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Everything posted by ~Canis-Equus~

  1. Oi oi matey, hello!" Nice to see you here missus Em
  2. RMF: I 'ave finished and posted out someones red rolled leather clip collar...... lalalala i wonder who that could be for...... Em
  3. Yeah, when i say 'dominance' what i actually mean (and i should have said bad bad me), is really, he is attempting to dominate, and tbh, he probably doesnt even know why, its just an instinctive thing , especialy with a young male and an older one and even more so when the older one is doddery for some reason. Pteppic isnt 'dominant' but his behaviour is attempting this, he gets no where because my other dogs slap him back down and tbh he doesnt relaly know WHY he is compelled to put paws over their necks etc, sadly nor does he know WHY they then bite him or pin him down and shout in his face..... Em
  4. So..... shes weeing when there are other dogs around? Id have a guess at insecurity, weeing in the bed will make it much more strongly HERS and quite probably is strongly linking her scent with yours. As to how to fix it, i dunno, probably long term work on making her more confident and independant but also letting her know that you make decisions and they'll always be good ones, - should help to get rid of any worries or insecurities. Em
  5. IF he was mine, id put him on a raw diet, and do lots and lots of little training sessions with him. The humping is dominance/frustration based, and yep some dogs just dont take the hint. Pteppic doesnt hump (despite being 16 months and entire)but he DOES act like a royal pain in the arse and does NOT seem to take any n otice of the tellinsg off he gets. What id do is take note of whenand why the humping happens.... pinpoint the trigger for wanting to hump and then redirect him onto something else. If he does get to hump, make that experience very unrewarding, id probably take the other dog away from him and leave him on his own for a few minutes to chill out. HTH Em
  6. The only things my saluki x likes to pla with are..... Things that squeak Real fur. So we have squeakers removed from toys and hidden in hands, and a few (not many pteppic keeps eating them), rabbit furs, either just the tanned fur, or a fur sewn onto an empty pop bottle to make a dummy. She will run around wtih the boys ball but thats not because she likes the ball, its because she knows THEY love the ball and will chase her for it...... Perhaps yorus would like a wabbitfur?? If so, try a gunshop, they usually stock them for training gundogs with. Em
  7. Im going to go against the grain here.... If you think he will object to certain dogs, ie dogs he doesnt know, DONT let him play with them, go somewhere else.... Dont muzzle him and let him off the lead, he will still be able to do this, this isnt biting and after all a muzzle will ONLY prevent a dog from biting (and possibly displaying some facial body language).... It sounds to me like the other dog was quite rude and your dog disciplined him for his behaviour. Its possible your dog was a little OTT with his reaction - hence third dog wading in (although that dog may also be somewhat over reacting as well). None of that behaviour though sounds aggressive or 'nasty' it simply sounsd as if he is saying 'ok, enough, i am boss you are not' and whilst i dont recommend you allow him to do this, i cant see how muzzling can help, and i CAN see how it could hinder. If you have him without a muzzle on, you can reward with treats and play with the ball, and other dogs can see if he curls a lip or pulls a 'go away' face. If he were mine, i would make sure his recall from play with other dogs was very strong, and id practice letting him play and recalling for time out when it gets silly, rewarding and distracting with games. FOr now id avoid other dogs hurtling up to him, and work up slowly to dogs he doesnt know well. Em
  8. It probably feels right now that everyone is jumping on you (stop bouncing you lot)... there is a great reason for them to do this though. For one thing, your dog is not KC registered, that means you cannot show him against others of his breed in any 'official' capacity so you cannot get a good perspective from OTHER people (and that is very important, we ALL think our own dogs are fantastic where others, more removed from the situation can see their flaws)..... and compare him to more of his breed. I suspect there probably arent 'millions' of manchester terriers out there in rescues, but there ARE hundreds of dogs dying in pounds every day who people got rid of because of problems you describe in your own dog, some people will dump a dog for just ONE of thsoe problems, for some peeing in the house isnt a huge deal - in fact i have two house-pee'ers...., for others its an absolute nightmare that they cannot cope with. Most of his issues sound behavioural, however until you have trained him and put in a lot of work with some expert help (and beware those, everyone is one and many of them are utter rubbish, and some of them are dangerous!!!).... you wont know what is just a phase, a symptom of youth and perhaps a lack of socialisation, or a deeper more serious problem. Some of his traits would seem to be to be 'terrierish', they are barky they are opinionated and stubborn and a great many will wade into a scrap with a much bigger dog with very little justification. Yours sounds more so, and id say htat comes from his father - so if you WERE a responsible breeder in so far as youd take any pups back, how would it be if an ENTIRE litter were returned to you because they all displayed the traits of the father and grandfather??? Ill tell you now, a house full of teenage terriers is my worst nightmare, im sure folk on here would agree, even if they DIDNT have dodgy parentage behind them. You say you want to breed not for the money... but to have a 'replica' of a dog you have found so hard to handle you have sent him back to live with other family members.... you knwo and love your dog yet YOU are struggling, quite clearly to cope with him - why would his puppies be any easier, temperament problems are VERY easily passed on! I know how it feels to loev a dog dearly and want to keep them forever in their descendents, im sure we all do, but i can tell you from experience of those who HAVE done that, that way heartache lies. The son of your dog will not BE your dog - he will look like him and behave similarly to him (and the people i knew even gave the 'replacement' teh same NAME...)