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Everything posted by Gwyn

  1. I've had great responses so far so thanks to everyone who's contacted me. I'm still working my way through many of the replies so if I haven't contacted you yet I will do soon. Having learnt a great deal about caring for pets with disablities I'm keen to also talk to people who's pets are currently undergoing new treatments or are in the middle of an unfolding story. If this sounds like you or somone you know please do get in contact. Thanks again for all your great responses. Kind regards, Gwyn Williams Tel: 020 7284 2020 Email: [email protected]
  2. Thanks for all your fantastic responses to this and please do pass on my contact details or display the information elsewhere. Kind regards, Gwyn
  3. Hello all, thanks so much for your messages so far, I'm doing my best to reply to you all. Please do pass on my contact details to anyone you know you might be interested in talking to me, particularly if they have experience with disabled pets other than dogs (although please still contact me about your dogs too!). Kind regards, Gwyn
  4. Hello everyone, I'm working for a television production company called Twenty Twenty Television in the UK and have recently started working on a documentary about pets with special needs for Channel 4's 'Cutting Edge' strand. The documentary will look at both the disabled pets and the owners who care for them. It will explore the dilemmas faced by pet owners whose animals become disabled as well as looking at how pet and owner cope with the changing circumstances. We'd also like to cover related issues such as the science surrounding the disabilities, the latest medical and surgical techniques and support available. We aim to provide a serious and well rounded look at pets with special needs and the surrounding issues and would like to cover a range of disabilities in different species. I would be very interested in talking to anyone caring for a pet with special needs. I'd like to get the perspective and knowledge of someone actually caring for an animal, or who has cared for one in the past. Additionally I'd like to hear your opinions on disabled animals. Please do get in touch if you have a story, opinion or quesion even if you wouldn't want to contribute further. I will keep checking this forum or can be contacted by email: [email protected] or telephone: 020 7284 2020 I would be very grateful if you could pass on my information to anyone you know who may be interested. Kind regards, Gwyn Tel: 020 7284 2020 Email: [email protected]
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