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Everything posted by Gnasher

  1. If she enjoys herself running and getting the ball I would forget the box for a while and just let her go and just have the ball rolled down the box for her. We had a dog like this coming to the club for ages and then one day he decided to start to do the box and never looked back after that My own girly Lady loves to run and really enjoys training - she hates competitions though - the extra noise, people and dogs are too much for her. She ran in a few competitions but very reluctantly and only ever picked up a handful of points She is no longer even registered but we still go to training sessions as she just loves going to the training so much
  2. Glad to hear she is fine now
  3. Gnasher


    Good luck for Sunday Jayne I am sure you will do fine
  4. Gnasher dog did this earlier in the year although he added a scream each time he tried to put his head down to eat. It scared the living daylights out of me!! He was going to the vets anyway for his regular acupuncture session for his bad back and the vet said his neck was very sore. He had some extra needles for the pain and has been fine ever since - although the vet has added his neck to the bits he checks whenever we go for our acupuncture
  5. Gnasher

    "a" Recall

    Thanks everyone He is not bad at knowing where heel is but I think I could do a bit more work on it with him. I was a large part of the problem on Saturday as I realised we had never done a right turn and it was the first time we had tried anything quite that advanced in public I ended up looking to my right and calling him that way so I don't think I was at all clear about what I wanted and did not really give him a fair chance - he did come in to heel as soon as I asked him to when he reached me so hopefully we are not far off if I can get my act together and put in a bit of work - we will start with right circles
  6. Gnasher

    "a" Recall

    We don't take obedience very seriously as far as close heelwork and precision goes but I do try and get what we do roughly right Gnasher knows his normal recall and "A" recalls but up to now I have always done either a straight recall or I have done a left turn so calling him in to heel is fairly easy. How do I train though for a right turn where Gnasher has to go round behind me to get into the correct position. I suspect I need to start with very gradual turns so he gets used to the change and then increase the degree of turn as he gets confident - or is there another way? On Saturday I was in the club demo team and ended up on the wrong side when we did an "A" recall so I turned to the right - I did realise before we started that we were going to struggle as we have not even practiced that way Gnash came straight across to my right and I then had to send him round to heel from there - not the neatest move in the world although I guess most people watching would not have noticed anything wrong at all. It was only a school fete so not the most important thing in the world but I would like to teach him the correct way to do it!!
  7. Well done - that sounds fab Gnasher did his silver earlier in the year and we went to a couple of gold classes but he got very stressed at the idea of an out of sight stay so we have dropped out of the class for this year
  8. Gnasher


    Ouch Does not look quite as bad as last year but pretty painful anyway
  9. Gnasher


    When Lady had an op a few years ago she had the stitches out then a few days later I saw a bit of thread poking through and in her case it was the internal stitches which should have dissolved and did not - gradually bits of the scar opened up and the internal stitches all came out over a couple of weeks - the poor girl went to the vets every other day for a few weeks My vets did not charge me at all for the extra visits apart from a few pence for some antibiotic tablets they gave her to stop it getting infected. Hope Eddie and Shara are both OK
  10. Gnasher

    Major Brag

    Brilliant - well done Charliegoo and well done to you too Jayne
  11. All dogs pick things up at different rates depending on how motivated they are by the particular bit - I would say as long as your dogs are enjoying themselves and making some small progress over time don't worry Lady took ages to get the hang on flyball, runs backs were fine, the box was fine (eventually ) but running away from me for a ball she had not seen thrown - nope - no way. There was also the small matter of the ball not smelling right if the other dogs had touched it We did a good few weeks of me bringing our own ball and having to throw it down to the box loader each time She did eventually get the idea enough to be able to enter a fair few competitions but was always a bit too concerned with the other people and dogs around so we just continued for fun
  12. Well done Kimba and Jasper - sounds like they are having a great time Gooster - I suspect what your brag might be
  13. How is he doing - hope he is a bit happier today
  14. I have just had a phone call from my mum and my brother and his wife have just had a baby girl so I appear to have become an auntie
  15. awwww glad the little chap is OK Hope his recovery goes smoothly
  16. Sometimes this place is sooooo frustrating to work at Until last month we had an IT bloke in America looking after the users over there but he has now left and is only being partly replaced. They are now looking at getting people set up on the business system which I do for all of the other countries we have staff in. I don't have any access to the American system and commented that is someone gives me the right level of access I will sort that out too Instead I need to logon using a general logon and then give myself access - the only problem is I don't know the other password and nobody is being any help at all
  17. The site is the 1901 census online site here 1901 census
  18. Just remember if you do strike a deal with the captain of the humongous team it will probably be a deal that best suits the interests of them rather than you and Eddie I know that is what happened with us - the deal sounded like it was for our benefit but looking back - it really wasn't Willow is gorgeous now RMF - today I went to a heelwork to music competition and watched lots of very well training happy dogs
  19. My boss is being exceptionally annoying today even for him. He has suddenly overnight become a management clone who is only interested in the figures given to management - hmmm - I thought my job was all about sorting problems and keepings things running smoothly. Apparently none of that matters as long as the figures look good I am not impressed
  20. Last night I took Lady training as Gnasher had been for a whole day out on Sunday and I she usually enjoys the attention. Last night she hated it She really did not want to be there so I will not take her again I think we will have to have a just me her and a tennis ball play in the park at the weekend to make up for it
  21. aaarrrgghhh!! New guy is bored - when he is bored he starts looking for jobs to do tidying things up but he does not have the confidence or initiative to do anything on his own so starts trying to involve everyone else - I am not bored - I have plenty of stuff to do and am not getting involved in his pointless stuff - he is being very irritating though
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