..... but you will constantly and forever compare him to your previous dog and be dissapointed because the human brain plays silly tricks on us, we forget how horrendous the previous one could be, in our minds he turns into a saint of dogdom.... Forget breeding, knock that on the head mate, its expensive, its not going to make you happy, you stand the chance of which ever bitch is used being ill, expensively ill or dying, and the pups the same, and if all goes well there, you stand a very great risk of his pups being problems themselves and being passed back to you later on in life. Figure out how to deal with your dogs problems and give it a go, it may take MONTHS, but work out what they are and how to solve it - consider when you have done that, getting him neutered (some may disagree but personally id rather solve the current problems first, then neuter and solve any that that may bring up - usually very few but its best to know first!). It is not 'normal' for entire dogs to be horrible to other dogs - this is behaviour of fiesty dogs who have not been educated or socialised properly so dont go expecting to lop his nuts off and change him, he could become MORE fearful and MORE aggressive. Training training training, and some more training, make him a confident happy dog and ill bet the weeing in the house stops too... then have him neutered and enjoy him for who he is. Just to add.... many many people have found that once a dog has been mated with a bitch, he wants to do that again and again and he will fight for his right to do so. Even my NEUTERED boy will do this because he accidentally got his way wtih a bitch the day AFTER he had been done.... every so often he sees his chance and he will be off after a girl and woe betide the dog that gets in his way. Fortunately i have learned how to curb this, but its a bit of a shock to the system if you previously thought that it wouldnt have any effect at all. Some dogs who have been mated are nigh on impossible to live with and have around bitches or other males. Em
  9. Somewhere, there may be photos of the bits of bone i removed from a toothsocket last year.... now they arent exactly HUGE GREAT LUMPS...... but they were big enough for even my dentist to go 'those arent exactly the tiny fragments i expected...' :lol: (though i didnt laugh at th etime, in fact i nearly od'd on painkillers). Em
  10. Check out the 'mowing the lawn'..... i defy you not to nearly wee! Em
  11. I dunno, errrrr, im thinking it sounds good tbh.... its environmentally friendly, its cheaper, its not going to leave anything up yer bits wot dont belong there, and lets face it, if you are requiring either a mooncup or a tampon whilst out, you are very likely to have a bag with you, how is it any less convenient to have a small drink bottle of water on you? I dont currently have periods, AND i NEVER carry a bag yet i always have a bottle of water and a pack of wet wipes on me (and i dont own a child either!).... Definately going to try one for myself, when the after effects of depo provera wear off.... whenever that may be! Em
  12. Gemstone.... im hopefully going if i can get a lift! Em
  13. Yesterdays RMF was that i spent HOURS making a really pretty tiny weeny collar with crystals on it........ and then discovered id put the buckle on back to front..... So todays RMF is that i shall be unpicking it and starting again. Todays other RMF: im making a collar and lead set for a Dinosaur who belongs to my friends 4 year old. Em
  14. They come as big as cows are long.... which is around 5ft once the tanners have got rid of the creased up bits where cows have needed to bend etc..... So yes, gsd sized. Jewel encrusted bling is nearly mortgage time..... name stamped on collar is much more yer average 'local lender owns my kneecaps' sorta wossname. (No really im v reasonable ) There are guide prices on website as linkied by Jojo and also in my signature So its NOT burning peoples eyes out...... hmm *rubs chin*..... even teh PINK STITCHING........ *Revises mental idea of what OTT actually is* Ta for feedback Em
  15. OOh.... yes, its true, ill be your b*tch, ill make owt....(if you dont watch two pints of lager you just think im really weird now). Im everybodys dancing monkey (again, two pints...). Ditto jo on Morgan computers, i got mine from their manchester shop, goin on three years ish now, all great its had a memory upgrade but aside from that, its fine, not been a problem and id recommend them to anyone (and no, they dont pay me and no i dont even KNOW any of their geeks, just for a change). This week i have mostly been working my little monkey bottom off.... makign all manner of shiny shiny ooooooooh pretty things for the flogging of at the HWAR show *plugplugplug*.... I suspect sleep deprivation and things got the better of me, as i made .... THIS In the vain hope that someone will like it..... is it nice,,,,, or does it ming? (btw i am referring to the crystal encrusted blingerama job in the middle). Please say its nice............... please...... im off now, as a distract from SHINYSHINY i am now constructing, FLUFFY FLUFFY..... a la... Blue fluffy job, far left of photo.... she who has ordered it can announce who she is herself.... tee hee. Em
  16. Dont mind as long as children behave as is appropriate for the place they are in (ie a bit of noise and messing abotu in mcdonalds isnt out of place, but in a mega posh restaurant, it probably is). What flummoxed me last weekend was this though... went to a pub, it had a smoking area and a family non smoking area. I and the friend i was with smoke, so we ordered our food at a table in teh smoking area --- only to be told we HAD to go adn eat in the non smokign area which was full of screaming children (and i mean full). Now this was a family pub so i have no objection to there being loads of kids there, but WHY wasnt i allowed to eat my food in the peaceful and quiet smoking area?? :dunno: Em
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