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Posts posted by Suzannej

  1. Oh Claire I have gone all goose bumps, I had a call yesterday asking if I could take Woody and Harry again next sat and I said of course.Received a call half an hour later and Wendy had decided as it was just under a month when my two gave blood,it was really too soon.

    It just shows you how important this is if the blood bank is empty already.



    I'm sure they are doing it Good Friday aswell as the sat.

  2. I took Harry and Woody a few weeks ago to Chine House for this. They were both little stars and am amazed Woody stayed still for so long. OH and I went home feeling really good about what our dogs had done.We were so proud of them.

    So,if you are thinking of letting your dog donate and it is a suitable donor,then please do it.You wont regret it.

    My two will be wearing their PBB bandanas on the WL walk.


  3. Jackysian : My horse dentist (know you shouldn't call them a dentist strictly speaking!) does not charge if he checks them and they dont need doing.He checks mine every 6 months and my two seem to alternate as to who needs rasping.He charges £20, is gay and we call him the tooth fairy and he loves it!


  4. Have a look at the wording in your insurance policy,some cover dentals I think tho most dont. If she was mine I would be inclined to have the tooth extracted the same time as the spey,it just saves her going under an anaesthetic again when it could have been avoided as there is always a risk.Just my opinion anyway.

    Good luck in whatever you decide to do.


  5. Please can I ask for Reiki for my old GSD boy.He has arthritis of the spine and his hips are going a bit wobbly too.He is on meds but he's looking really sad the last few days and the vets can do no more other than offer Metacam or Rimadyl which he reacts to. .He is 14 which I know is super for a GSD but his mind is willing but he just hasnt been "himself" the last few days.His name is Digby and I also call him my Teddybear!

    Thankyou so much

    Suzanne x

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