21 %.
  8. Keep in you mind, what doesn't kill you makes you strong, you will come through this, thinking of you at this difficult time.
  9. You can have them without a conventional chimney , but you need to have a stainless steel flue fitted that acts as a chimney, or you can get very good cast iron electric type ones that have a fake fire in.
  10. Thank You both, its means a lot to know not everyone stereotypes. It can get very wearing I have just been relighting my log stove, it has gone out for the first time since October. I am obsessional about it keeping going, now it looks like a furnace. I am a bit obsessed with multi fuel/log stoves, constantly buying them at the local Salvage auction, and having a swap about, at the moment I have a mulberry enamel Godin wood stove, and a Trolla multi-fuel roaring, but I need to change them for next winter.
  11. I really feel uncomfortable coming on here after reading that traveller thread, I deliberatley didn't read it for a few days. I actually very much agree with the planning peeps, but feel uncomfortable that its now turned into a general bashing thread. I am sensitive about it and it is probably a lot to do with it, but still makes me very uncomfortable which is sad
  12. This was in the hall, I was told you can't use a carpet cleaner on them, I'll wait to the weather warms and jet wash it in the garden. Today I just scrubbbed and scrubbed and used bicarb to soak up and then have covered with loads of paper to dry. I am trying to find some sort of floor covering for the stairs which is easily cleaned, keeps the noise down of my lot thumping up and down, and is not slippy. Can't find anything yet.
  13. I too had a pooey carpet, its the seagrass matting type, nice and hard wearing but a bugger to get poo out of the ribs
  14. Has the barking stopped? got a piccie? so you can share her loveliness
  15. well then if he is welsh Rhys Tali (Taliesin) Dylan (after dylan thomas) morgan idris Dai Ivor Jones Mr Dinwiddy (the miner) (notice the Ivor the Engine theme) ran out of names
  16. We have had a tigger and a benj. I like dodi, his personality isn't really a bam bam?
  17. is he walking, he was on a no walk protest at HS
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