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Everything posted by Loo

  1. and then?????? I've had one for ages (pressie) but never used it! x
  2. Sorry, Yantan, I set off but by the time I got to Threlkeld it was melted. Guess I shouldn't have had the heater on in the car.....hehehe e!! In the end it was just a flurry (not a MacDonald's one) and we got the frost in the end!! Have a happy Saturday all!!! x
  3. We've had snow in Penrith!!! Twirley!! It's only October!
  4. Hugs to everone, love reading all your news. I hear on the news that there has been snooooo in the UK today - well I can honestly say there isn't a cloud in the sky in my part of the world! But of course that means it'll freeze tonight...... Went with Baby Girl to a wedding frock fitting today but it fits so well there are no alterations needed. She is buying the sample dress which is in perfect condition and spotless. The shop will dry clean it anyway and we will collect it in four weeks when BG pays the balance. It will be stored in my spare room with everything else. SIL2B is coming tonight to look at putting a hook in the ceiling!! The elf service has moved the goal posts again and there are no jobs out this week. Instead we have to be matched and pooled and then the other jobs will be released for those who haven't been matched and pooled to apply for. If these are not filled after interviews then those who were matched and pooled can apply. Yam a bit nervous because the job I do now is not a match and pool job so if I'm matched and pooled..........d'ya see what I mean?? Anyways what the heck it's FRIDAY!!!! Yantan - I've met lots of kiwis - Father Bob was a shepherd before he took to clipping alpacas and we had kiwis staying with us every year for lambing time and I loved 'my boys'. In fact Youngest Son has a kiwian God father. Must admit your 'friend' does seem a tad strange!! Perhaps she's trick or treating!!! x
  5. Good morning! Had a trip down the M6 after work last night with Baby Girl and Youngest Son to have supper with my Dad and Stepmom. It was a lovely evening. Good food and laughter. Baby Girl drove us in their new car - she and soninlaw2be have bought a bright green scirroco which does rather draw the eye! Sitting in the back seat - although lots of room - does bring on slight feelings of claustraphobia as the windows are so small and you do feel pretty well hemmed in. At least I was given the front seat on the way home! Dad and Stepmom have a lhasa apso which is sooo cute. I swear she doesn't know she is a dog. Big tall muscley manly Youngest Son fell for her completely!!! In the car on the way home Baby Girl and Youngest Son informed me that my next dog (!!) should be a lhaso apso just like Suki. Errmm - point one my big soft Staffordshire Bull Terrier Jack Daniels Shaw isn't going anywhere soon and point two I love dogs that I can wrap my arms round and don't have to worry that I may break them!! The words 'cross' 'bridge' and 'cometoit' spring to mind!! hehehe!! Out to lunch again today and another big meeting about the structure this afternoon. This is the second in three working days as there was a meeting on Friday as well. Just pass me an application form and let me get on with my work!!!! Have a good day, y'all!! xxxx
  6. I am reading and empathising with you all, and feeling rather guilty that my only annoyance in life at the moment is Buddy sitting on the keyboard as I type. Big hugs playmates. xxx
  7. Oh goodness Yantan, just caught up with this. I bet Archie will be sooo pleased to see you!! Big hugs xx
  8. Morning!! Did you watch Emmerdale??? It was so good- but I was a little uncomfortable at the scenes in the campervan - even tho I am an experienced (cough!) lady of a certain age and was watching it by myself. Wierd that...... Was brill to see Corries Kevin's little sister as a midwife - she must have retrained after the factory closed down in dinnerladies. I am drowning in a sea of invoices and minuting meetings in the elf service.....and tomorrow afternoon we have a big meeting about the new structure with the new jobs coming out next week. Wooo - progress!!! I do hope I get the job that my boss has pointed out as 'mine', but then a job that doesn't involve minuting meetings would be very welcome!!! Lady on the tele has just said we will have an indian summer next week. Yeah!!!!!! Have a good day xx
  9. 'collies r best' - sending you good wishes. Sadly bullies are everywhere and not only in the school yard and come in many different forms. Jazz - do you not qualify for ambulance transport (not the emergency kind - the patient transport kind??) Hello cindere, I don't know you but look forward to getting to know you Good luck snow - keep your doors locked!! We had a lovely day yesterday wedding frock shopping with baby girl - she found 'the one'!!! And then she went back today and chose the one that was her second favourite yesterday (it is a lot more glam than the first one!!) I'm also looking forward to Emmerdale tonight !!!
  10. I watched that on iplayer on my phone when I couldn't sleep at 4am!! It made me a bit sad that my Jack is such an anti social boy and he isn't allowed to run and play with other dogs like that. I think he is scared of them and that makes him nasty if they get too close. He just about tolerates my two 'grand-dogs' as long as they ignore him!! Morning all! Hope yous all have a good day x
  11. Healing wishes to Tiga and Jenny - what a shame xx
