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Everything posted by Happylittlegreensquirrel

  1. Not every one has side effects so its worth a go , as you say you can always come off them if they don't work for you or the side effects are too awful
  2. is he the supervet guy who does all the unusual operations ? never seen the program but have heard about it
  3. Oh dear thats so worrying for you both , I hope his position is safe and the redundancies can be filled by people who want to take voluntary retirement / redundancy
  4. I am glad Baddie is feeling a bit better , I have had acupuncture myself and its worked so I am sure it works on animals as well. Gru has horrific hip displaciya and arthritis and we don't have the same range of drugs here as the UK so he is on daily Rimaydil , Yumove ( Glucosamine ) which we import from the UK , Tumeric paste ( which does seem to work ) and if he had a really bad day I have a bottle of Vetergesic ( Opiod ) which we import from the UK for the surgery dogs and I can inject him which thankfully I have not had to do yet. My vets want to look at surgery but we will need a UK specialist to come out and do it as no one here has ever been trained , we also need a saw that costs £1000 and my vets ordered it via their private business which actually made me cry when they told me , they would get to use on other dogs and recoup their costs but its a vast sum of money here and they fact they did it because they know his current life expectancy is 4-5 years and they wanted to find a way to extend it was so touching. I am back at Physio tomorrow for more dry needling which is very similar to acupuncture and releases tension in my quads which is my big issue , I am also having pilates on the reformer ( odd looking machine but very effective ) I have finally found some exercise I can manage for more than a day ! , I have a RIP 60 suspension system which means I can use my upper body strength to help me not fall over and build up the strength in my legs with squats which the physio is keen I do . I am hoping I have finally cracked it and with my diet changes and I have finally started to shed some of the 20 + pounds I have gained since stuffing my knee which of course put more pressure on my knee and stopped me exercising which depressed me so I ate crap and drank beer ( silly silly silly squirrel ) I plan to be a stream line squirrel with fully functioning knees by christmas , this christmas hopefully but if not next christmas
  5. Owl I have days like that and I think I need an adult to supervise me !!!
  6. flipping heck missus onetwo, you take it easy for a few days because shock can creep up on you , glad the police are being supportive and I hope the full force of the law is dished out on this dreadful man xxx
  7. I am not bored , I have a day off so I am decluttering the entire house ( shed ) open plan living makes squirrels off us all and things get stuffed and shoved away !!
  8. I don't actually know much about them , Mark and I don't take any anti malaria tablets as the risk from Maleria here is very very low and its advisable to take them long term . The major risk is Dengue which cannot be prevented by any pre medication I think thats a good idea congratulations on the sale and I hope your purchase is as hassle free as these things can be
  9. Thank you so much I think we are okay at the moment but I will let you know if we do need any help going forward. Manusha loves drawing and colouring so we are going to start with pencils and drawing pads, a kite because Mark loves kites and then lego if I can find it here because lets face it we all love lego Manusha also loves cars so today Mark let him sit in the car and beep the horn and rev the engine which put a huge smile on his face , I doubt he has had much else to smile about watching his mother be kicked to crap the last few days
  10. spoke with the mother of the young girl today and the op has been pushed back due to lack of donors and her general health till next Wednesday so hopefully we can find a few more donors by then , I can't begin to think what her and her family are going through currently The lady whose husband is beating her ended up in hospital overnight with a perforated eardrum she told the hospital it was an accident but the doctors told her they knew it was not but agreed not to call the police but told her to get help, her 6 year son is now coming to us every day to play with the dog and generally have some time in a safe environment. The lady who owns the house I rent normally lives in Australia but by chance is back here on holiday so she is helping us now and her lawyer is coming tomorrow to discuss options. I am going to buy the little boy some toys and colouring books tomorrow so he can have some "belongings" at my house which hopefully will make him feel secure. I am teaching him some more English and I have told him he can teach me how to write my name in Sinhala ! re compassion I know a lot of people are either all about animals or all about people but I think suffering is suffering and I will do what I can where I can , both these families need something I am lucky enough to be in a position to give and I would be a total and utter arse not to help them both.