  12. Gosh I turn my back for a couple of days and the place fills up!! How nice to see so many peeps on the forum! Hello to peeps I don't know Phoebejo - big hugs I used to suffer badly from migraines - until 'the change' Now I just get vision disturbances but thankfully not sickness or headache. I agree with blackmagic, snow, if it was worth it to you then it was worth it!! Rosie got two new tyres today (on the advice of the nice policeman who said they were legal - just!! ). Only £90 so I can eat for the rest of the month!! Wedding frock shop tomorrow with Baby Girl and her mother-in-law to be! I'm sooo excited!!!
  13. Good morning all. It's the weekend and the sun is shining overhead although the mist means I can't see the mountains yet. It's going to be a lovely day!!!! My weekend boss rang last night to ask me to work Sunday instead of Saturday and having today off feels like a treat!! It's all in the mind......... I'm so lucky with my neighbours. The lady on one side is in her 80s and we have been neighbours for 14 years now - she's lovely. The young couple next door that moved in a couple of years ago are very nice and polite and have just fenced their backgarden in with a 6 foot fence all round - they obviously want privacy and that's fine by me!! Wishing everyone a share of this sunshine and a jolly weekend with ease from aches, pains and stress xxx
  14. Good morning everybody!!! Watching MammaMia the other night it struck me that besides being a fun sing along film it's basically about the daughter inviting an absent father to give her away on her wedding day. Hum - that is ringing a very large bell just now!!!!! I'll get over it. (shrugs!) Eventually!!!! Have a good day!!! x
  15. Hope Archie and the DW love each other! Oh Owl,what a dreadful thing to happen to your friend. There are some seriously strange people out there. I'm so glad nobody was injured. Merledogs - enjoy your freedom!! Now I'm off to scrape the ice off my windscreen before I go to work!
  16. Hugs and celebrations where needed!! I've had a wonderful weekend which was very unexpected as my best friend is away on holiday with her hubby (I ask you!! ) and I expected a quiet time. The concert was amazing and wonderful!! I am a little violinophobic and they played Prokofiev Violin Concerto No 1 - well I don't know my rachmaninov from a rack of lamb so expected my ears to bleed but it was quite excellent and very enjoyable! The fact that the violin solo was a bit of eye candy was no bad thing also! Alexander Sitkovetsky anyone??? I would love the elf service to come up with cut price tickets for the rest of the season but in case they don't I have put Christmas wishes in with les enfants for a couple of performances in the new year (with piano solos!!) Today is my baby boy's birthday - 26 years old - where did that go!! His birthday pressie? A Morphy Richards 4 barrelled toaster in red. You're welcome!! So last night 10 of us tootled off to the local tapas bar (yes, I live in Penrith!!) and had the most amazing time. I was mother of course, arrived there first and was just being served a Long Slow Screw when les enfants and partners and friends arrived. Oh Mother!!! he he he!! The food, atmosphere and company was delightful and they ensured I got home safely - in almost a straight line!! And today the weather has been glorious so JD and I had a long walk this morning and have made cupcakes this afternoon. Baby girl was sent home from work early because she is full of a cold and sent fiance around to collect cake after I posted a picture on facebook! I am expecting eldest son and wife around shortly to collect their car (parked up here from last night) so they shall take some home. Baby boy is apparently already tucked up in his own bed, not having slept at all last night, so I shall drop cake off there tomorrow. JD and I have shared one btween us!! Just want to share my joyfulness with everyone and wish you all a brand new week as yet untouched!! xxxx
  17. Yantan - I love your description of the Sands!! Yes, that is where I am going! I'll ask Amy and Father Bob if they have any ideas of horse space and will let you know. The horses at the activity centre run as a herd so they don't take any in but we will ask around. Gooster - I think you are right to play it cool. It still may be a match made in heaven when you finally have your date tho! Merledogs - Letter from V - yeah!!!! Jazz - take it easy Hugs to poorly pups. Snow, with all this talk of poorly eyes you made me laugh with your 'eye roll'!!! hahaha!!
  18. Very excited! The elf service has managed a concession on tickets to see the St Petersburg Symphony Orchestra in Carlisle for only £10!1 I have booked myself a ticket and will be going to see them tomorrow. Woooo!! God love the elf service!! Am posting at work which is highly ill eagle but I had to share before I burst!! :)
  19. Baby Amelia - wow!!! Hope Mum is doing well - and Dad as well of course! xxx
  20. Happy Anniversary Suzeanna!!! x Gooster - ooer - sounds like he's keen on yoooooooo!! Griff - hope your away days go according to plan Positive thoughts to Max I've run out of milk so will be forced to have a bacon sandwich for breakfast instead of my usual cornflakes and banana. It's tough...... hehehe!!!
  21. Loo

    X Factor

    Oh man I can't be doing with all that crying. Why? WHY?? If I could sing (and I can't carry a tune in a bucket) I think all that crying stuff would just put me off auditioning. I want to be entertained. If I wanted to cry I don't need the tele!! You are right Merledogs - every circus has a clown! Remember Wagner!!!
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