  11. A local lady turned up at my gate last night with her young son as her husband had beaten her up quite badly ( domestic violence is rife here ) we tried to take her to the hospital but she would not go as they automatically call the police for domestic violence and she is scared of that happening because he will beat her again. I have offered for them to stay at my house as long as they need but again she is too scared to leave her husband currently. Today I have found a lady doctor who has worked in the UK and will see her privately for me and not call the police so I will try and take her tomorrow and get the doctor to talk to her about her options. Tuesday I need to go to a hospital in Colombo to give blood , I am A - which is not the most common blood group in the UK ( under ( 7 % ) but in people of Asian origin its around 0.5 % , there is a young girl needing neurosurgery that has been postponed because they need a minimum of 3 pints of A - which the hospital has not got , an appeal has been put out via the expat network here and they have found myself and one other foreigner who are A - , for this girls surgery they have to have to have a match and cannot use O - which they normally do. I think on Wednesday I might be back to my day job and sorting out dog related issues !
  12. Laney might have had a pre scrotal castration where the testicles are removed via the shaft so the testicles would be left unclipped , we do both pre and scrotal versions so we remove all the fur in the area I amaze myself at the things I know nowadays..........
  13. Archie has a fab social life !!! lovely photos
  14. Piriton ( fully branded ) here are literally pennies for a strip , if you would like I can bring a load back and post to you when I am next in the UK ?
  15. Griff has texted me to let you all know she is still okay but whilst trying to update her email address has somehow got herself locked out of the forum and is waiting for a grown up ( admin ) to reset some bits and bobs ! Jayne , Mark and I had another fab day yesterday at the clinic and a lovely meal out with one of our volunteers in the evening at a Sri Lankan restaurant in Colombo. Today Jayne is helping Mark with some population surveying which are some of the most critical things we do here
  16. It was fantastic to meet you and the vets and I agreed it was the best faint we have ever had at the clinic ! a 10 / 10 for style and sheer going down like a sack of spudness Mark will see you in the morning
  17. Am rather excited to be meeting Jayne tomorrow I am dropping the dogstarmobile ( 4x4 ) at the garage in the morning as the AC pipe is buggered and the gas is leaking out so Mark is picking Jayne up one of the tuktuks which should be an experience for her as people still stand open mouthed when Mark drives past ( westerners don't normally drive tuktuks )
  18. Your 2004 trip sounded amazing , I am sure this trip will be equally awesome take loads of photos especially if you see Mounties ( bit of a Due South fan me ! ) Aircon , I might move in with you then my shack on the beach ( thats how the agent discribed it ) does not have aircon , actually its not water or wind proof either so its cool its in own way when its windy !!! Mark will collect you on Friday in the TukTuk and I will put you to work straight away shaving dogs bits !
  19. Neither Mark or I have wanted any kisses from him this evening !
  20. I am not allowed to run at all I have no idea what day of the week it is let alone who we are all are but between we have wonky knees , wrists , memories and 2 of us are not allowed to run I just took Bruno to to Beach and he found a dead eel which he insisted on eating , we do raw feed him but thats really taking it a step too far in my book !!
  21. I am very pleased to read that September thats great , not so long now at all walking poles are very useful things indeed I don't know what day of the week it is most days , my memory is crap I think we should book now , maybe a group discount !
  22. Evening all Griff I hope you are okay my dear I can't remember if I bored you all with tales of my knackered knee which got better after physiotherapy but got worse again when a certain squirrel stopped doing the exercises she was told to do because and I quote my stupid self here " I am too busy and its not hurting anymore" My advice to anyone who has a physio is don't be a silly squirrel and do your flipping exercises because round 2 of this is leaving me weeping like a big girls blouse ! 2 sessions a week of Myofascial release which sounds lovely but in reality involves a charming and tiny yet surprising powerful Sri Lanka lady sticking dry needles in my thighs and stretching my muscles until she produces real tears from me . I have graduated from torture sessions alone now and from last Saturday I also have 2 sessions a week of Pilates a week with her which are much nicer and seem to be the reward for all the needles and muscle stretching. I am now being a very sensible squirrel and doing as I am bloody well told Owl hows your knee now ? Jazz hows your wrist pain ? did you look at the Turmeric links I posted ​Jayne will be here in a few days which is lovely
  23. mark snores as well , maybe he is part pug !
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